26 August 2010

Think Positively and Lighten Your Load

To be in the state of material concern is a natural phenomenon on this astral plane of existence, but it is necessary that you look to the Godhead for your inspiration and your trust.

Your daily needs are met according to your desserts and not your desires, as you reap what you sow according to your thoughts, which are far more powerful that you can possibly believe.

Within your mindset are the capabilities to move mountains and allow your pathway to be cleared of the clutter of normal living, if only you could allow that mind to expand its horizons into the complexities of universal existence.

This planet lives not in isolation but as part of a great phenomenon that is the whole of existence, which is spread throughout all time and space.  You are known to the Creative Force as all fathers and mothers know their children.

Within this vast family of existence you can neither ever 'die' nor ever cease to exist.  You will according to your development be born into further existences in different dimensions and into different worlds.

Every hair of your head in numbered, so you are safe in the protection of a Greater Life Force than your own and you are progressing forth on a journey of discovery that will take you far beyond your present existence.

You will always be drawn back however to that point of creation that you may call 'God' however much you pull away and turn your back on the truth of existence and the much greater wonder of all worlds that you are not yet ready to conceive.

Where you have hope and a clear and empty mindset available, you can tune in to the spiritual airways which are full of the varied and different levels of astral society.  You may be party to the bombardment of thoughts and impressions that were left behind by others who came before you and you may find contact with those who are still trying to return.

They return not to new lives and rebirth into this land of negativity.  There is no point as they have completed their own lifespan here and must move on if they are to progress, but many have to put right the wrongs that they might have done to those still living here.

Thoughts and remembrances are strong things and are not simply carried away on the wind, but remain attached to matter which they have contacted over time and remained in contact with over many years.

Thoughts are like radio waves which spread out and travel almost never endingly from the mind that conceived it into the great space beyond this planet and into the universe beyond.  Those that touch matter continue to vibrate and so send out the signals still.

Your agitation and material state of mind surrounds you and makes you what you are, but by lightening your thoughts so you lighten your state of mind and being, so that the negativity that you possess diminishes.

Allow your mind to appreciate the positive energies, so that you send out around you positive thoughts of love and hope and healing.  If you do not, then you continue to attract the negativity which is pulling this planet down as greed and self increase their share of the vibrational output.

Where we see like attracting like, so does the love of our Father in heaven find attraction to those who send out love to their fellow man and live in harmony of truth and hope for better things to come forth.

I pray that you will lighten your load and that of your neighbours by attuning yourself to positive thought and protecting yourself from all negativity that tries to invade from so many sources of man's corrupt and invading mind.  Amen.

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