31 August 2010

If You are on the Move

If you are on the move, then consider your options very carefully.  There are so many situations that you need to take into account from an earthly point of view.  There are however a great deal more that also need to be considered from a spiritual view point.

Where you are now is a place where you have left your vibrational energies according to the amount of time that you have been there.  This is not a matter of choice, but a matter of fact.

We are all energy that vibrates at a certain vibration and, according to its heaviness, so it vibrates slowly.  You can test this for yourselves as you can climb a mountain or a high hill and feel uplifted when you are at the top, but in the valley below this is not usually the case.

All matter that is used by us in our physical bodies cause vibrational energies to be given off, so that they will be attracted to whatever matter they come in contact with.  This is the science that is used in Psychometry, when a sensitive soul can experience evidence of whom or what has been close to that item.

An item of jewellery worn a lot by a single person can absorb over time sufficient vibrations to keep the source of the wearer impregnated, so that if another person wears that item they may well feel strongly a sense of wanting to wear it or a feeling of not wanting to mix their energies with that item.

Sometimes you may have heard someone say that although it was very pretty they couldn't possibly wear it.  Their energies are not in harmony with those given off by the item concerned.

It is the same with place.  Where people have dwelt in perfect harmony together in a dwelling, others experience a sense of peace and healing in the atmosphere that is given off.  In other dwellings there may be a heavier atmosphere and a feeling of not being wanted there.

Some houses are easier to sell than others and it has nothing to do with the price.  Dwellings have feelings too and it is very necessary for all who come to consider any place as a source of energy that will mix happily and discordantly with a new energy being introduced.

People have been heard to say that they never felt right in their home and this is why.  Some have no choice as it is the other partner who may be the one to pay the piper his fee, but I say to you, "Be careful of the energies in a new dwelling place before you commit yourself to years of living there."

To be at peace in your own home is of the greatest importance and it will become quite impossible for people to behave in a spiritual way if they rest, relax and sleep within an incompatible energy.

To recharge the soul at night is one thing, but to feel the negativity disrupting an otherwise good nights rest is quite another.  The soul can and does leave the body to rest, but returns always recharged but is then limited by the state of the physical body.

Your soul is your real self, not your body, so that like the house with uncomfortable vibrations, so the returning soul finds itself in discomfiture in an unhappy body.  This may be from the disturbance by negativity in the residual energies or because you have neglected your body and it is no longer up to spec.

Your body and your home are both temporary items in which you lodge and you are responsible for their state of repair and cleanliness.  Be sure that before you move you make certain that your new dwelling is cleaned and blessed to accept you and your body for a lighter and livelier existence in a spiritual way.

Remember that you are truly responsible for your thoughts and actions in this lifetime and will need to account for the reasons behind them.  It is of no use it being not your fault if you are too lazy to do the preparation required.

I send you my good thoughts for your welfare and understanding, because there is so very much that you can do for yourself to make your life easier and more secure in every way, as long as you do it in the right way with good intentions and love.  Amen.

28 August 2010

Start to Prepare and be Ready for the Joys to Come

To be in the presence of the Lord awakens within the spiritual purity of your heart and mind.  Your true self, your soul that is within you, is made up of all the thoughts which you have ever had.

It records there all experiences which have befallen you and all the opportunities which were presented to you, so that when examined after each positive life stage, you are able to almost automatically address the errors which you have made.

When these are put in balance again and your soul is whitened by the light of joy and happiness then, and only then, are you able to join with others in like state of development in what is so often called the Summerland.

Heaven is a state of mind and, so when you are there, you may also say that you are in heaven, because your soul, which is your true self, is in balance and in harmony with all around you.

In this state of being every soul lives in love for every other soul and the commitment to a harmonious state of being is total and complete.  There is no discord and no negativity.  They are left behind and only the advancement of each and every one is a purposeful reality.

