20 December 2013

Christmas Cheer

          As the Winter Solstice appears again in the Northern Hemisphere, Christians are expected to celebrate the birth of an infant in a stable in Bethlehem, now in the war-torn Middle East.
          This was always a political necessity, evolved from a festival in Northern Europe to celebrate the lengthening of the daylight after the winter darkness by the missionary zeal of the Catholic Church of Rome, where many disciples had perished in the service of their beliefs.
          Today, the need to celebrate the arrival of any light into the darkness of Mankind’s ignorance and into his continued belief that he may live well and prosper without the Higher Intelligence, who made him in love and light, is a welcome thing to behold.
          The festival, which is now a worldwide event, is a festival of merchants plying their wares for profit, much like the money changers in the Temple of Jerusalem two thousand years ago.
          Many religious houses still cling to the crib in the stable idea of a salvation, which was a child born from On High to a virgin and they miss the bigger miracle of life that happens every day, even in the war-torn nations of the world and especially those just a few miles away from Bethlehem in Syria and its neighbours in the Middle East.

           Here the Parable of the Samaritan, set on that very road to Damascus, about a man who helped his neighbour by binding his wounds and leaving money at the inn for his recovery and welfare, has been forgotten by wealthy countries who border Syria and they continue to walk by on the other side.

           I told the Parable of the Good Samaritan when I was asked, “Rabbi, who is my neighbour?”

           I now ask that question of all nations, who border countries where there is unrest in the world and I ask them, “Who is your neighbour?”

           Read your good books if you are unaware of their teaching, because they all say that you should help your neighbour, whether you are Jew or Muslim or Christian, the message is the same, “Help your neighbour!”

           When will Mankind realise that religions are but a power base for those who fight each other in a holy war of ignorance.

           There is but one source of Higher Intelligence, way above your comprehension, who created each and every one of you to give you life and love.  You understand the difference between life and bodily death, but you fail each and every time to understand the difference between loving your neighbour and hating your neighbour.

           When will you put aside you material lives of greed and self-interest and work together with all that you have in common for a better world.  Learn to love and to trade with what you have and discuss ideas for the better ways for humanity to be human.

           Why must you all shed blood and kill the beautiful creations of the Most High, who made all Jews and Muslims and Christians equally to love each other and to live happily in harmony and peace.

           Nobody has a direct right to sit on the right hand of ‘God’ until he has earned that place and that can never be until all past deeds and mistakes have been purged from your soul by your own hand and by your own understanding.

           At this time of the Solstice, wherever you are in the world and whatever colour or creed you are, I invite you to go into the quietness of your own mind and ask yourself honestly, “Who is my neighbour and what does he need me to do for him at this time?”

           Please don’t think or expect any reward or favour, as ‘God’ asks for none when he helps you and is your saviour many times a day, whether you care to notice it or not.

           Remember that you are here to make the world a better place because you came, not richer or poorer by trading in self-interest, but simply by giving your neighbour what he most needs, whether you are a rich nation sitting on your hands next to a refugee camp on your borders or an individual, who looks up to the Higher Intelligence and gives thanks for what you have and shares it with those who don’t.
God blesses you all and so do I, Amen.


20 November 2013

Be At One with the Spirit with Whom All Things Are Possible

          Take a good look at your life and see if it is going the way that you want it to.  You can’t be held responsible for your mistakes and errors if you are genuinely in the wrong place at the wrong time, but you will be held responsible if you simply choose to look the other way and neglect your opportunities.

          Everybody has a choice.  Believe me nothing is left to chance when it comes to doing the right thing.  If you live your life the right and proper way that I have taught you, then you will see that your neighbour treats you as a loving friend, because you have befriended him in his hour of need and you will have no regrets about what you have done and you have left nothing undone.

           Too many people turn their back on the right and proper way to live, because they have more ego than sense.  Common sense implies that if you treat others as you would like to be treated, then you will be on the right road to a shared happiness in this world and the next dimension to come.

           However, if you are too busy saving up material things for yourself which you will never need and will almost certainly lose, then you are inviting a very lonely future in this world and the next.  Those who like people with material wealth are always on the make themselves and are always looking for more, so be warned – these sort of people never have enough!

           When I look down at the world today and I see all its troughs and pains of inhumanity to humans and the environment, I can see with sadness, so many who have more than they need, still taking from those who do not have enough.

           Where are the compassion and the sacredness of human life and existence?  Why are so many treating weaker souls as slaves and objects of little importance after they have served their purpose?

          I cannot see why women and children are so abused across this ragged world of hate and fear, when they should be loved and cherished, so that they are able to give of their very best to the future of the human race.

