29 June 2010

A Stretch Too Far is a Dangerous Risk


To stretch yourself too far is to put yourself in the position of losing cohesion, not only on your physical attributes, but also your spiritual safeguards.


By spreading yourself too thinly, so you are liable to become unstuck.  It is because of this that spiritual happenings are never rushed, no stone is ever left unturned so that the guidance that you are given becomes assured.


Often you wonder, "When is it going to happen?  Is it too late?  Was it really true what I believed was going to happen?"


Well, I can assure you that from the Realms of Spirit runs the accuracy of ages.  We seldom make mistakes, but it is possible to misread the intentions of the thoughts that occupy the earthly minds.


We study your thought processes and believe that we can predict your behaviour, but occasionally you react in an unexpected manner and your intentions are different.  You can be very irrational without very much effort.


It is not surprising that when an earthly soul comes up against an unexpected situation it will react.  Sometimes this is very predictable and at other times it can surprise even us who know and love you well.


But if you behave in a solid dependable way without taking risks or gambling with your future, we are able to help you by bringing opportunities that we know you will surmount and from which you will prosper.


Alas, some of you prefer to spread your resources too thinly and are in danger of jeopardising the smooth running of your earthly lives, when guided through love, to give you progression and enlightenment along the highway.


Most of you belong to an instant society.  You are not prepared to wait for the best opportunity to come your way, but prefer to demand your results in an instant, which however may not be in your best interests.


Weighing up the best way to go, when it affects you and your families and friends, should not be accomplished in the twinkling of an eye.  Surely you would agree that to put your livelihood on the line resulting from the turnover of a card is a very dangerous philosophy.


Many of you know where your future lies and what is to be done.  The rescue package has been predicted and you know in your heart of hearts that it will come.  Where it not to, what would be the point of your further existence?


To trust and have faith are noble sentiments and are essential to the wellbeing and smooth running order of a spiritual life, be it in western civilisations or more towards the eastern theologies with strong patterns of other extremes that lie between the two.


No man or woman should be without their higher illuminary, because the human soul requires something higher to emulate and place hope and trust in rather than exist in the mundane thoughts of earthly negativity.


Do not hide your lights away, but let them shine out as a positive sign that you believe in the higher orders of decency, fairness and justice.  Live your life to the highest ideals that you know and pursue the best intentions in all that you do.


In this, be dependable and solid, so that your reactions are always predictable.  Do not spread yourself too thinly and try and please everybody all of the time, because this is impossible and will lead in time to your downfall.


Allow all who know you to love you for your dependability and strength, so that they may walk with you and give you support and then the opportunities that are brought to you will be more easily surmountable.


Your gifts from our Father will be there when you are best able to cope with them and make the best contribution for yourselves and the greater good.


Worry not if you have to wait a little longer.  Do not stretch what you have too far, but only allow your trust in your spiritual future to colour your outlook so that everybody gains.  Amen.



28 June 2010

Be Chosen and Commanded

To give up one's life for one's friends is to make the ultimate sacrifice upon this earth plane.  This occurs perhaps more often than one would think.

Soldiers represent their country in times of war and need to go out and face death on a regular basis.  While war is not an option in a civilised society, it is for the individuals who go, a personal experience and a sacrifice.

Violence in any form has to be a last resort, whether this be on the battlefields of the World or in defence of ones home and family.  To be noble and act in the face of great danger is an emotion not felt by all who come down to this plane of existence.

However there are occasions when it is necessary to risk all that we have in the face of circumstances that confront us and we must be prepared to lose all.  This is the situation that many face when troubled times come to the doorstep.

It is not a time to stand back and say, "No, not me."  These are the moments of courage and confrontation with ourselves, when we either stand up for what we believe is right or we turn a blind eye and expect somebody else to do the dirty work.

Society today has been so mollycoddled that individuals expect other people to bail them out and they ignore their own personal responsibility.  Times are now changing and change must be faced squarely in the face by all who wish to survive.

It is time when neighbour must help neighbour and differences and prejudices must be put aside, because they only cause problems and fail to address the needs of the community.

It is time to be prepared to be chosen to serve and be commanded by the greater good of your family, your friends and your neighbours.   Remember the Good Samaritan and know who your neighbour is.

For all to act together some must lead and all must serve in whatever capacity their strengths lie towards the job in hand.  No one, however, must serve blindly and all need to contribute towards the right decisions being taken, so that all may gain.

We need to go forward together and confront the changes that are required, so that our community can prosper by the solidarity and love, which will breed determination to see that the achievements that are required are accomplished.