This state of being is the advancement towards the Father of Creation, who, wherever you are, tugs a little through your soul strings to remind you of past and of your path back towards his reality.

In earthly terms you may turn away and try to ignore your conscience, which will advise you of the difference between what is pure and good in that situation and what is an error of judgement for which you will have to pay the piper for his tune of your self interest.

While you are enjoying perhaps the fruits of your desires without consideration for the others around you and you are driven by self motivation, you will have to address the truth when you are confronted by the reality of your thoughts, which are always recorded truly.

Nothing is ever hid and everything is to be revealed.  While you look after number one without redress for others, you are building up for yourself a future of reclaiming the balance against what you did for you and what you could have done for others.

Nobody is alone and ignorance is no excuse, because if you lack understanding in the ways of the teachings of the Lord, then you are choosing not to explore your right and proper duty to yourself by asking what will happen to you when you pass out of this body and into another state of existence.

There you will be confronted by your thoughts, which will become clear to you and, according to your compassion and your need for atonement, will depend on the help and understanding that you will receive to adjust the balance within.

Those that you hurt will be in need of reparation and you will feel whatever you gave to them as if it were reflected on your own senses.  Once you have turned your thoughts towards the light of understanding and wish to address your misdeeds to others, so you will start to rise towards the light that will tug you there.

Once you have adjusted all your negative and mistaken deeds to all that knew you or were affected by your decisions, then you will in time approach that state of mind that some call the Summerland, where everything is light and good and each and every soul is in harmony.

To enter this land in the Kingdom of God, you must live for others without self interest and so make yourself ready to live together in that harmony and peace, which is a heavenly state of mind.

Why not turn your thoughts towards this attainment now, so that when you pass out of body you can begin to bypass the darkness of ignorance which snares so many who have excess baggage to clear and go start to the place that you have made for yourself by your generosity of spirit and love for your fellow man?

I pray that we will meet again in God's good grace of love and wisdom and truth that brings about the harmony of existence.  Amen.

26 August 2010

Think Positively and Lighten Your Load

To be in the state of material concern is a natural phenomenon on this astral plane of existence, but it is necessary that you look to the Godhead for your inspiration and your trust.

Your daily needs are met according to your desserts and not your desires, as you reap what you sow according to your thoughts, which are far more powerful that you can possibly believe.

Within your mindset are the capabilities to move mountains and allow your pathway to be cleared of the clutter of normal living, if only you could allow that mind to expand its horizons into the complexities of universal existence.

This planet lives not in isolation but as part of a great phenomenon that is the whole of existence, which is spread throughout all time and space.  You are known to the Creative Force as all fathers and mothers know their children.

Within this vast family of existence you can neither ever 'die' nor ever cease to exist.  You will according to your development be born into further existences in different dimensions and into different worlds.

Every hair of your head in numbered, so you are safe in the protection of a Greater Life Force than your own and you are progressing forth on a journey of discovery that will take you far beyond your present existence.

You will always be drawn back however to that point of creation that you may call 'God' however much you pull away and turn your back on the truth of existence and the much greater wonder of all worlds that you are not yet ready to conceive.

Where you have hope and a clear and empty mindset available, you can tune in to the spiritual airways which are full of the varied and different levels of astral society.  You may be party to the bombardment of thoughts and impressions that were left behind by others who came before you and you may find contact with those who are still trying to return.

They return not to new lives and rebirth into this land of negativity.  There is no point as they have completed their own lifespan here and must move on if they are to progress, but many have to put right the wrongs that they might have done to those still living here.

Thoughts and remembrances are strong things and are not simply carried away on the wind, but remain attached to matter which they have contacted over time and remained in contact with over many years.

Thoughts are like radio waves which spread out and travel almost never endingly from the mind that conceived it into the great space beyond this planet and into the universe beyond.  Those that touch matter continue to vibrate and so send out the signals still.

