03 July 2010

Think Well About Your Future


To be engulfed in your own little world and to be ignorant by design of the problems further afield is an act of selfishness, which will determine your destination in the next world.


All who live outside the Laws of the Father and who ignore the universal good will find themselves in specialist planes of existence beyond this earth to consider in realisation what they have allowed themselves to become.


There are many kinds of selfishness and greed.  The overindulgence of drugs, which include alcohol and nicotine, so that the earthly body becomes impregnated with an increasing desire for more, results in the craving polluting the very soul of that person.


It may well surprise you to learn that after so called 'death', which is the continuation of the soul without the physical body, the cravings of these addicts continue and even without a physical receptacle that soul has to learn how to live without their dependency


All errors committed on this earth plane of existence have to be dealt with in the next world, where there are special places for those who have abused themselves and others and their souls have to go in order to learn and to be weaned away from their own disbelief system.


I came so that Man could be free.  I came to teach personal responsibility and to give enlightenment along the way towards a better existence in the time to come.  I came to help those who would be helped.


I am not able, and neither is any man, to help those who do not wish to hear and will continue along their chosen pathway until that time comes to them when they realise that they live in error.


No one on the earth plane is perfect, because due to our own mistakes we have chosen a pathway that blots and stains the perfection of our soul.  In order to progress, we have to erase our errors so that we are purified again.


Until this is done we are not fit to join with others, who have already made the sacrifices and with good intentions have lived a life of unselfishness for the sake of others.  By this I do not mean that they have toiled through the days in the service unto others who have dictated that way of life.


Each and every soul, while in body on this earth, must take the responsibility for each and every act that they make.  It is never an excuse to say, "That is not my fault, I was told to do it."


We all have an independent mind and we must use it to the best of our abilities and understandings.  Should we choose to inflict pain on another, we will have to feel that pain and understand it before we can move on.


No one has a right to be excused their irresponsibilities.  We all have to face our future squarely, knowing what we have done and fully expecting that we must justify all our thoughts and actions.


What you think in your own mindset is the same as carrying out that act, so unless you are pure within, it is not possible to act in purity and love.  What many think they hide from another is not forgotten and will be seen and, through its uncovering, justification and retribution must follow.


So I urge you to think well about your future, because it is in your hands.  What you do today will determine what follows.  Nobody can remove the stains for you.  That can only be done by you paying the price for your thoughtlessness and selfishness.


Live as if our Father could hear every thought and see every deed that emanate from you, because everything is energy and your thoughts and deeds really do send out vibrations to the Universal Consciousness, who hears you well.  Amen.


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