23 December 2015

Can You Really Do Anything Less?

          Always be ready to recognise a soul in distress.  There are plenty to choose from at this time of year and, it doesn’t matter where you cast your eyes, there is always someone who is unhappy.

          This is the fault of a material world that is built on an ‘I want, I must have’ culture.

          It is all about marketing.  It matters not if you can afford the apple of your eye as long as you can obtain credit and have it now and pay for it later.  Where has the ability to earn your rewards gone?

          Our Father in Heaven, as the prayer goes, is not as generous as the credit card companies, who pedal your salvation at extremely high interest rates.  You are always allowed to say, “No!”

          Our Father has an old fashioned view of Mankind and the individual souls that make it up.  He says that you can have what gifts you desire, when you have learnt to appreciate their value and know how to use them for the Greater Good and not just your own individual enjoyment.

          Please be aware that he is right!   Even with the best scrutiny, there are mistakes and a man or woman with a God-given gift, of shall we say healing, starts to believe that they are doing the healing and the ego grows beyond its reason.

          It is by the individual misbehaviour against the Higher Intellect that the ego of man or woman gets out of balance and then the giver of all good things has to take away the gift and that soul has to start to learn anew about being worthy to receive in perfect love, what was on offer to them, which they abused.

          In the material world, the gift can be bought on credit without any questions asked as to the worthiness of the receiver.  As long as they have the credit they can buy what they want and do with it as they may.

          At this time of year in many families there is a glut of expensive presents given to ungrateful children, who soon tire of them and what something else!  It is all a game to so many, as to what their friends receive and their worth rather than what they can use for the Greater Good.

          The manufacturers make vast profits in this way and the High Street is full of special offers and the online companies make you feel that you cannot not buy their wares, because of the seductive language and polished presentation.

          While half the world has far too much, the other half has far too little.  There is a compromise here to be learned and it is by following one’s conscience that balances the rights and wrongs that were engrained there when we came to earth and were born into a material world.

          The Scales of Justice are a familiar sight to so many, but too often they fail to understand their true meaning.  The many who do wrong, are always trying to escape their punishment by pleading innocence and that they did not do anything wrong!

          However they plead, they usual don’t understand that the Scales are balanced in favour of right living and right actions.  Our Creator made us to come here in balance and so He gave us freewill to make our own decisions and a conscience to show us the right and proper way to live in harmony with our fellow man, woman and child. 

          There are only two ways to live on this earth plane of existence and that is to walk our pathway towards our Creator and to grow in his light of unconditional love or to turn away and walk into the darkness of ignorance, so that we can accumulate all that we desire before we are enveloped in the blackness of our own ego and are deaf to our conscience.

          At this time of festivity and choices, I say to you, “Turn around and leave that darkness behind you and walk into the light of unconditional love and receive the gifts of that spiritual nature to help you give your love and time to those who need it most.”

          We were given life and love to come to this earth plane and make it a better place because we came.  We came to share and live in peace and not to hurt others through our own thoughtlessness.

          If we can take responsibilities for our actions, then we will have learned a goodly lesson to build on, so that we are the ones who give without thought of returns, but know that what we do is helping another, who cannot help themselves.

          See the joy on their faces and let their smiles be your own rewards, as you feel within yourself the satisfaction of giving and earning that warmth, which only comes from giving unconditional love.

          There are so many souls who need to understand that they are not alone.  Many feel lost and abandoned.  Many have been abused.  Others made mistakes all on their own and went down a path of little understanding and need a helping hand from one who understands, because once they went down that path themselves.

          We all have experiences and we all have a need to love and be loved, so that sharing is a harmonious act of exchanging what we have to aid another in need.  Try and carry a burden or two this festive season and put your own needs behind you, as you walk towards the light and love of your Creator, who loves you unconditionally.

          Can you really find it in your heart to do anything less?

21 November 2015

Why Do You Feel So Tired?

It is the stress of living in the 21st Century without the direction and unconditional love that comes from those who love you in the Spirit Realms that which religions call Heaven, but don’t understand why!

It is often said that in religious terms, it is the abode of God and the angels and where the clergy believe that they are going when they die, as they have followed the rules of their institution.