Your agitation and material state of mind surrounds you and makes you what you are, but by lightening your thoughts so you lighten your state of mind and being, so that the negativity that you possess diminishes.

Allow your mind to appreciate the positive energies, so that you send out around you positive thoughts of love and hope and healing.  If you do not, then you continue to attract the negativity which is pulling this planet down as greed and self increase their share of the vibrational output.

Where we see like attracting like, so does the love of our Father in heaven find attraction to those who send out love to their fellow man and live in harmony of truth and hope for better things to come forth.

I pray that you will lighten your load and that of your neighbours by attuning yourself to positive thought and protecting yourself from all negativity that tries to invade from so many sources of man's corrupt and invading mind.  Amen.

24 August 2010

Hope Springs Eternal


Hope is an energy which needs to be held in every heart, because without hope the heavier vibrations of negativity find easy passage.


Hope is a lightening conductor of vibrancy, which if properly motivated will keep you afloat through the many changes of the ups and downs through this earthly existence.


Hope springs eternal within a happy breast, because there it is recognised as the future yardstick to which you have attached your colours to the mast and the greater your hope and sincerity, the greater the likelihood of achievement becomes.


In order to understand the relationship between a soul and their Father, we must all recognise that even if we set aside our thoughts of what he stands for in our lives and the targets which he gives us to accomplish, he never for an instant leaves us on our own.


The great Law Book of the Universe is well thumbed by all those who are privy to it and there are so very many unseen hands and minds, who spend their time ensuring that these Laws are fully obeyed and parity remains unsullied.


We are all held aloft in the hope and understanding that we will achieve mighty things and that we will not fall short of our stated objectives of the blueprint, which we agreed before setting off to accomplish it.


You do not remember any of this, because with the knowledge of what we came to do we would be prepared and not act in innocence according to our receptivity of life up to that point of discovery.


We are all in the same state of consciousness, but in different stages of achievement and so we are held back from knowing what we do not strictly need to know until we ask in the quietness of our minds and find fulfilment and answers there.


As we travel our road of life, we must always put aside any thoughts of earthly comforts and allow us to be supplied with what we deserve and need according to our requirements and our destination.


Nobody is abandoned, even when they turn away and leave the main concourse of life to pursue pleasures of another kind.  They will be minded according to their needs and aspirations, always assuming the right intensions and the unharming of other souls.


Too many souls in recent years are following a material road to self satisfaction and self grandeur at the expense of others for whom they care little or nothing.  If they cannot be turned, they will have to reconsider their options in a more purposeful way.


We all have to atone for our mistakes, but the pressure of adjustment depends on the reason that we erred.  To take pleasure in the enacting of harming others or to be uncaring for their pain brings its own retribution.


We can align ourselves to the lightness of our vibrations through love and hope to uplift us and to keep us from the darker flights of fancy, but always we have to set our own standards to be judged by, so that fairness and truth will carry us beyond the darkness of ignorance.


Before we become too bogged down with the weighty pleasures of life, we must ask ourselves what may be the consequences of our actions and at what time is the calling to account of what we think and do.


Remember that in the true light of our Father's love there is no cover of darkness that can hide us and we will be naked to his gaze when we try to protest our ignorance in the light of day and his radiant being of truth and clarity of purpose.


Be ready to examine all you do and why before you do it and carry before you the Eternal Hope that even as you struggle, you struggle not alone, but with the guidance from within that springs eternally from above for all, who walk the path of truth and love.  Amen.


18 August 2010

Time to Take Responsibility


We all have times when we are feeling low and the world isn't making life any easier for us, but these are the moments when we must stand firm and take our opportunities and if we do that in the right way we will see the sun shine through.


When the clouds look thickest and the wind threatens to bring a storm into our lives, it is the time when we must take our responsibilities seriously and do what has to be done.  Within ourselves we know what those decisions are and what has to be done.


When we listen to ourselves in the quietness of our minds we will hear the words of reason, which will tell us the direction we must take in order to fulfil the greater good as well as our personal necessities.