Those who turn away and decline to give their help and love in making their little world a better place for all to live in do not deserve to enjoy the difference, which will be harvested by those who go out to work and achieve for the greater good.

So it is a time to understand quite clearly what it is to sow and what it is to reap.  The Spiritual Law from the Godhead is quite clear on this matter, whatever you perpetrate so you will receive, either in this world or in the next.  That can never be changed.

I must urge you now to put aside the childish and unenlightened emotions of selfishness and greed and invite you to see the greater good that you can bestow on the community in which you live, wherever that is, in a small village or a nation that is struggling to be great again.

The whole world has to change its attitudes of the individuals who make it what it is.  This can only be done by rethinking the goals of the individual, so that their actions ceased to divide those who have enough and more from those who are struggling to survive.

All must band together for the greater good, but if you wish to be a part of the successful future, then you cannot afford to stand alone and close your door in the face of progress, which will happen whether you are a part of it or not.

Be brave and courageous and face your fears, because when you do they are never as great as you thought they might be, especially when they are shared and the will to conquer them is chosen to be the answer and then our Father can command their salvation.  Amen.

25 June 2010

Givers and Takers and the Law


Changes that come into people's lives are rarely welcomed, because they are a step into the unknown.  Even the arrival of a much looked forward to event rarely lives up to its promise.


Some people, who attend such family gatherings at weddings, birthdays and Christmas, always seem to introduce shades of negativity by behaving badly.  This is simply caused by them not considering the effects of their words or behaviour upon another.


We all need to be responsible for our actions and our behaviour.  This is why we chose a life on this earth plane of existence to come and experience vibrations of the emotions that can only be felt in this particular aura of existence.


We may live a life that is carefree and we may make ourselves oblivious to the feelings of those around us as we pursue our own interests regardless of the consequences.


However I must assure you that there really is a time to sow and the time to reap and no one is exempt from this Law of the Universe.


I have explained before that there are two conditions of life upon this planet.  It is caused by the levels of spiritual vibrations being in a direct ratio to the material vibrations.


If spiritual vibrations exceed material vibrations then that person, that soul, is on balance a giver and the other ratio applies that where material selfishness and desire for one's own rewards are in excess of the spiritual vibrations of unconditional love, then that person, that soul, is a taker.


It should be understood that in any attempts to understand human behaviour around this World, the very first lesson which has to be addressed is to understand this Law – you are either a giver or taker.


The second Law to address is that like attracts like and, when all things are equal and in balance, a giver will find happiness with another giver.  Where this law is not obeyed and a giver and a taker come together for any relationship, the result is predictable.


The taker will take from the giver and continue to take and take and take until the giver is all but destroyed.  Take a few moments to look around you at the relationships that you can see amongst your family and your friends.


I will not labour the point, because in all honesty the results of this are written large and cannot be disputed.  Where the difficulty lies is in making people understand that if they do not act for the best, they will continue to make the same mistake again and again.


As givers inherently want to give and takers want to take, one would think that a state of the equality would be the case, but the problem arises because the taker continues to take and the giver becomes crushed and unable to defend themselves.


It is an unequal battle and a high price is extracted from the giver in order to learn about the balance of spirituality and the material lust of the taker, which can never be satisfied.


I am asking you all to look into your hearts and souls and to understand the truth of what I am telling you.  Please take the warning and avail yourself of this knowledge, so that you may choose wisely.


There are no relationships which are set in stone and as I have said before, I come to divide families and friends so that those who choose the path to our Father's Kingdom through unconditional love may prosper and find peace away from the hostile vibrations that are not suitable for the true givers.


Be generous to those in need, but be frugal with those who take for themselves and who care not for the feelings of others.  Amen to that.



18 June 2010

Go Forth and Take Courage


To be caught between a rock and a hard place is not only distressing, but requires a cool mind and a great deal of faith that the way will be shown to lead you back into a more comfortable zone.


This is what a lifetime of experience is all about.  It is no use living in a comfort zone and never being stretched, because that way is not the way of forward progression.


In order to go forward one has to pull oneself away from the ease and comfort of what one has become used to.  Ahead is always the unknown and that for most people presents an emotion called fear.


That is simply caused by trying to look into the darkness ahead and fearing the worst.  With confidence and faith one is able to trust sufficiently to know that as one goes forward, so the light comes too.


Our Father never leaves us alone.  We are always shepherded and guided so that if we are prepared to listen to our instincts, our gut feelings, then our consciousness will present the answers to how we should proceed.