          Nobody is fit to go directly to meet God after they die as they are clearly misinformed about procedures.  The word God comes from the early understanding that everything that is good comes from the Creator of us and everything else.

          In the earliest of days when Mankind was simple, this Divine Being was portrayed as an elderly man sitting on a throne sorting the sheep from the goats, as it were, when the souls arrived after passing from this earth plane.

           Symbolically, the sheep were those who had led a good life according to the rules of the Church.  The goats were those who had lived for themselves and had simply taken what they wanted regardless of anybody else’s needs.

          In the 21st Century it is difficult to see this actuality, as without understanding the creation of ourselves, how can we understand the Higher Intelligence who made us and our soul interest in becoming at one with Him in time.

          Our physical bodies are well enough understood, as they are on loan to us for our time on this earth plane and will have a finite duration according to how well we look after them.  They are the natural product of a union between a male and a female and this is well understood.

          However, within the physical is placed the Spirit of Life, which is everlasting and created with unconditional love.  That creation is a part of the Great Creator and is, if you like, a little bit of God himself.

          That creation continues after the physical body breaks down and the brain and the organs cease to function and this is called death.  The physical decays and is recycled naturally, as matter cannot be created or destroyed – it simply is in different forms.

          Just before the body ceases to function the spirit or soul is released and goes to the place that it has deserved, according to its measuring up to Spiritual Law, which is the Divine rulebook that we all try and live by.

          No being has led a perfect life and there are always mistakes and errors of judgement that we have made in our pursuit of the joy and happiness that we thought we needed during this life without considering the effect that our behaviour had on others.

          Not everybody listens to their conscience, which is the balancing factor within ourselves that tells us the difference between right and wrong and how we are guided to do the better or greater thing for others rather than simply for ourselves.

          We all have been given by our Creator freewill to decide what we want to do and that means listening and being guided by our conscience or turning away and ignoring it, thus pursuing our own agenda in life and ignoring what our Creator stands for in there.

          This little voice of guidance is the voice of the Creator, who can be found and followed in the quietness of our own soul and is the reason why we came to this earth plane in the first place.

          Our soul came into an earthly body in order to accomplish certain criteria for the greater good of humanity and therefore we will have succeeded or failed according to our conscience, which is our Creator’s direction for us to follow.

          We will not be accepted until we have completed those tasks and, if we have failed to do them on this earth plane, we will have to do them from the Spirit Realms beyond this little globe of physical activity.

          There are very few second chances and it is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to come down and try again.  Only those who were stopped by an accident unseen may be offered another life.

          After we leave this earth, we must make good on our thoughts and deeds and work with others, who have more experience, to accomplish our deeds and put right our mistakes and errors.

          This is done using the facilities of communication that is best understood by the spirit, who has passed and the soul that is sensitive to be guided in their daily work of helping others on this plane of existence.

          There is no quick and certain route from this earthly death to the Godhead, as High Church theology expects, because it has to be earned over the eternity that our soul is made to last and then finally we can become one with God.

Then we can return the purity of what he gave us, which is now free from the contamination of our mistakes.  Here in the 21st Century, it is harder to get it right, because we are so busy and tired though pursuits that are only necessary in earthly terms.

          In these pursuits too many souls have stopped listening to their conscience and have therefore turned their back on their Creator and it will be a long and tiring journey back to Him through all eternity. 

22 October 2015

Love Thine Enemy, Pray for Him

          You all must feel that you are at the circus, when all the cages have been left open and the unfed animals are roaming free.  Throughout the Middle East there is a circus of politics, which defy the rational mind.

           Leaders from East and West are imprinting their wills on the people that live there and these people are fuelled by hate and the results are death, war and destruction.  There can be no peace in these lands until the hatred that is fanned from many sources becomes quietened and the love that I taught is allowed to come in.

          I taught that one should love thine enemy and few understand this.  We are all made equal in the Creation and it is only from the teachings of individual men and women that the hatred is learned.

          These feelings are not inbred and are learned through the words of those who come in many disguises, but all have hidden agendas.  Most owe their living to these irrational thoughts and are saying what they are, while paying obedience to their masters above them.