It is easy, but not wise, to bury our heads in the sand and hope things will take a turn for the better, but there is no other way than to confront the issues at the base root and to find that it was not as painful as we expected.


Fear not the repercussions if you know that you are acting in the right way with the right intensions.  You are always helped from unseen but kindly advisors, who carry the responsibilities of your guidance and who only progress when you do.


Matters have to be addressed in the right way and to leave undone things which have to be done is not the progressive way.  It is only putting off until 'tomorrow' what needs to be done 'today'.


To every action is an opposite reaction and all our lives are largely dependent on those around us and how they act is largely dependent on how we behave, so we all rub up against each other as we grow older and near that review of our lifetimes achievements.


You and I also will all go through that moment in time when we have to face what we did and what our motivations were.  Where we thinking of ourselves or others when we made those decisions in our life?


We all have moments of selfishness, when we allow our own wants to come before others, but especially where children are concerned we must show the right leadership qualities as they respond to our leads.


If we stand back and allow unjust situations to ride over us, they will either do likewise in their lives or they will join in with the faster current and add themselves against us.  We must set an example, so that each and every person we meet is treated fairly and honestly.


When that wind blows and the dark clouds threaten, do we turn away or face our responsibilities and, with help where needed, face our fears and calm the tiger of our fate?


We are all here to make a difference and we can either teach others their responsibilities by example or we can be taught our lessons the hard way and come up for air with our lungs bursting.


We can take the easier long term, but more difficult initial route into what is right and come out knowing we have made the best choice for all concerned or we can bury our heads and put a brave face on it, knowing for the rest of our life we could have changed matters for all time, but didn't.


Think long and hard my friends and do not put off until 'tomorrow' what you can do 'today', because the longer you leave it the harder it is to put it right.


If it is still an issue when you pass away into the next dimension, you will have to face it then, so be brave and with the right intensions grasp the nettle of life and put yours in order.  Amen.


14 August 2010

Your Future is in Your Own Hands, Don't Turn Away and Ignore it


To be in a state of heavenly grace is in your own hands and minds, because the way you are, is the way that your thought patterns develop as you go through the experiences of existence.


Your mind comes from the essence of life which our Father gave you and since that time you have reacted and learned from situations which were presented to you.  According to the way that you made profit from these opportunities, so you structured your being in terms of negative or positive thought.


Everything is about energy.  The Universe is created by energy and so it is able to move and change according to the Laws that govern it.  The Universe and all that is in it, is vibrating energy.  You and I both are vibrating energy.


According to the speed at which energy vibrates, so it becomes changed in its recognisable state.  Water may be seen as ice, or liquid, or gas.  The slower this energy vibrates the more solid it appears to be.


This also applies to negative and positive energies.  The energy of love, which is a gift given by our Father is a positive energy and vibrates in a lighter and faster mode of agitation.  Fear and depression are negative vibrations and cause darkness and unhappiness.


So when I say to you that your state of mind is according to your own choosing, I am telling you that if you lighten your hearts and fill them with love for your Creator and all he has created, which includes you and your fellowman, then you bring about a state of heavenly grace within yourself.


The Kingdom of Heaven is given to us all to achieve for ourselves.  It is a state of being which we may earn and prosper in according to the way that we live our lives.  We may choose through our freewill whether we wish to exist in a state of fear and negativity through selfishness and greed or to open our minds to the lightness of loving vibrations to those about us and be content with what we need.


To always hanker for more of the material in this lifetime, and to blind ourselves from the truth of eternal existence, will lead to a state of reckoning in the darkness by those who ignore the loving vibrations, which are the currency required to move on into the next stage of life beyond this present body.


The Father made all things simple and easy to understand, but the teachings of men who wish to have power over others in this short period of existence on this physical plane have made matters so complicated that many turn away and ignore their future.


