24 February 2010

Do not be Empty-handed and find no one to Thank You


To be endowed with all the wealth in the world will not help one little jot after you come to your rebirth into the next world.  It is not what you have accumulated, but what you can take with you back to the further world beyond this one.


Naked you came and naked you will return to the earth.  Your body is but a temporary mechanism to carry your essence of consciousness that the Father gave you when you received life.


That soul, as many call it today, your blueprint of personal achievement and is a record of all that you have ever done since your conception into an earthly life to achieve more than you had earned before.


As you arrive here your soul is compressed under the weight of the earthly vibrations and you are simply as you are and from that bench mark you carry the 'scars' of your earthly life monitored and stored away until you leave this plane of existence.


Each and every action and each and every deed is there recorded, so that you can show on your return what you have achieved during this brief time and what you have added to this plane by your presence here.


By living in a consciousness of understanding for the plight of other souls and helping wherever you can, you attract to yourself the vibrations of light and loving energies.  They will carry you into realms of good and enlightened behaviour both here and later on in your return to our Father's House.


You come in a state of earthly innocence and so it is hard to understand what is happening around you as you grow up into adulthood and beyond, but everywhere around you are the energies which prick your conscience and truly guide your behaviour, if only you would listen and follow the way.


Too many souls are attracted to a matter world of collecting for themselves more than they need and often deprive others of their quota.  Some children have far more toys than they need, but do they ever give away what they no longer need to those who have less or none at all?


As the adult strives to gain enough to satisfy his or her needs and to supply and teach a family how they should behave towards others, there always comes a time when they are reminded that they are limited in lifespan and that they must be prepared to face a moving on to another place.


Some deny that there is another place and some are afraid of being judged and sent down to everlasting pain and torture, but neither of them has found 'God' in their hearts and scoff the turning to 'Him' for it is never too late to do so.


When that time comes to pass away from these realms of earthly life, they will be given a chance to stop and listen in the quiet time, before they move on, to contemplate their lives and the way that they have lived.


This is the final chance to put right any moments that were, shall I say, unfortunate or in error, because then they pass and it is too late to say, "Sorry."  Do all you can, my friends, to clear your conscience and do the right things, so that you have no stain upon your soul as it enters the observance of all in these Spirit Realms.


We see all and you have nothing to hide behind as your wealth and position counts for nothing.  All that you have are the good deeds that you did in helping others and the opportunities from which you turned away empty-handed.


Do not return empty-handed, my friends, and do all you can while you are still able to so that you can be greeted in love by those who love you and not find that there is no one to meet you and thank you at the gateway to the next dimension…



23 February 2010

Stop for a Moment in your Day and set a little Time aside


To bring about the changes that are necessary in the world of today, it is the hope of our Father that the many will change their mindsets and send love and healing to each other rather than the greed and selfishness that has spreading like a disease across this globe.


If each and every person took a little time out from their own lives and thought about the needs of those around them, then a start would be made to lighten the vibrations of the whole.


All thoughts that you send out from your mind, which is what you are and who you are, adds to the global level of vibrations.  It is like a droplet of water in the sea that on its own it cannot do much, but when all droplets make a change the whole starts to be different.


That single droplet, that is you or I, can affect those around it by sending love and healing harmony to its neighbours.  They in turn feel the better for it and will find themselves the lighter, because of what they have unknowingly received.


If they then choose to share their upliftment by passing it on to others around them, then there is a ripple effect that goes out and continues for the greater good.  It is no use if individuals say to themselves, "My contribution is like a drop in the ocean, so why bother!"


The answer to their thoughts is, "Others bother to send you their thoughts of love and healing harmony, so why do you deny them the right to receive yours?"


It is a sad trait of human nature, especially prevalent at this time, that souls wish to see what is in it for them before they decide to act, but I would ask you why this should be as it is simply laziness, because love and healing harmony cost nothing to give and we all benefit from those who are not too lazy to send out their thoughts to us.