          Man has an ego that runs on power and those at the top of the national tree, who become frightened of losing their powerful status and high paid jobs are the worst in fanning the flames of hatred.

It means that they are losing control when they have to resort to fanciful and untrue reasons for continuing the fight against what they perceive as their enemies.  They become so when they have something that the other wants!

This is often riches in one form or another.  It can be the very land that the other occupies or mineral wealth under the surface.  Whatever it is, it is not right for the strong to try to overcome the weak and to use the heavy hammer when they try to resist.

I say to all who perceive that they have enemies to send out their love to them and to ask the Higher Intelligence to give them love, healing and enlightenment.  In his wisdom, He will know how this can best be addressed and, as you love your neighbour as yourself, so will the situation be healed and peace can ensue.

There are no winners in wartime, as all the assets of a nation are lost or damaged.  The very people who live there find that they lose their lives, their livelihoods and their families and worst of all their children are killed maimed or mentally disturbed for the rest of their lives.

Normality is replaced by a constant hell on earth, as wicked weapons are deployed without any moral consideration and understanding the consequences of what they are doing.  This has to be stopped and if humanity cannot stop it themselves, then our Heavenly Father will use his power to intervene.

          Until the prayers and loving thoughts are sent out to the Heavens for intervention through love and healing to be sent to the troubled areas, there will be no respite.  Send love to those who persecute you and know that there is a Higher Power, who loves all his created children.

          Let the voice of all peoples be raised to allow their Creator’s love to be added to their own and to ask that the mind-sets of those who ignite war and hatred are re-enlightened with the accepted truth or if they will not turn then ask for divine energy to take them out of the equation.

We are all created in unconditional love and it is our birth right to live a life of usefulness and peace.  Nobody actually likes aggression against themselves and it is only the bullyboys who allow it against others, when they feel that they are safe and sound.

We are all individual spirits within this body of physical construction to use for a number of years and to then move on from it, as our spirit, our inner being, is taken back to the Realms from which it came.

When we arrive at the appointed place that we have earned for ourselves by our actions and thoughts here on this earth plane, we shall be confronted by questions as to what we did and what we achieved by being here and did we make a difference for the Greater Good.

We will have to make amends for what we have got wrong and the pain that we caused to others.  Where we have done good things and helped our fellow man, woman and children, we shall be able to work together with others to continue our good deeds and to learn how best to give guidance to those who struggle.

As those who perceive the problems that people struggle with and we are able to give of ourselves for them, so the higher vibrations start to dispel the negativity, which is causing misery and harm to millions of people in this cauldron of fear and hatred in the very lands that I walked all those years ago.

I said then and I say it again now, “Love your enemy and pray for him.  Ask for the Higher Intelligence, our Creating Father if you like, to come with his wisdom and help Mankind to rethink his mind-set and allow peace and love to be the watchwords of humanity in practice and reality.”

This can be done if we all appeal to our Creator and act in love and put hatred away forever.  Whatever you call him, it doesn’t matter. He is all One and is receptive to your calling Him with love and humility to clear up the awful mess that Mankind is proving unable to stop.

I say Amen to that.

21 September 2015

Nothing is Left to Chance, but to Purpose and Right Living

          Change is the name of the game and everything is in motion.  It is quite impossible to stay still or to be stuck in a rut of your own choosing.  We are all given a choice and there is nothing that ‘Our Father’ isn’t able to help you with, if your intentions are right and honourable.

          Nothing is left to chance and all spiritual assistance is given according to the rule of Spiritual Law, which is simply that you reap what you sow.  If your philosophy is to love and help others ahead of yourself, you will be looked after according to the Law.

          However if you are only interested in making things right for your own self and chose not to consider what effects your actions have on other people, you will be very disappointed by the way that Spiritual Law serves you.

          To be a simple humble person with good intensions and a feeling for others, you will be in service to humanity and to the Creator, who made you in love and who always gives you what is best for you and your progression to a return to the next step on your journey to everlasting life.

          If you serve the Church and its dogma, you will probably be blinded by the material and physical side of life, being encouraged to give to them and to continue the pretence of its institution being more important than the people who struggle to live their lives in difficult times.