Two things are certain my friends, we are born into body and in time we must leave it, so why is it so hard for souls to prepare themselves for the next journey that will take them into the lightness of a loving state or into the darkness of ignorance where they must learn from the beginning?


Nothing in this Universe ever stands still.  Our Father made everything so that each and every creation could progress and move on to higher and better states of existence.  We have the choice to go forwards or backwards – into the light or into the darkness.


So I say to you again, "The choice is yours.  Look for a good life in the service of others and you will be rewarded by the light and love of progression.  If you choose to hide under a blanket of ignorance, where illumination cannot be furnished, then you will have a longer and harder road to travel."


I came to light your way and to prove that life is eternal.  If you follow my words, I will welcome you into the glorious light of understanding and love.  Should you choose to ignore me and those who serve with me, then I cannot help you until you turn and ask to be shown the way.


I am sending out my thoughts to all who carry love for others in their hearts to come and be refreshed, so that they no longer are heavily ladened.  Amen.


12 August 2010

Time to Think and Seek Answers

Now that there are energy changes in your life, you will start to feel uplifted and will start to question your existence and why you are here.  You have been existing long enough in an earthly way and are now coming, as so many others are, to a turning point, where you must decide your future worth.

All souls within this plane of existence are feeling a difference within their being and are no longer comfortable with the way things are.  You are no different and you will question and need to seek answers, so that you can move on.

We are all the creation of our Father, who gave us life which is eternal and the opportunity to allow ourselves to develop as individuals and create our own personality, so that we are all different to each other

We are not only different my friends, but we are unable to 'die' and so our soul continues onwards for all eternity in whatever state we chose to live.  No one can walk another's path and what we choose to do is our responsibility alone.

There is always help available, but unlike your earthly material world where you can live on credit, in the real world of our Father's creation of the Spirit, everything has to be earned before one can achieve.

There is no such thing as a life in balance when there are outstanding issues to be met and recompense has to be paid for.  All in good time will you and every soul ever made, come to this conclusion of the truth, but how far you travel away from that light and into the darkness of ignorance is for you alone to choose.

This beautiful globe of existence has become increasingly weighed down by the negativity of greed and self interest.  It is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

There have been so many who have wondered at this meaning, but I say to you that no rich man can bring with him his wealth to the Gates of Heaven after he has passed from this earthly life and therefore it is all but impossible for him to thus enter.

The rich man, who lives in a state of heavenly mind on earth, uses his wealth for good and deserving purposes and therefore stores up for himself wealth in Heaven where there is nothing that can corrupt his achievements.

These fruits of his life will be there awaiting him when he arrives in spiritual form and he will be taken to the place that he has earned for himself and no where else.  By your fruits you are known and so all can see what you have achieved in unconditional love to your fellowman.

There you will be complete and comfortable, because you will be in harmony with yourself and your surroundings and there is no where else that you can be.

So now you are coming to that point in your life when you are being asked, "Is this where you want to be?  Is this the best that you can do with your life or is there more that you want to achieve in unconditional love through the helping of others and the progression of your own soul?"

Look deep within and see yourself and what you have already managed to achieve and examine how full or how empty you are with love and kindness, so that you will have enough riches stored up for you to allow your safe passage to the light.

The alternative is to wake up in the darkness of ignorance and have to find your way, groping for understanding and enlightenment, which you previously ignored and allowed selfishness and greed in the material to be your short-term comforts.

I pray that you will look towards the light now and furnish your mind and soul with thoughts of goodness and find a light to carry you all the way to a state of heavenly grace within your own mind and soul.  Amen.

10 August 2010

In the Beginning was the Word


To be in a state of grace requires unconditional love within your heart and mind, because without this the love of our Father would be adulterated by the negativity that is carried within the very essence of your being.


The purity of love is like the snowflakes that fall from the heavenly skies and, through the air, land upon the earth plane unsullied from their journey.  It is for Mankind to understand that it is up to him whether those beautiful flakes, which settle together and cover the ground, should remain by his hand undefiled.