There is no such thing as being lost.  You can lose your way and mistake where you are, but always your presence is known to those who care for you.  If you stop and think and listen to your instincts you will always be given direction.


Now is a particular time when for so many people changes are forced upon them.  The most sensible will look to each and every change and establish the advantages of this course of action.


Changes are never totally for the worst, because out of the mayhem, which appears to accompany them, there will always be a lighter and brighter future, if only we make the right choices and go forward with the right intentions.


Always weigh up your options and see that you make the best use of your gifts and attributes.  Nothing is ever lost, because there are more ways to reach one's destiny than can be understood by the small mindset of Man.


Our Father in Heaven always sees that the Universal Forces are available to work in the best possible way to secure the progressive course of those who wish to live by the laws, which are for the greater good and are responsible for the best possible outcome.


To be afraid and to hide away from your responsibilities does you no credit nor does it advanced you in the aims of progression for which you came to learn new strengths and to help others who you meet on the way.


It is always true that if you help others with the right intentions, you too will be helped along your way so, as you prepare yourself to take that extra step into the unknown, be ready to assist those around you, who may be loath to step forward alone.


It is always easier to go together, whether that is with a friend or a stranger, if you trust in each other knowing that neither of you walk these paths alone.  You will find that the opportunities which come to you will reward you and strengthen your character.


As Saint Paul said, "Go forth and take courage".  If you have courage you are able to succeed in all that you desire.  You simply need to believe it enough and, with the right intentions, you will be given the success for which you crave and the Universe will smile down upon you.


So work for what is best and share the load and responsibilities as well as the good results that you will achieve.  Amen.



15 June 2010

Change for the Better and find Love in your Heart


To be in a regular state of grace, it is necessary to understand the wishes of our Father, who only wants for us the very best of progression towards the higher states of consciousness.


It is necessary to understand that our existence here on this earth plane is only a temporary occurrence and that, when we leave the physical body, we return to the Spirit and there we shall live in a solid state of reality.


For many, who walk this planet, feel that the next dimension is one of shadowy and mystical existence.  I can assure you that the Spirit Realms are real and solid, as you will one day find when you return there.


You will then look down upon this plane of existence and will see it very much as a dream, although you will remember how hard it can be for those of us who have battled against the negativity and materialism that exists here.


Times are coming when changes have to be made, because Mankind has drifted off on its own, ignoring its responsibilities and the plight of others.  No longer can the Father afford to send innocent souls into this harsh environment that has been created by those who came before.


For those who come to walk this earth, come not only to learn from the negativity, which contains all the emotions that are devoid of love, but also to give of themselves healing and love to those others who are struggling to come to terms with the harsher realities of life on this planet.


It is a sadness within the Spirit that so many souls return from this life in a state of ignorance and with souls damaged by distress and failure.  On arrival many are 'hospitalised' to receive healing to their own souls, whose essence has been weighed down by dis-ease.


The weight of responsibility is upon our own shoulders.  Either we look within ourselves and make the changes necessary to a fairer and more equal existence with the others around us or we continue to greedily go on with our own selfishness of what we want, which we cannot take with us and on arrival we are damaged and unfit for a purpose.


The choice is very simple and is within the remit of each and every one of us.  If we harden our hearts and drive out pity and compassion, then love can no longer exist within us.  The 'sin' of sloth is within each of us who cannot be bothered to help our fellows.


Giving to many is a natural way of life, but sadly there are more takers than givers and those who give are being sucked dry by the greed of those who want more and more and more.  This is not equality.  It is not a level playing field.


So now the Universal Force, which controls all energies, is making changes that those who live for themselves will find that their ill gotten gains are steadily, but surely taken away.


This is no idle threat by those who have little.  Those who have too much must obey the Laws of the Universe and cause and effect will be not only apply but will be seen to apply.


Those who fall will continue to fall until they emerge from the darkness of ignorance within their own minds about the matters that our Father has given and expects to be obeyed.


Many times have the prophets of doom walked the earth and suffering always follows the ill discipline of 'God's' children.


Never has there been a greater need for Mankind to change his mindset.  It will be no use to turn away from the tidal wave of spiritual influence that sweep across this plane and bring about a levelling of the playing field for all those who prefer to live in spiritual love and not choose the existence of material greed.


I leave you with that to think about.  I didn't walk the earth plane to be popular.  I walked it to bring the truth as many others do today, so institute change and then you will find peace and love in your hearts.  Amen.



09 June 2010

Be Fit for Our Father's Kingdom

To be in a position of great change, whichever way one looks, is not the situation for despair.  It is a question here of recognising the opportunities that are set before you.