I ask you all to consider the lonely and the ill, as well as those who have lost all their rights through no fault of their own and I say to you all, "Please send out your thoughts and ask the Father to allow 'His' angels to give what is needed through your charity, which costs you nothing except a positive thought."


All people need to be helped at some time in their life and it is a sad state of affairs if you have not build up a few credits for yourself in helping others, so that when you are in need you can be given that helping hand.


A helping hand never went unrewarded in my Father's house, where there are many mansions and it is certain that there is one there for you if only you would step aside from your own wants and ask that others may be helped.


That smile and hand may cost you nothing to give, but they will be worth your while when it is your turn to cry out for aid – many times they say, "I do not need it because I can support myself," but no one is above the Father, who gives both life and the opportunity to love it for the benefit of all concerned.


Stop for a moment in your day and set a little time aside to bring about a change of fortunes for another and you will find yourself rewarded more often than you know.  Be at peace and treat others as you wish to be treated…



22 February 2010

Feel the Warmth within When you Help Another


          Give unto others so that you are then able to receive.  In the matter world in which you are I once walked and it always seems to so many, that when you give something it had to be a material item.


          Not all gifts are of this world and it is no easy thing to give something away that you know that that soul can never return to you, but that is not the way to look at it.


          To give freely, one needs to give without looking for a reward, as one gives love unconditionally to those we meet and those who are close to us, but it is a greater thing to give that love without condition to any soul, who is in need of it.


          All acts of love and generosity to others are rewarded and when you leave this earth plane on which you are, so will you see what is in store for you.  What you have 'earned' here will be reflected in where you go to and what you find there.


          To spend a life of giving and helping others here on the earth will bring its own rewards in the Kingdom that the Father has made for all those who live together in love and harmony helping each other and bringing peace wherever they can.


          Those who turn away will not reap a harvest of love and honesty, but will find themselves out of the light of love and in the grey coldness of the ungiving hearts of those who neglected to help their fellows and took only for themselves.


          To be there in this inhospitable place leaves a long way to go to turn and find direction to the light.  First one must address ones own inner feeling to want to progress by seeing the plight of those around them and feeling pity and remorse, they can slowly accomplish what they left undone on the plane that they came from.


          Surely it is better my friends, because that is how I see you all, to accomplish your tasks in the daylight and not wait until the darkness comes and then it is harder and more difficult.


          When the light shines within you, your heart is warmed and your direction becomes obvious and you are drawn to the light that calls you to help others on the way, more in need than you are and thus you are lifted to a higher vibration and can achieve more than you otherwise could.


          See yourselves in a world that has many in it who have a hard and cold heart and ask yourselves if that is how you want others to see you.  It is because of how you appear to others that they believe you are.


          Take your opportunities as they are presented to you.  If you can't see any, then they will be placed at your feet and you will have to move yourself if you don't want to be fallen by your hurry to get out of the way.


          Stop when you see a soul who needs a helping hand and ask yourself, what it would cost you to smile and listen to their story of why they are where they are and then give what advice or sucker that you can.


          So often the people on this life plane of existence are in too much of a rush with their own affairs to spare the time to give another that little bit of time and comfort, which will warm their hearts that you stopped and cared and then they will redouble their efforts to survive.


          In return you will feel a warmth within, which will lead you to stop another day because it felt good and didn't cost you an arm and a leg…


21 February 2010

Be Still in the Presence of the Lord


          Give yourself to the Lord and he will carry all your worries and pains and you will be free to live your life for others as I would do for you.


          It is an easy life if only one would apply ones understanding to the Father and to see how 'His' laws are what we need in our every day lives, so that we can be reborn of the Spirit and enter into 'His' Kingdom of Heaven.


          Many people ask, "How can this Kingdom be and where can it be, because we can see no sign of it on the Earth?"