It is not our Father who creates the negativity and darkness of ignorance across this plane of existence.  It began so very long ago when the very first negative thought crossed the mind of the young soul, which desired more than was available.


That first thought, which led to the first act against the purity of unconditional love, caused the very beginning of other negative thoughts and emotions.  Since that time they have multiplied greatly, as time has laid a mantle over the minds of men and women alike, so that the breeding of wanting what has not been earned has continued over the centuries.


In the beginning was the word, for the word was told and it was negative thought that causes all manner of fear and jealousy and greed, which multiplies and festers in the darkness of many human minds.


It is far better to deal openly with your fellows and your family, so that no one is in any doubt as to what you think and therefore what you do.  To some their word is their bond and they can be relied upon to do and act in a manner that is known and agreed.


There is little difference in telling a little white lie and telling a big black lie.  What is the difference between one untruth and another?  How can others know you as an honest soul, if what you say is not true?


In our Father's kingdom there are many mansions, but they all lie on the Road of Truth.  If you fall short in your honesty, how can you expect to claim the rewards of a higher existence?


On this plane of existence many hide their untruth behind a smile and they believe that they will get away with it, but only for the moment.  It was as they turned away they had already strained and tarnished that snow white purity that is God given.


Before they can move on to a further mansion along this Road of Truth, they will be confronted by the consequences of their actions, whether that is in thought or word or deed.  It is enough to have the thought to commit the act.


Never will it become clearer than when a soul intends to leave this earthly mansion and has hopes of progressing to a higher one, because you should know that recompense has to be made on this plane before moving to the next.


It matters not whether that soul is in physical body or in a spiritual state.  The Laws of Existence require that all errors and misdeeds are countered before moving on to the next level of existence.


Be concerned that you are known to those who can see, because the aura of your mind is clearly on display and clearly must be reconciled, so that the purity of unconditional love can be the basis of your progression.


By your fruits so are you known and although you may cover your negativity by a cloak of darkness to some others on this plane of existence, when you pass out-of-body to face the next stage of your journey that cloak is stripped from you.


You are naked for all in spirit form to see and none of your excuses will alter the facts that you allowed the purity of that driven snow to be adulterated by your desires and misdeeds.


So I need you to consider that while there is still time, make amends for your mistakes and give unconditional love and truth to all those around you.  Amen.



04 August 2010

After Receiving the Joy Give Thanks


There is no such thing as luck as even a coin tossed in the air can be predicted as to which side it will face upwards when it comes to rest.  Everything that happens can be described as good fortune, but always it is what you have earned.


When ten lepers came to me for healing they came with the right intentions, but were short on the power of belief.  They knew I could heal them but they doubted within themselves that I would.


I told them to go and show themselves to the priest and they would be cured.  As they travelled their belief that the power of our Father would heal them became stronger, so they were healed.


Later on one of them came back to me praising God and thanked me by offering us a meal at his house.  I asked him, "Where are the nine?"  All had been cured, but only this one came back in his joy and gave thanks.


All had earned the right to be healed, but only the one knew his duty to our Father to give thanks for the joy that he had received.  Do you know people like that who receive a precious gift and are so busy enjoying it that they do not stop to give thanks?


I say to you, "If you fail to give thanks you will hardly be expecting to receive more."


All things have to be earned and then can be enjoyed, but how long is it before you can think of how it came about that you were blessed and give thanks to the Higher Universal Energies that govern us all, who some call God'?


The Master of all things is the Force who gave you life and set you on this journey of discovery to become wise and loving to all that the Force has made and given to us all to enjoy.  When did you last give thanks to the Creator for your being and your continued existence?


From our birth into Spirit, we travel a journey through many mansions and this mansion that we are in now is but one.  Our lifetime on this earth plane is but a posting along our way as we travel through eternity to the Promised Land.