           Wars are a cancer all around this globe, where fighting is fanned by wealthy nations as an industry, so that armament manufactures and sellers can be employed in their deadly chosen careers.  These people have no morals and will sell to anybody instruments of death if the price is right.

          There is a shortage of hospitals and schools across this world and food, water and shelter are in short supply in many areas.  Industry has brought about climate change by its loss of control and the poisoning of the natural world.  The fauna and flora are being reduced to dangerous levels of existence.

          When will Mankind wake up to the dangers and irresponsibilities that he is creating through his selfishness and greed and by refusing to allow equality to come into the equation?

Very soon now, if he continues to close his ears and to block his mind to the realities of life, there will be nothing to stop the whole world becoming a wilderness without water and with searing heat burning anything that is left.

Huge weather systems are already emphasising the dangers of sleeping through the neglected years of balancing the scales, so that everybody and everything is in harmony and there will always be enough for all.  Today the balance is lopsided and irregular.

Many countries are too busy playing politics and they will not understand until their fingers are burning and then self-destruction through total combustion will not be too far behind.
In the Book of Revelations dire things were forecast.  They don’t have to happen if Mankind takes responsibilities and listens to the answers to his problems.  We all have a conscience, but half the world are not listening to theirs and the other half seems unable to find a way to make the first half wake up and be responsible.

The time is fast coming when the last throw of the dice will bring damnation, not from the pulpit, but from the actions of humanity upon themselves.

I came to teach love and you prefer war.  I brought you proof of everlasting life, but you fill your coffers with things that you don’t need and can’t take with you.  You are not prepared for bodily death, because you can’t make a fast buck on the other side and will have to wait in darkness until your ignorance is enlightened.

I said that the meek will inherit the earth and you still cannot see that you are forcing the destruction of life itself, so that the Creator of all things will have no alternative but to send you packing and leave those who humbly try to do their best, despite the bullying and forceful ways of the hardliners of self, to share goodness with all they meet and know.

Before the end of the world will come the beginning of the end, when those who have turned their back on the Higher Intelligence will perish and leave those who ask him for help to succeed in love with each other, will win the day.

Help will be given to them and the meek and humble will inherit the earth, because they are the only ones who have understanding and love for Universal Laws and the respect of the sacredness of life itself.

Reflect while you still can and be at one with the Spirit with whom all things are possible.

12 October 2013

Be Good to Each Other and you Will Receive Goodness according to Your Worth

Goodness is golden in the way of spiritual unconditional love that is given by the Father to all his children.  That is a fact of life.  What we have to do is to realise that we are human and that we are prone to make mistakes.

However, the difference in errors made by the good and the worthy from which they learn and move on, is totally different from the calculated choices that some other people make in not doing the right thing, but deliberately and without feeling take advantage of another or others for their own benefit, believing that they will get away with it.

We all make mistakes and that is part of the learning curve of humanity, but it is the intention that rules the difference here between a mistaken action or a moment of thoughtlessness and the deliberate turning away from what ones true conscience teaches in order to take a personal advantage.

The large part of today’s world is shrouded in negativity and thoughtlessness.  People tend to take what they want without thinking of the longer term effects and the consequences to others.  Many are deafened by their own greed and selfishness.

All things are seen by the Father and all actions are monitored in such a way that after a mistake is made then there is a time given for reflection before the comeuppance of Spiritual Law comes into effect.

As I am often saying and did so many times during my ministry on this earth plane, “What you sow, so shall you reap.”  There is no way of escaping this Law, which is at the very heart of all the Laws and Scriptures that have ever been given.

In order to live a good life, each and every soul needs to learn from their genuine mistakes and love their fellow man, woman and child as though they would be treated in the same way that they would wish to be treated themselves.  Then they are close indeed to God, the Father.

The spiritual world is to me a very large family, with the Father at the very pinnacle of it, as the supreme Universal Intelligence of unconditional love and wisdom.  It is he that is responsible for all things that occur within Universal Law. He is the mother and father of all Creation.

We were made in his likeness, by which I mean that within us all is a tiny part of his majesty and love, which guides us through life by giving us the difference between a right way of living and behaving and another way.

This is our conscience, our mind-set of decision making, which is our very being, our essence of life itself.  This is the gift that we have been given and this is what makes us unique and different from one another, because it is the experiences that we encounter and the decisions that we make that forms us into what and who we are.

To be guided with such wisdom is the most important fabric of our existence.  It is what forms our reality of accomplishment on this earth plane and is a perfect record of what we have achieved, but where we fail, perhaps there is still the opportunity to reshape our mind-set in the right and proper way.

After we leave this body we are still alive and well in our spiritual body, which I amply demonstrated to all who wished to understand the meaning of life itself by showing myself after three days had elapsed and also at later times.

