28 August 2010

Start to Prepare and be Ready for the Joys to Come

To be in the presence of the Lord awakens within the spiritual purity of your heart and mind.  Your true self, your soul that is within you, is made up of all the thoughts which you have ever had.

It records there all experiences which have befallen you and all the opportunities which were presented to you, so that when examined after each positive life stage, you are able to almost automatically address the errors which you have made.

When these are put in balance again and your soul is whitened by the light of joy and happiness then, and only then, are you able to join with others in like state of development in what is so often called the Summerland.

Heaven is a state of mind and, so when you are there, you may also say that you are in heaven, because your soul, which is your true self, is in balance and in harmony with all around you.

In this state of being every soul lives in love for every other soul and the commitment to a harmonious state of being is total and complete.  There is no discord and no negativity.  They are left behind and only the advancement of each and every one is a purposeful reality.

This state of being is the advancement towards the Father of Creation, who, wherever you are, tugs a little through your soul strings to remind you of past and of your path back towards his reality.

In earthly terms you may turn away and try to ignore your conscience, which will advise you of the difference between what is pure and good in that situation and what is an error of judgement for which you will have to pay the piper for his tune of your self interest.

While you are enjoying perhaps the fruits of your desires without consideration for the others around you and you are driven by self motivation, you will have to address the truth when you are confronted by the reality of your thoughts, which are always recorded truly.

Nothing is ever hid and everything is to be revealed.  While you look after number one without redress for others, you are building up for yourself a future of reclaiming the balance against what you did for you and what you could have done for others.

Nobody is alone and ignorance is no excuse, because if you lack understanding in the ways of the teachings of the Lord, then you are choosing not to explore your right and proper duty to yourself by asking what will happen to you when you pass out of this body and into another state of existence.

There you will be confronted by your thoughts, which will become clear to you and, according to your compassion and your need for atonement, will depend on the help and understanding that you will receive to adjust the balance within.

Those that you hurt will be in need of reparation and you will feel whatever you gave to them as if it were reflected on your own senses.  Once you have turned your thoughts towards the light of understanding and wish to address your misdeeds to others, so you will start to rise towards the light that will tug you there.

Once you have adjusted all your negative and mistaken deeds to all that knew you or were affected by your decisions, then you will in time approach that state of mind that some call the Summerland, where everything is light and good and each and every soul is in harmony.

To enter this land in the Kingdom of God, you must live for others without self interest and so make yourself ready to live together in that harmony and peace, which is a heavenly state of mind.

Why not turn your thoughts towards this attainment now, so that when you pass out of body you can begin to bypass the darkness of ignorance which snares so many who have excess baggage to clear and go start to the place that you have made for yourself by your generosity of spirit and love for your fellow man?

I pray that we will meet again in God's good grace of love and wisdom and truth that brings about the harmony of existence.  Amen.

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