          That is because they have not eyes to see or ears to hear what is given to them on a daily basis from within and not from without.


          In my Father's Kingdom, many call this the Spirit World but it is all the same, there are very many souls, who have chosen a life beyond this plane of servitude, to others who are still working their lives out as they walk their earthly pathways.


          They are equipped to give, as you are to receive guidance and love to guide you on your way through the many twists and turns of your chosen pathway.


          To be able to understand this guidance you need to harness your spirit with love and harmony and still that voice within you that cries out for you, which is called your ego.


          When you are able to replace your self and stand aside so that others, more knowledgeable and more loving, may influence you in your decisions and teach you where you are going wrong.


No one is perfect on this earth plane and at whatever level you are emerging, you still need to look up to the Father and those who speak for 'Him' and allow their calmness and reason to instil your mind.


Man cannot do this for another as he is always influenced by his own needs and wants.  No man can intercede for you with 'God' except yourself.  I can show you the way, but you are what you are and no one but you can change yourself.


There are many ways to 'God' and all of them are through the individual soul, that a child created by 'God', carries within him or herself.  Within us all is a little piece of 'God' himself – 'His' consciousness.


Consciousness is life and thought, which is real and can never be extinguished, because 'God' can never be extinguished and so that as 'He' is within you and I, so can we never be ended in any way and 'We' are there 'His' spirit within and therefore everlasting.


Take your minds into the quiet places and times, and reflect on this, and you will find that I am right and that you will feel and understand teachings from the Spirit, where many choose to help you on your way.


Be not afraid – just be still in the Presence of the Lord…



17 February 2010

Listen to the Changes that You Need and Test them Well


To begin at the beginning is not always possible in this life, because we can only start when the realisation comes to us that we need to change our outlook on life.  This doesn't simply happen once, but many, many times during our existence here on this plane of life.


We come down to this place through our mother's womb, but even before then we are bombarded by the vibrations of her body and soul and also the physical effects of her life on Earth.


Many of these things will reflect the culture which we are born into and the way we will behave as we start to grow up after birth.   Not all families are happy ones and not all families have all that they need to sustain them.


This is also true of the mind, as we are not always given enough to sustain our enquires about our desires, which come in the form of thought forms at that early age.  We are closer to the Spirit when we are newly born and it is only as we grow that we are influenced by earthly vibrations and the pressures of negative thoughts.


It is because babies come largely in innocence of these earthly emotions of greed and avarice, of hatred and often of ones fellow man, because of their colour, their creed or the doctrines which they are taught so that they conform to the group and are controllable.


As an adult many of these indoctrinations are secured within the mind and it is hard to change.  This is why I say, "Suffer the little children to come to me because they are closer to God."


To enter into God's Kingdom it is necessary to put away the adult desires and emotions and to exist solely in the love vibration, which the child comes with and expects to find with his mother and all those it meets along the road of growth and enlightenment.


This is seldom possible and during the bringing up of this soul there are many pitfalls and many temptations to be overcome and so it is necessary, as often as not, to see that change is needed in direction and as one goes through life at all ages there are chances to change.


Life would be easy if one made all the right decisions every time and then what would one learn?  Nothing!  It is through the hard lessons that one experiences along the road of life that one sees things from a different perspective and therefore feels a need to change ones ways.


When this happens there may be no teacher on hand who sees the remedies that are required and one is left to consider what is best for ones own soul within.  That can only be done by inward looking and feeling the vibrations that are sent and received by those who came before and understand the difficulties and are eager to help in the most loving way.


So I say to you, "Be prepared to be like little children and see yourself honestly and without the marks of an adult world and then you will find peace and comfort from those who will allow love to liberate within you and give healing to your wounds."


Life is everlasting and so when one has been reborn into the next dimension and one has understood the errors of ones own life upon this plane of existence, so many are moved to help others who still live here to make a better fist of it than they did.