During that time I was, like all others who came to this earth, examined by the Spirit in a loving and compassionate way, but my life and achievements and errors where laid open to my scrutiny, as you will find when you pass.

There is no hiding from the truth, so you can never ‘get away’ with your little disappointments or acts of selfishness.  Live in love and share your lives in this family that has been created, so that all may be connected and demonstrate our true feelings and gifts for all to see and for all to honour in the right way. 

There is no escape from the past, so what you have done you will reap.  If you have made mistakes then put them right on the earth plane and therefore do not bring them with you at your passing, where they will be brought to your attention and you will have to make good your harm to others by your own neglect.

As you live your life, so you will reap your reward or comeuppance.  The choice is very much up to you, but I can promise you this.  All those who try to put right what they have done wrong will be helped to do so and a genuine heart is as the prodigal son returning to the Father, where there is always unconditional love in welcoming home the child that strayed, but who came home to make amends, as you would welcome your children, would you not?

17 September 2013

Why is Humanity Failing to Be Human?

           The days are running out when you will have choice of your own and you will find that your choice is already made for you by the circumstances that you have created in a world deficit in public accountability.

          No longer can you sit back and leave the decisions to others to make for you, as you take the easy way through life sleepwalking from the atrocities, which are created all around this world.

          If you don’t know what I am talking about then I suggest that you read a newspaper or see the news online as the World trembles on the edge of World War III and abuse to women and children are a disgrace in any land or country.

          The world is changing because of the excesses of Man’s greed and failure to think through what he is doing and to see the longer term effects on all Creation.  Unless it hits him in the face that doomsday could come in his lifetime, he is remarkably cool about it.

          Wars are ravaging the continents of the world and people are killed every day, as the vicious emotion of hate spreads its wings and engulfs all the hearts in its path.  Only in the West do you still think that you are safe and loved, but are you protected.

          The arrogance and greed of western civilisation has dominated foreign cultures and taken what they wanted for themselves at home and leaving confused and broken spirits behind.  The world is full of countries that have been raped by empiric forces and they are unable to govern themselves through their naivety and inexperience to do so in a democratic way.

          Often dictators were empowered by imperious money and weaponry to oversee the dictates of foreign Governments and to supply in return for their safe and luxurious existence the raw materials to their beholding state masters at advantageous rates.

          Here the great wealth was accumulated by the despots and the people were and often still are living in poverty and without true education and medical attention.  If they were educated and fed they would understand the dilemmas within their own countries and rise up.

           Some are starting to do so, not simply because they are now well educated, but because the pain in their bellies is fostering the hatred that is festering within.  Religions pay lip service to whatever fills their coffers best and a quiet life and a fat one for all clergy.

          Within all of this is lost the true spirituality of the Creator’s love, which is the only saviour to this rampant denial of his existence, as Mankind behaves badly and seems to be getting away with it.

          This however is not so.  More and more abusers of the Universal Law are being brought to book and slowly the wheels of justice are moving to a higher level equality, which is essential if humanity is to survives the excess that have been allowed.

          Until humanity looks within himself as an individual and sees himself as a part of a whole, then Mankind is doomed for all time.  I taught to love your neighbour and not to covert what he has got.

          Why has my teaching been abandoned over time, so that Man can live as an individual and take what he wants without counting the cost to others?  Why is the long term future of these acts not considered or seen?  Why is the world spinning out of natural control?

          I have to urge you all to look into your hearts and minds by taking the time to see where you are going and at what a rate you rush blindly along the paths of life, neither looking to the left or right in case you see something that you should do for another, which might hold you up.

          Until the hatred in the hearts and minds of men is reversed by the levels of loving vibrations rising to drive out the heavy negativity and fear, then there is no change foreseeable.  Until a soul hits rock bottom and cries out in pain for help from the great Creator, nothing can be done.

          You have free will and you use it as you will, but if you don’t allow your belief system to acknowledge a greater power than you, then you are lost until you do.  This is a sad time for the people of this world, as you cannot see what you are creating and you are powerless to stop it, until you ask for help and abide by what you are given.

          We await you in a Spirit World that is powerless to help unless you ask us to, because you were given that right.  Do not wait until the world is destroyed and the ashes and anger feed the Universal with the failing of humanity to be human.

17 August 2013

Be Content with All that You Have

Now is a good time to stop and take stock of what you really believe in.  Do you know that there is a Higher Intelligence, a Creative Father, who gave us life and made our earthly existence possible?

Throughout the world at this time, there are forces that are attacking each other to get power over the people and to compress their lives into slavery, work in poverty and are made to go without the basic necessities of life.

We all have a part to play in this new world order, as the comfort zones are destabilised and we are all drawn into the fray in some way or another.  It is no good trying to walk away and keeping the status quo in your lives – those days have gone.