Some call the next mansion The Happy Hunting Ground, where the Great Spirit lives, but this is not strictly so.  The Great Spirit of all Existence lives everywhere, within everything and is there by the Laws of the Spirit to balance whichever mansion we are in.


There are souls who still question this, because they say that there are things that are not good that happen, which God should not allow, but when Mankind makes an error the Laws of the Spirit make him responsible for clearing it up.


If Man cuts down the trees on the hillside so that when it rains the soil is washed away and floods the valley, this is not of God's doing but Man's, so Man, as I am always telling you, must reap what he sows.


The Universe is all about balance and so when you face your future, where and when, you will be called to balance the errors by putting right the mistakes and disharmony that you caused and when this is done you will be able to move on to the next mansion and not before.


There is no hurry in the Universe of Existence as there is all the time in the Universe for you to get ready and put right those things that you have left undone, but the sooner that you start the sooner you can move on to that Happy Hunting Ground of your choice and hunt for whatever seems right to you in a perfect state of happiness, which some call Heaven.


Heaven is a state of mind and you don't have to wait until to pass on to have it.  You can create it yourselves by living in a state grace and love with all those around you and by banishing negativity from your heart and filling it with positive love and harmony for all that is.


If you work on this it will be given to you and as you ask for further enlightenment for the right intentions, so that door of knowledge will be opened to you and after that joy of receiving, stop and give thanks.  Amen.


02 August 2010

Let Pure Unconditional Love Dwell within You

To be at one with the 'Godhead' is to recognise within oneself who and what you are.  You are spirit in a physical body, who has accepted the invitation to come down to the physical sphere of the Spirit World in order to understand other energies than the unconditional love of our Father.

We are all given life and a sense of being, so that we may pursue an everlasting quest for knowledge and wisdom.  This can only be gained through experience and cannot be learned second-hand by watching others struggle through the physical energies of fear and disillusionment.

It is essential for all souls to come through the physical sphere of life, however strange that may feel, in order to have personal and in depth knowledge of what life is all about both in good times and through the struggle.

True experience and advancement often comes at a heavy price, because in the heavier vibrations of existence it is natural to wish for an easy way out, but to do this is to turn aside from the chosen path of truth.

To have within one the energies and vibrations of the Creator, then both the heart and mind are turned towards the procedure of bringing happiness and joy to others without expecting anything for oneself.

The pursuit of selfishness in whatever form it may take and to walk by on the other side of the street when ones neighbour requires comfort and understanding is to court for oneself the cloud of darkness, which will cover ones own needs in times of distress.

No soul can walk this earth alone and expect to have all that their ego demands in terms of comfort and succour so that they assume a lifetime of self indulgence at the expense of others.

The time always comes to those who think they have it all that they find that they are lacking in something which they cannot buy.  This will always be a matter of some importance such as love, respect or bodily health.

It is only those who give of themselves that can be restored in such a way that they can move on into the light that our Father gives to all those who tread his path of wisdom and peace in harmony for others.

No one has a right to expect to enjoy all the pleasures of life and none of the pain.  It is from the pain and how we cope with it that we learn the truth and reality of personal responsibility and our right to exist.

All who come and are heavy ladened will be refreshed.  I have said this and it will be so, but first come with the right intensions and in genuine love for your Creator and your fellow man and you will receive that which is owing to you.

Remember the woman who touched my raiment in the crowd knowing that this would heal her and so it was that she was made whole in body, because her mind was pure in the faith of understanding.

Blessed are those who are pure in heart for they shall see 'God'.  This means that by the Laws of the Creation, God already dwells there and so that the mind is already witness to the goodness of the Father, so when that soul looks within they see that spark of life that God made and it still dwells within.

Be not afraid to allow others to see that you understand what life is truly all about.  If the good spirits dwell within, let them shine out for all to see as an example of the perfect state of grace that is pure unconditional love.  Amen.