Be not alarmed by thoughts which guide.  Test them and see if they are real and true and if not throw them away, but if they make sense then examine them and then make the changes that are necessary in your life to find the true path to the Father, who loves you well.



16 February 2010

The Way to the Truth


          Give unto others and you will receive what you desire.  The way to the truth is the way to your heart.  It is the true essence within which calls you time and time again.


          If you listen to what you know never leads you astray, then you will be fulfilled.  If you decide to take a chance on it, then you know that you will be caught out and that you knew that from the very start.


          Inside each and every one of us, the Father has put a safety device and that is called our conscience.  If we go against that, then we will be found wanting.  How many times does it take for you to learn this?


          Perhaps I will get away with it this time!  No, you won't, because it is not the right thing to do and if you have to debate with your conscience in order to decide which path you should take, then you are not listening clearly.


          Every time there comes a decision in your life that you have to think about and work out the way to go, there comes a time, sooner or later, when you know which is right, although it may not be best for you.


          It is not about doing what is best for you always, but often the best way is through another's need that is greater than yours.  To be sure which path you should take simply listen to your conscience, which always tells you true if you are honest about it.


          The truth depends on where you may be standing and one person's truth may not be another's, but what I am talking to you about here is the truth within as you know it.  That never alters or is wrong.


          Sometimes people go to a lot of mental trouble to convince themselves that they are doing the right thing, because it is what they want to do and to be seen doing it.  The honest thing is to do what is right as far as your inner being is concerned and as you become able to depend on it, then you will know that you walk a straight path and not a devious one.


          So that Man may be controlled by the essence of the Father, 'He' made us in love with the truth within.  Only you and 'He' know that what you do comes from that inner most feeling or whether you are doing what you want regardless of the consequences.


          There will come a time when you will be asked to examine your life and the decisions that you made and to feel the effects that they had on others and there will be no place to hide or to explain away, because you know the truth and your Father knows the truth and if you live by the truth, you will be assessed by the truth.


          If you are found wanting in this respect, you will have to learn the better way and to help those who you hurt and to feel their pain.  Together a lesson will be learned and put in place, so why not learn that lesson now and help others by doing what you know is the right thing and live by the truth?


          If that is done now, you will not be kept waiting in the next world as you learn your lessons and do the homework that you should have learned here on this earth plane.


          Do unto others my friend, as I have told you before and you will receive what you have sacrificed and more besides.  It is a good feeling to walk away knowing that what you have just done was the right thing to do…




13 February 2010

Sacrifices for Others


To give up ones life, time and love for another is to do all that can be expected of an earthly soul.  These things are within our power and if we choose to do these things, then we are doing them for the Father also.


Everything that we do in life on this plane of existence is seen above as how we chose to do it for the others around us.  If we chose only to do what we choose for our own sakes, then we do nothing for the Father.


What we choose to do with the right intensions, by which I mean our choice brings nothing to us for our benefit, is an act of unconditional love.  This in its turn brings about rewards later on in life and culminates in the way that we have built up for ourselves a place in the Kingdom of Heaven.


 That place is a special place and only we ourselves can influence where it is as we live our own lives.  Those who choose to turn away from 'God's' Light will not attain the Kingdom.  They will have lost the Light and will fall into shades of darkness through their own chosen ignorance.


Every soul has been given the right to choose and therefore they can, and do, choose for themselves each and every decision that they make is a course for their lives to follow.  It may not be the one that they chose initially, but by their actions their futures are brought to them.


You are in control of your own lives and whether you chose to understand that or not, you decide the course that you will run.  All is according to the law and 'God's' law is simple and as I have tried to explain many times, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


By choosing to demonstrate your life and love, so you cannot be disappointed when you don't get back what you deserve.  Each action that you make in every moment of every day alters your course.


Choose wisely and think before you act, so that you are doing consciously what you want to do and not what you didn't mean to do.  All that the people around you see is how you choose to show yourself to them – by your actions.