We all stand on the edge of great disruption, as areas of the Middle East start to explode into violence and sides are drawn up against each other.  These are no respecters of national borders and are and will continue to overflow, because they are based on ideals and creeds far to the right of normal considerations.

There are bodies of people at work who are stirring up people against people, so that they can bring in ideologies of extremists that are no respecters of human rights and of the sacredness of human life.

Our Father, who gave that life to us, is known by many different names and is quoted as saying many different things.  Throughout history many religious fanatics have always quoted him being on their side.

Our Creative Father is not on anybody’s side, but looks to us all to live in harmony and peace and to help each other with those little difficulties that we face in life together.  We need to share what we have and to bring up our children to respect and love the Law, both Spiritual Law and the Law of the Land.

The dis-ease that is spreading is an anarchy that destroys all that had been achieved through the hard work and suffering of good people working together for the Greater Good.  Now, there are hotspots where the people are trampled on and encouraged to riot and break the Law to allow hotheads to take control for their own advantage.

We all have a great personal responsibility to consider in our lives and our actions in the light of what we believe within ourselves and to look up to the Higher Intelligence and ask for help and guidance for what we can do and then to carry out what we will instinctively know to be true and right.

Mankind cannot be allowed to be broken with corruption and false promises and allow the destruction of all that has been achieved throughout this once beautiful world.  The size of the dis-ease around the world is greater than ever before and it must be stopped before it has gone too far.

All those years ago, I came to bring good news from the Higher Intelligence and to show that there was a way to live together and share all responsibilities for the Greater Good.  I did not give orders to be obeyed, but showed the people how they could find peace and harmony within themselves by acting for each other.

If you treat your neighbour as you would like to be treated yourself, then that is a good start, but do we see this happening around the world?  Blood of the innocent is being spilt and the women and children are losing their families, as members are cruelly taken from them.

We must all ask what we can do to bring voices of sanity to calm the irate and inflamed anger of those who are not thinking in their right minds and fail to acknowledge the presence of the Higher Intelligence, whose message is the same to all nations and beliefs.

“Love your brother and sister as yourself, because you are all equal in my sight.  Share all that you have with each other and trade together in peace and bury the hatchets of greed and corruption.  Be contented with all that you have, because you will always have enough if you share your love with me and all those who I have sent to be around you.”


23 July 2013

The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning

          The whole world is shimmering on the brink of disaster and must be saved for the sake of Humanity.  Our Father, all that time ago, made Mankind in his own image, which meant in the shape of love and fraternity to all beings.

          He continued to make and give life to all, who wished to seek a pathway through the glories of the world that he has created.  Life continues and new souls and new species on earth continue to be found.

          What has not changed is the mentality of the mind-set deep within Humanity that somehow is summed up by the truism of ‘When the Master is away the mice do play.’

          It is incredulous that there are souls, who come down to earth in full body and in the Light of our Creator, for there is no other way, soon drift into a state of misdirected thinking that it is as though they never knew of Higher Intelligence above their own.

          There is a sickness here that human souls become unbelievably susceptible to the doctrines of Man and put away from themselves the Universal Laws of our very Creation.  I came to teach those who would listen to me, as many did, but once the earthly doctrines reared their ugly heads, the people I came to teach soon turned away and, as Peter did, denied me.

          Since then there has been persecution, persecution and persecution.  Good people tried to remember what I had said and were soon executed as I was, leaving the perpetrators in and from Rome free to continue to trample on those who tried to live in love and harmony.

          Since those days nothing very much has changed except the degree that people who fear the punishment of their fellow man seem to buckle down to believe what they are told and deny any goodness and love that may remain.

          Where I walked in what is now called the Middle East and others have come down there to tell the wisdom and enlightenment of our Creator, there has become a hotbed of power seekers so that, where all faiths meet, there is nothing but evil and bloodletting.

          Mankind is so often a despoiler and where there are beautiful and holy things he finds might in smashing down what is mightier than he is, as if in the hope that the act will make him more powerful, but you know it makes him smaller and more insignificant.

          On creation, all beings are given a spark of life from the Creator, which is of him and like him, so that soul is truly born in his image.  It is small but it is powerful and it is free of direction, so that that soul can have freewill to live as the Creator intended, but also free to choose.

          That powerful spark of life is the power of thought and creation.  It is from there that the ego is.  If the powerful thought is used to energise and make powerful statements, so it enlarges and what we call the ego is made strong.  Small minds with less strength of will become crushed by the stronger and so egos learn to control or to be controlled and givers and takers are seen and found.

