20 November 2013

Be At One with the Spirit with Whom All Things Are Possible

          Take a good look at your life and see if it is going the way that you want it to.  You can’t be held responsible for your mistakes and errors if you are genuinely in the wrong place at the wrong time, but you will be held responsible if you simply choose to look the other way and neglect your opportunities.

          Everybody has a choice.  Believe me nothing is left to chance when it comes to doing the right thing.  If you live your life the right and proper way that I have taught you, then you will see that your neighbour treats you as a loving friend, because you have befriended him in his hour of need and you will have no regrets about what you have done and you have left nothing undone.

           Too many people turn their back on the right and proper way to live, because they have more ego than sense.  Common sense implies that if you treat others as you would like to be treated, then you will be on the right road to a shared happiness in this world and the next dimension to come.

           However, if you are too busy saving up material things for yourself which you will never need and will almost certainly lose, then you are inviting a very lonely future in this world and the next.  Those who like people with material wealth are always on the make themselves and are always looking for more, so be warned – these sort of people never have enough!

           When I look down at the world today and I see all its troughs and pains of inhumanity to humans and the environment, I can see with sadness, so many who have more than they need, still taking from those who do not have enough.

           Where are the compassion and the sacredness of human life and existence?  Why are so many treating weaker souls as slaves and objects of little importance after they have served their purpose?

          I cannot see why women and children are so abused across this ragged world of hate and fear, when they should be loved and cherished, so that they are able to give of their very best to the future of the human race.

           Wars are a cancer all around this globe, where fighting is fanned by wealthy nations as an industry, so that armament manufactures and sellers can be employed in their deadly chosen careers.  These people have no morals and will sell to anybody instruments of death if the price is right.

          There is a shortage of hospitals and schools across this world and food, water and shelter are in short supply in many areas.  Industry has brought about climate change by its loss of control and the poisoning of the natural world.  The fauna and flora are being reduced to dangerous levels of existence.

          When will Mankind wake up to the dangers and irresponsibilities that he is creating through his selfishness and greed and by refusing to allow equality to come into the equation?

Very soon now, if he continues to close his ears and to block his mind to the realities of life, there will be nothing to stop the whole world becoming a wilderness without water and with searing heat burning anything that is left.

Huge weather systems are already emphasising the dangers of sleeping through the neglected years of balancing the scales, so that everybody and everything is in harmony and there will always be enough for all.  Today the balance is lopsided and irregular.

Many countries are too busy playing politics and they will not understand until their fingers are burning and then self-destruction through total combustion will not be too far behind.
In the Book of Revelations dire things were forecast.  They don’t have to happen if Mankind takes responsibilities and listens to the answers to his problems.  We all have a conscience, but half the world are not listening to theirs and the other half seems unable to find a way to make the first half wake up and be responsible.

The time is fast coming when the last throw of the dice will bring damnation, not from the pulpit, but from the actions of humanity upon themselves.

I came to teach love and you prefer war.  I brought you proof of everlasting life, but you fill your coffers with things that you don’t need and can’t take with you.  You are not prepared for bodily death, because you can’t make a fast buck on the other side and will have to wait in darkness until your ignorance is enlightened.

I said that the meek will inherit the earth and you still cannot see that you are forcing the destruction of life itself, so that the Creator of all things will have no alternative but to send you packing and leave those who humbly try to do their best, despite the bullying and forceful ways of the hardliners of self, to share goodness with all they meet and know.

Before the end of the world will come the beginning of the end, when those who have turned their back on the Higher Intelligence will perish and leave those who ask him for help to succeed in love with each other, will win the day.

Help will be given to them and the meek and humble will inherit the earth, because they are the only ones who have understanding and love for Universal Laws and the respect of the sacredness of life itself.

Reflect while you still can and be at one with the Spirit with whom all things are possible.

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