"By your fruits are you so known" and this is true.  What can you know of what is within another if you only see their outward signs?  So it is with you.  No one is a mind reader except when shown by those in Spirit who serve them well or not.


By showing a spiritual receiver of what another is thinking, it can make them happier or more sad.  If you see the truth in others by their reaction to you, it means that you may have not shown your true feelings and that you have mistakenly hurt another's feelings.


Give honestly and be open with your words and actions so that no one can misunderstand you.  To give is not a weakness.  It is a strength and it shows that you have compassion and understanding if you give without asking for any reward.


That strength is the strength that the Father gives when you live your life in his Light and Love.  With practice it becomes a way of life and no matter how others may mock you, if you are doing good to others for the right reasons, you will be rewarded with a place in the Kingdom of Heaven that you have earned for yourself by sacrifice that means putting yourself aside and giving what the other person is in need of.


Look to the opportunities which are put your way and do not turn away and leave them for others, but be grateful that 'God' have given you the Light to see what is being asked of you and graciously give that helping hand without asking for anything in return.



Look to the Way, the Truth and the Light


I am always there when you look towards me.  I will never desert you when need to feel me there.  Have patience and look into your heart and see that your soul is not alone, but that I am with you always.


It is not an idle boast on my part because I know it to be true that where I am wanted I am always pleased to come for I know the Way.


You are but struggling because you do not heed the call.  It is easier to turn away when you are asked to show your metal, but in the long run it is more difficult, because you will receive what you deserve and if you turn away you will not have anything in return to be rewarded with.


The Way is littered with good intensions that melted away when it came to that moment of Truth.  There was that chance to help another, but at the last moment you bottled out.  There were always reasons in your mind why you couldn't do what you were asked to do, but they will be blown away in the wind of misunderstanding.


When you are ready, so will the chance come close.  It is this readiness that provides you with the steel to do your Father's will.  If you are determined to stand up and be counted among your Father's friends and neighbours, then all you have to do is to be willing to help the friends and neighbours that are all around you.


Every one is everybody's friend and neighbour and if only you would see that we are all of the same stock and from the same Source, then you would understand that the Source is your Creation by the Father, who gave each and every one of us life.


When he 'breathed' 'His' sacred consciousness that brought us into being, 'He' entrusted us with the chance to be there for 'Him' or to turn away, but if you turn from the Light, which is the love of 'God', then you are not worthy to be with those who stayed faithful to 'Him' and allowed themselves to be kind and loving to the others.


If you are not ready to turn and follow me into the Light of our Father's world, then you must remain in the darkness of ignorance until you understand that 'His' will is greater than your ego and that 'He' gives everything of importance to each and every one of 'His' children who earns them by his or her actions upon this earth plane.


Did I not tell you that in order to enter the Kingdom of God you must be as little children?  You must be innocent as little children are when they are born into the greed and negativity of a material world.


In innocence a child naturally loves and cares for another if he or she is not corrupted by the ways of the world.  Allow yourself to be innocent and help your neighbours and if you open up your heart to me, then I will come and show you the Way through the Truth to the everlasting Light of our Father's Love.


The Presence of the Lord is All around You


          In my presence anything is possible, but you have to believe that within yourselves you have already great power given by the Father.  Did I not say that those who come after will do greater things than I shall achieve?


          Today on this earth plane of existence there are many healers and many clairvoyants, who are linked closely to many great souls, who do sterling work in this plane of existence.  It is not just I who was given gifts from the Father.


          You must all understand that if you are to achieve your place in the Kingdom of Heaven you have to turn to the Father and this you can do through me.  I am a soul who can link you to the Father and to show you the way to understand his wisdom.


          Through me it is easier to understand, because I have walked this earth plane and I have much knowledge of the way that 'God' works 'His' miracles through us mortal beings.  'He' chose me to do the work that I did and for that I am blessed in 'His' name, but there is no less an opportunity for you to receive 'His' blessings if you turn towards 'Him' and live your lives through 'His' work and demands on you alone.