          The world over is made up of two species of humanity, who either give or take, but in the Middle East there is a concentration of ego and fear, which is a deadly combination.  I do not need to tell you, my friends, for so you are if you read my words because I am in your lives, who is who in this battle for supremacy there.

          It is plain enough for all to see and the world leaders are lining up their people to take sides in the conclusion of this matter.  Who will win?  Is it the ones with the biggest ego and power?  Is it one religion that is holding more fear and less love than another?

          Our Creator has decreed than Humanity cannot be allowed to destroy itself, as that creation was holy indeed and, as in Egypt many thousands of years ago, the big egotist with power must be brought down and our Father’s people must be freed.

          Freedom comes at a price and only the true enlightenment of Universal Law and Understanding will keep the people free from the yokes of Man’s depraved and violent destruction.  Those who accept godly ways will be saved and those who don’t will be taken away elsewhere to be schooled in the ways of the heavens, as they have despoiled the ways of the world.

          When a man stands on the very brink of destruction, whether it be from drugs or poverty or simply because he made mistakes, he will finally call out for help to be saved no matter how bad he has made things for himself.

          The same Law applies to Mankind and all will have to call out for salvation and the currency of his successes or failures will be weighed against him and so his future is as always in his own hands.

          It is never too late to turn back to our Creator and admit our mistakes.  I am the way to salvation and the road to forgiveness by the Father, but it has to be earned and no lip service will apply.

          Look into your own hearts and minds and see where your ego is stored and how you have used it to help your fellow man.   There is a mighty change coming and all will be asked what they have done to deserve to be saved.

          The alternatives are to be taken away from this earth plane and to leave room for the development of those who love our Father Creator and the replenishment of all that has been lost will be found and humanity will pay for their mistakes and so be guided to the Light of all Understanding at long last.

I say, “Amen to that and so should you.”

26 June 2013

Knock and It Shall be Opened unto You. Seek and You will Find

Now is a time of great turmoil and division in the minds of men and the actions that they commit.

Brother has so often fought brother and at this time there are few exceptions, as unrest spreads around the world and by the disharmony that is created globally, with nations and religions siding to influence the power that they have over others, the grey cloud of World War III stands darkly on the horizon.

Until Mankind learns to have tolerance for other people’s belief systems being formulated in a different plane of understanding, men and women must continue to live in fear and hatred will rule the world.

There is no place for violence to propel an idea that is different from others.  No man has the right in his arrogance to suppose that he has found the answers that all men have sort over the centuries and none knew all, because only our Father Creator knows all.

We all live in a shaded area, from which we can see clearest only what is directly in front of our faces and not very far ahead.  The further we try to look and understand, the mistier and the greyer the vision is.

Great philosophers have tried to unravel the secrets of the Universe in various aspects and have found some illumination through the years of study and questioning.

Few are honest enough and open enough, through all the centuries until the present time, to allow for the fact that they were helped and guided to their successful conclusions.  Openness of transparency is not an option to all in revealing their sources.

I have often said, “Knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Seek and you will find.”  This is still relevant today, as those who ask for spiritual help and guidance for the Greater Good and the understanding of Mankind will always find.

It is necessary to ask in the right and honest way for then, without your own personal gain, a quest for fame and fortune will be denied until that person looks at the reality of what he asks for and learns to use it for the Greater Good and not for himself.

All around the world at this time, Mankind is acting for himself and not for others.  Even those who wear the cloth of religion do not direct themselves to connect with the Higher Intelligence and only show outwardly the trappings of power and wealth.

The acts of love are abused and devalued by those who will only act out of reward in order to give to their fellow man.  There is a commercial culture everywhere, which is causing people to collect wealth for their lives here on earth alone.

They cannot take it with them when they die and few have any idea at all where they will go and how they will be received.  Therefore they live for today, while so many others, who have not the chance of wealth, can only live through the day. 

The world had been divided into two halves, the haves and the have-nots and the gulf here is widening.  Is it a surprise to see that the people are now rising up against the corruption of the leaders, for no longer are they their masters?

The people will have their way, but they must have courage within themselves and not be afeared.  When they look within for strength and ask for help and guidance to do their best for the Greater Good, they will be answered.

Those who are true and know that there is a Greater Intelligence to whom they can address their problems and seek answers, will be advised and they will feel the strength of the Holy Spirit, which is given to those who are pure in heart and struggle for the right reasons.

This Divine gift was not given to the religions of the world, who couldn’t recognise it anyway, but was and is given to the individuals, who are prepared to go out of their way to help those in need and to be rewarded by the satisfaction of a job well done without material reward.

I say unto you again, “Ask and it shall be opened unto you.  Seek and you will find?”  If you want to make a difference and be remembered for having achieved something for your fellow man, don’t stay at home thinking about it, but look within yourself and ask that Higher Intelligence what you came here to do.