Each and every soul of this earth plane of existence has to move forward in order to progress.  Not to do so, is to stagnate and stagnation causes one to be left behind, which in effect is to go backwards.

Every moment of every day brings a new challenge and through your mindset, you have to realise that step by step you move on by making the right decisions and not giving up on them.

You cannot go forward if you hide or shirk your responsibilities and hiding away or hoping that they will not appear, because of course they most certainly will.

Look towards to those people who you most admireStop and think why you admire them.  You do so, because you admire what they have achieved, especially in adversity when they have lifted themselves up from the floor and carried on with the fight again.

Refusing to take personal responsibility always ends in failure.  Not only do you fail yourself, but also those who are around youEverybody is in the same boat and has their own responsibilities to address.

The boat is only able to continue successfully on the sea, because each member of the crew takes personal responsibility for their actions and does their job, so that the whole may succeed and under the jurisdiction of the captain that boat progresses forwards.

We all have a captain in our own lives.  We are all part of a team, whether that is at work or at home.  Nobody is alone and not dependent on those around them in some way.  Each and every one of us is dependent on the actions of others.

So it is necessary for us to do our bit so that others may continue on their way.  If we have failed them, then we cannot complain if they let us down in their own way.

Always remember that the path that we tread is towards our Fathers Kingdom and, in order to go in, we will have to show that we have carried out our responsibilities to the best of our abilities.

It will be of no avail to make excuses, because any excuses, as we stand at the point of entry, will be laid bare.  We shall be seen exactly for what we are and if we have hidden away from our duties then, at this point, we will be covered in shame.

If we have used our lives selflessly in helping others and have given our time and love to those in need, then we shall have no need to hang our heads in disappointment.

Face the future squarely and see every change that is around you and is enforced upon you and your community as an opportunity to make things better for all concerned.

Do not give up on others as you would not expect others to give up on you.  If you feel neglected, then ask yourself what you may have done to be abandoned and not helped by those who love and give help to others around you.

In every one of us there is a role to play and if we are too busy thinking about ourselves, then we are not playing that role for others to learn by and to experience harmony and peace.

Each of us has a calling and we must do the very best we can by putting others before ourselves and then we shall be fit for our Father's Kingdom.  Amen.

06 June 2010

Freedom of the Soul

To say that all humans believe in freedom is sadly untrue.  Almost all people profess to believe in the freedom of the individual.  However in most cases this is sadly only a delusion.

Even within the family, many members of that family exert control, knowingly or unknowingly, upon the weaker members of the same family.  The effects of this may well last for rest of that person's life.

Even in adulthood it is hard to breakaway; to snap the bonds that have been put in place by stronger minds exerting the influence for their own personal gain over a weaker soul.

The weapons which are used contain fear and mental and moral blackmail.  Blood may be thicker than water, but I say to you that it is not an expression that should never hold water.

You may remember that I said that I came to split families, divide brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers from their children and few understand, even today, the meaning of what I said.

The meaning of these words is strong and important for all those who wish to lead a free life, making their own decisions and standing by their own responsibilities.  No one can walk another person's path.

Many people try, but because there are too many who wish to take the energies of another and to live off them for their own aggrandisement and pleasure.

Fathers often do it to their children.  Mothers may do it to their children, brothers can do it to their sisters and a husband often does it to his wife and it is never, ever, done in love.

I ask you all to look into your hearts and to see your own behaviour in the light and through the eyes of those who live and work around you.

Look into their eyes and judge the effect of your words and actions.  See if your energies are returned to you with love or in fear.

In all honesty, do you expect to be obeyed or to create a situation where the best result is created for all to gain?

Power over an individual does not lead to strength.  In the end the cracks in the relationship will grow and lead to an eruption on one side or the other.  The Law of Cause and Effect is absolute and will always take effect.

Each and every soul was created by our Father, which he instilled with life, which is consciousness and thought for the freedom of expression, so that all may gain and not for the individual alone to dominate.

Sadly in this modern world, the lessons of the past have not been learnedIt is therefore necessary for the individual who is oppressed to take personal responsibility and to shake off the shackles that are imposed upon them.

Only in this way can a soul be free and if this means that families are broken in the pursuit of individual freedom – then so be it.  It is better to live away from family ties than under the yoke of tyranny and oppression that many individuals place over weaker souls.

This price, my friends, is far too high.  I urge you to live in unconditional love and light.  Put aside any negativity that may surround you and try and influence your own personal destiny. Amen."