          Nobody can live for themselves and expect to be received into the Arms of the Father.  'He' has made us all and made us equal in 'His' sight and every soul who ventures upon this earth plane has just as much chance of being blessed for his or her life here as anybody else.


          To live alone and for oneself is to abandon the Father, because 'He' is the consciousness of all that is and he gave each and every one of us life and love to be together and to act and help each other.  No one can act for themselves and expect 'Our' Father to smile upon them.


          To live for all others is the way that miracles occur to help us with the daily way of life.  If you give up your material ways and truly live in 'God's' holy way, 'He' will not desert you and neither will I.


          Although it is many years since I walked the dust of the world, I have never been away.  I have worked, as I am working now, through those who ask for me and welcome me into their lives, so I can help to guide all who ask me as there is greater love for them, as I have great love for you.


          Do not turn your back upon the ways that I taught all those years ago, because nothing has changed, because Mankind is as greedy for their own sakes as ever before.  It is hard to sell or give away all that you have in order to follow my teaching, but I can assure you that you will never be alone and as long as you act and listen to the ways of the Lord you will succeed in finding the peace that is lacking in your heart.


          Why are you all so afraid to help each other?  No one will punish you and you need not give more than you can afford.  Try a smile instead of a scowl and let your light shine out in love and know that it makes you no weaker than you were before.


          Allow your heart to feel the pain of others and then put out that helping hand and touch them with compassion and share their tales of woe and together you will both be the stronger for it, because I will be with you and all you need to do is ask.


          Unless you ask I cannot be of help, because you have the right to decide these things, but if you ask I will never be found wanting in helping you achieve what is best for you.  It may not always be what you want or expect, but if you ask in the right way for what is best and that hurts no other soul, then you will be at first surprised and then be grateful what we can achieve together.


          So let us walk the same path together and hold the hand that needs the help, because we will then feel that warm glow within that comes only from doing what is right and what is best for whoever we chance to meet on this road of life.


          Be at peace and be rested from your labours when we have done them all together…

The Way to Find Me


Look into your heart and find yourself within and you will find me there.  I am with you always if you want me to be there because where there is love I am always found.  I am in the tick of the clock in the hall.  I am in the smell of the flowers on the side table.  I am listening to you take that little extra breath as you walk into the room and sense that I am there.


Everywhere around whether you are in pain or in sorrow, I am just a thought away.  I have walked this earth plane and I have seen and felt every emotion that our 'God' has allowed to be felt within.


I am also in the joy that you see in your children as they find something that was misunderstood but now is clear.  I am all around and you only have to ask for guidance and I am by your side or, often as not, carrying you through the bed of pain on which you lie.


Be not afraid because you are never alone.  I walk with you when you want me there and I move away when you want to be alone.  That is friendship and without conditions I give my love to you and you may take it or reject it.  That is your right.


But if you receive my love, I can be by your side and whisper comfort in your ear when things go astray for I was man and so I walked the earth plane as you do and find the stones that are set into that dusty road of learning and experience.


If you felt no pain then you would not notice it in others when they ask you by their presence alone for some crumb of comfort that heals a little of the wound they suffer from.  Give them the balm to ease their distress and I am with you to strengthen you as you put yourself aside for another.


That is friendship and there you will find that I do not stint myself when you need me to hold your hand or carry you over the sharp rocks of life.  If I do it for you, then surely you can do it for another and when you receive that smile of gratitude making a warmth within your breast and you know that you have saved another from the drudgery of life, even for a moment, then you know how much my love is for you, as always I am there beside you to give that helping hand.


So turn not away from where I am, because to turn away hurts the one that needs you most.  How can I live and watch you stumble in the darkness when I have to light to show you how things should be.


Spare me a little of your time for I am always there for you…