Nobody came by chance, but with a direction to follow.  Have you lost yours?  Ask and you will find it again.  I say, “Amen to that.”

24 May 2013

Seek the opportunities to give and receive Joy and Happiness

Take to the skies and believe in what is there for you in the highest of the spiritual teachings that are available to you.

Lift up your eyes and aspirations, so that you are not held grounded on this earthly plane of existence.

If you remain leaden-footed and mentally tired by the negativity of this earth plane, you will never aspire to the teachings of a higher power above your own limitations.

All through the centuries men and women of vision have been able to accomplish great and wonderful things by hard work and dedication to guidance from beyond their own mind-set.

The more darkness there is upon this earth the more one needs to be able to achieve a connection with a Higher Power.  No one is alone and all have as much right to be connected and inspired.

If you are earthbound in your thinking and understanding, you will never be able to lift yourself to higher levels of achievement.  Too many are content with material gains and so too few are able to establish wealth of a spiritual kind to be ready for them to be received in the next dimension.

Have I not warned you that to keep treasures on earth, where moths and rust can corrupt, leaves you nothing to work with when you transcend into the next stage of your life?

It is easy to say and hard to do perhaps, but nevertheless it is so.  You come into this world without physical wealth and you leave it all behind when you go, so all that you achieve is a limited spell of comfort for yourself.

If you acquire wealth through industry or inheritance, it is so important to your future and those around you that you use it to help others who are less fortunate than yourselves.  It will be replaced so that you can do more.

Can you not see how the Higher Intelligence rewards those who are industrious to their fellow man and how those who squander their wealth on themselves suffer because of it?  How obvious is it to behold?

When you have enough for yourself and the needs of your responsibilities, then it is good to share with others who are deserving of your generosity and wealth.  To store it away, where it can do no good, is to constrict the positive vibrations of progress to a darkened corner and to leave them lost to the world.

This world is suffering so much at this time, because Man is greedy and selfish and refuses to share what there is between those who are unfortunate and those who are overburdened by life’s misfortunes.

Give what you can and see how you are rewarded by the return of your kindness.  How can you be justly helped, when you are in need, if you have done nothing to care for those who held out a hand for kindness and you walked by on the other side?

The Laws of the Universe are clear and unstinting as you will reap what you sow.  Knock and it shall be opened unto you.  These are the words that can divine your life into a field of joy and happiness.

So do not be afraid of being generous, but allow your mind-sets to seek the opportunities to give, so that you may receive.  Amen to that.

01 May 2013

Today Is Just Another Day Or Is It?

Each and every day there are challenges that are brought to us.  They are many and varied and some we adopt and others we ignore.

In western civilisations, most people are able to exercise that choice, but this is not so for everybody and many face decisions that are life threatening.

Throughout much of the world, wars and fighting are paramount in the way that people spend their lives.  There are even risks attached to many civilian areas, as groups and individuals are prone to use bombs and explosives for their own ends regardless of the loss of life.

Many are now trying to exist in areas where there are scant amounts of food and water.  Others have fled their homes and are residing in refugee camps on hand-outs.

Even in the more prosperous western nations, economies are collapsing and unemployment is rising, as the effects of greed by financiers and Governments have not been in the best interests of their people.

All of this and more is giving rise to a culture where love for one’s fellow man, woman and child is being eroded to such an extent that the negative energies and immoral purposes are holding sway against decency and goodness.

Until Mankind stops and starts to look at what he is doing as part of a greater picture, he will be in even more trouble than he is in now.  The projected effects from his present course will see the human race destroyed unless all stop and take stock, but even then they will fail to know how best they can do a U-turn to avoid catastrophe.
Many years ago I told all those who would listen to me, to prepare for the Kingdom of God by helping each other and doing good deeds.  “The Kingdom of Heaven is within,” I told them.  Have you not read about this?

In order to progress in the Love of Our Father, we have to look within ourselves and to hear our conscience and to feel the pain when we do it wrong.  There is no way that anybody can do this for us.  We are solely responsible for ourselves and our way of life.

You will receive what you sow.  There is no way that this can be escaped, because you are spirit in physical body and when you leave that worn out body behind, your spirit becomes free and expands so that you are uniquely alive still and existing with others in a Spiritual World.

How you have lived on this earth plane will determine at what level your soul has developed to and with whom you are fit to associate, either in the light of love or in the darkness of your own making.

So what each and every person on this globe must decide for themselves is how they want to live hereafter and that means starting here and now.  By living and helping others to improve themselves and to show kindness and goodness to others, you will progress towards that light of human kindness in the next step of your journey.

Those who prefer to live in the Darkness of Ignorance, which is the home of negative thoughts and unseemly and unkind behaviour to ones fellow men, women and children, will feel the pain of their misdeeds and cannot move on until they have made amends.

By changing tact on this earth, they will all find it easier to be accepted further on in their next port of call, which is beyond this earth plane.  If they refuse to start now, they will be taken out as the negativity on this plane of existence is reaching a critical level and the reverse course must be undertaken.

Now is the time to change.  Listen to the goodly and honest souls if you can find them.  Some still do exist and they are working to bring some sense to a human species, which is hell bent on destroying itself.

It is no use leaving it to others to do for you.  That is the trouble.  It is always somebody elses problem, but unless you choose to do your bit, it will be too late for you and all those who you purport to love, so get off your butt and start to live for the good future by living on a love vibration and put every other emotion on the back burner until you have evaporated them away and only recognise what is worthy of you.

I say, “Amen to that” and so should you.

08 April 2013

"Change and the World Changes with You,” They say or Does it?

          As the World slowly acclimatises to the new energies and balance is gradually restored, it becomes time for each and every soul to look within themselves and adjust to what they truly are.

          Each of us came with a mission, some great and some small, but all according to our own strength of purpose and enlightenment.  We have all had to learn some sharp lessons and it is from these that our strength of character is produced.

          What we all achieve is according to our desserts and those who have chosen a material path and left the spiritual gifts untended on the sidewalk will have some explaining to do.  Excuses are null and void.  It is the reason of action, which matters here.

          Like the Samaritan, who took up his duty to humanity, you may be on course to serve your earthly purpose, in which case you will know instinctively that you are guided by a higher intelligence, so that you may overcome the impossible as well as the possible.

          If however, like so many, you walk by on the other side, you will be found wanting and your life’s purpose is lost, while those you came to help will be left unable to function unless someone else picks up the baton and runs with it.

          Is this your answer to that Higher Intelligence that you are prepared to leave it to others, that you are too busy with your own life to stop and help others who are in need?  What you sow so shall you reap and what that means is that when you are in need of help, as we all are at times, nobody will stop for you!

          What is apparent to the spiritual mind is that there can never be a better time to act than at the present moment in time.  Always opportunities are placed in your pathway, so that you can act upon them with the utmost effect for yourself and those around you, who put out a hand for help.

          If you desist, because you are too busy enjoying yourself or are too lazy to get up off your backside and make a difference, then that opportunity is lost and others have to go without because of your intransigence.

          We all have agendas and we all have deadlines to meet, but there are priorities that come to the fore, as a wound is not left to fester because one is too busy being alive and that intransigence can bring death closer by ignorance of ones most important criteria.

          Always in life there must be time for reflection, to see where one is going and whether one walks the path that is right and honourable or whether one is seduced by the material ahead of the spiritual.

One thing here is important to understand.  Spiritual gifts have to be earned – nothing is given on credit, which is why so many people are seduced into having today and paying tomorrow.

With this philosophy, is it no wonder that spiritual earnings appear to be put off to a more convenient time when everything in your garden is lovely?

Beware that it is not too late and that the opportunities that you frittered away do not appear again for you, so that however perfect your material garden is, the spiritual cupboard is bare and then you have nothing to give.

If you have always rejected the spiritual opportunities, you have built up nothing in ‘heaven’, so that when you pass there you will be already bankrupt and all your earthly assets will be just that – earthly assets passed on without you and of no account.

Reflect while there is still time.  The world is changing and there is little enough time to change one lifestyle for another…

02 March 2013

Take a Long and Good Look at Yourself

          It is of vital importance that you do, as it has never been as important as in the coming few weeks.  Should you follow the advice given out from here in many diverse ways, you will have had the opportunity to know that we have been saying for some time now that change is coming.

          Change is almost upon us and unless you act in a positive way and revue yourself and your life here on this earth plane you are going to be disappointed.  Very few people have had the right attitude to the spiritual way of life and what it means.

          It is a pathway to giving and receiving in equal measure, so that as you help others so you are helped.  The greater your resources the greater are your responsibilities.  No one is exempt and the Maker of all life and love did so in the hope and expectancy that his creations would love each other and help each other on their way, so a world of harmony and grace could exist.

          However this has not been the case and, as Mankind has persistently taken for his own aggrandisement and greed, so have the men and women in the street, the ordinarily souls, been cowered and frightened to awake and form any sort of dissatisfaction.

          The divide between the haves and the have-nots has widened to such an extent that the masses have largely become deprived of their basic human rights the world over.  This has occurred to such an extent that there is no solution in sight other than the intervention of a massive scale as Universal Laws come into effect.

          Always in the past a bad judgement has led to that soul having the opportunity to put matters right again.  However few recognise this and so they continue on their merry and loathsome way continuing to perpetrate their self-interest.

          The little people have raised hardly a stir, but have put up with whatever excuses they were told and so, like the animals in the book Animal Farm, they became used to their lot and were not bright enough to raise the voices for a better world around them.

          Universal Law says that you reap what you sow.  It happens thus but slowly.  Now the accumulation of many past times is affected by energy changes, which are to take away the fear of the downtrodden and to give them a voice to act and change.

          So I say to you, “Go and look within.”  Your true nature is within yourself and not without – that is the material world and not the spiritual.  Your conscience is within you and from there comes your guidance and love, if you will let it.

Those who cling to the material and negative world and turn their backs on the Creator and his doctrines and teachings, against all the advice of the true prophets who come individually and not through organisations which are power corrupted, will fall.

This is not pie in the sky anymore.  You will see within the coming weeks a strengthening of the frightened and a draining away of the ego that has held Mankind to ransom for so long.

          The egotistical warrior features of so many in all forms of authority will crumble and peace will break out again.  No longer can it be denied.  The people don’t want wars.  They want a simple but sustaining life of love within the family and enough to sustain their needs.  The wants of the aggressive will be calmed and the rights of all people will be considered and can be achieved.

          See that what we say here is true and if you doubt, so be it.  Even Thomas was convinced, even though it was had won.  Ask yourselves if you are really doing your best for others and, if you can do more, do not be afraid to stand up and do what is right and good.  You know it makes sense, but are you too lazy and selfish to make that positive move and bring a smile to one in need.

          What you sow you will reap, so sow good seed on fertile ground and receive a harvest worthy of the collecting.  So shall all people flourish and so shall all souls reap their just rewards.  Amen.

28 January 2013

When will Mankind Learn from the Lessons of the Past?

          All through history there have been examples of men and women behaving badly and being punished by the Laws of Cause and Effect, which are paramount in the holding together, the whole of the Universe.

Throughout the history books, including the Old Testament and there are also many held sacred writings from nearly all belief systems throughout all earthly time, there are many examples of prophetic teachings of what will happen if Mankind fails to mend their ways.

Do you really think that today is any different?

Read the atrocities of the world and see bad behaviour being found out and punished from a Higher Intelligence that ours?  What, you do not believe that there is anything higher than yourself and that when you die you will have got away with all the bad deeds and mischievous behaviour during your lifetime?

This is simply a question of having eyes and not seeing and having ears and not hearing!  To ignore the life that is given to you is disrespectful, but to act as if you are the only source of direction in your life and its effect on others is to be beyond understanding.

It shows that your ego has taken over from your common sense and that you are distrustful of the truth as given to you by Higher Influences that are all around you.  Do not concern yourself with what other people teach, but know what is endemic within you and be at peace with what is right and what is wrong.

No one can be blamed for being ignorant, except that they have failed to find out for themselves what is true and what is false.  It is laziness in the extreme and an example of failing to assess what one is here on this earth plane to do and therefore failing to do it.

How can a soul with any respect for themselves allow themselves to be seen by others to be insensitive of the needs of others, whether they know them personally or not?  To be alright Jack, is insensitivity of massive extremes where all you have is yours and for you alone.

No one in their right mind can surely believe that they are all right and that they will never want for anything and will never need the crutch of support from another?  Will they never be hurt?  Will they never be ill?  Will the never have a need to have another explain to them why they feel the way they do in bereavement or in the emptiness of not knowing the love that fills the emptiness of the heart and soul?

There are Laws of Universal importance that control each and every one of us and like naughty children we can get away with it for a time, but the Father knows all and gives us always the chance to make amends and put matters right that we have upset.  Then, if we ignore our responsibilities, then we must be punished if that is the only way we will learn.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go into the heavenly state of being, but it is not impossible.  One of the gates into Jerusalem was called the eye of a needle, because it was low and the camel had to go down on its knees to pass through it.

Humility is harder for a mighty one than a lowly man, but when they have learned that lesson, the riches of eternal life start to beckon as enlightenment and understanding of the soul within is born to that person.

Why wait until it is too late but to be punished, because that is the choice between living in humbleness and understanding for all souls of all nations and all creeds, so that this world can live in peace and harmony through the banishing of greed and corruption of a materialistic world?

Think carefully and if you choose not to be known as a good and honest person, so be it, but complain not when you are brought to book, as all is known and will confront you to make you rescind your errors, otherwise you can never be made into that goodly person you were made to be and that you must do sooner or later or be abandoned and left alone in darkness and in error.

Let the enlightened side of your conscience guide your life and actions and enjoy the real riches of life, which are not materialistic!

I shall pray for that, as you should put out your thoughts for others less fortunate than yourselves – Amen to that.