          I need to spell it out clearly for you to understand that the Church worships my death and not my life.  I came down to this earth plane to help those who were in need and I gave them knowledge and enlightenment together with healing and love for each other.

          It is not my public execution that is important and the pain that was metered out to me, but the fact that I survived bodily death, as we all do.  I did not die to save people from their sins, because we are all made to face what we have done on this earth.  That is Spiritual Law.

          Nobody can take away the sins or misdeeds of another or even to give out punishment for doing so.  We all have to face what we do and to make amends when we get it wrong, not sweep it under the carpet and be forgiven, so that we are free to go out and do the self-same thing again!

          Too many people think that we can have our slate wiped clean by the words of another human being, just because he professes that he is given the power to do so.  Where does he get that power to make godly acts, while still living in sin himself?

          ‘Our Father God’ is not the exclusive property of the Church, any church.  The Almighty Divinity is our Highest Intelligence, way above all those, whoever have and ever will, set foot on this globe of existence.

          The spirit of our individual existence is within our own hearts and minds and contains the seeds of righteousness that Our Maker put there.  We call it our Conscience, which gives us the true balance of right or wrong according to how we are able to recognise it.

          What is most important to understand, is how we lived our lives amongst our fellow souls and not how we died.  Death is a passing from one state to another and nobody gets any bonus points for dying.

          It is certain that having been born we shall die.  That is an undisputed fact and is so with believers or non-believers.  What is disputed is what happens after death in bodily form?  Are our bodies simply recycled by the worms or the scattered ashes added to the nutrients of the land?

          When we leave our earthly body, it is of no use to our soul or being, which is immortal and will simply continue in a spiritual body, which is suited to where we arrive according to our acts in physical form.

          This body is free from the ailments of earthly life and we continue to exist in a spiritual way, which is just as strong and meaningful as the old earthly one and without the need for it to be sustained by physical material of an earthly nature.

          When I was ready to appear to those that I loved most, three days after my death, my body was in perfect form and pure of the negativity of this earth.  I didn’t need it to the change in my circumstances.

          Death is simply a change of circumstances and according to how you lived on earth, so you will be transformed onto the next stage of your progression to everlasting life in the perfect and unconditional love of our Creator.

          It is a long journey, but once begun it can never be put aside and we all have our duties to others to perform and to find ourselves helping others, who haven’t yet reached our levels of understanding, enlightening them and teaching them how to achieve a higher state of being.

          We all need to realise that we cannot improve ourselves alone and that through the Power of the Spirit, we are given opportunities to succeed and to move on.  Nothing is left to chance and we all have this strength to succeed and move on.

          If we are stuck in a rut, it is of our own choice and we are too lazy or too ignorant to lift up our enthusiasm to do something about it.  Ask for help in the right and loving way and it will be given to you from above.

          Don’t expect man to bail you out without spiritual and unconditional love, which is sent in the Almighty’s name and is rarely found in a cassock!

24 August 2015

Be Careful What You Wish for Lest You Receive It

          I am here to tell you that the world crises will not abate until Man turns away from the material aspect of worldly life and starts to embrace the spiritual love of his fellow humans through the recognition of ‘Our Father’, who made all life in unconditional love.

          Mankind has abused the Creator’s love for far too long and it will have to bring a heavy toll of suffering to all who cannot or will not turn to the Spirit to find peace of mind and to learn to obey the guidance given to them to live by.

          I came two thousand years ago in earthly time and I brought messages and guidance on the way to live by the Law of Man and by the Spiritual Laws of ‘Our Father’.  My teachings have been abused by churchman throughout the world and ignored by institutions intent on raising money above the need of the Greater Good.

          My actions were clear that by example, people who wish to profit in Heavenly terms, need to be guided within through the quietness of their own souls to love each other and to give healing and harmony, so that peace may reign in everybody’s hearts and minds.

          There are those who dedicate their lives to ease the suffering of others through medical and physical means.  They are well loved and are cared for by the angels to continue their work for the Greater Good and they will be rewarded when it is time for them to rest and return to the Kingdom of Heaven.

          These people do not just appear at times when they are needed!  They are sent from On High to attempt to balance this world that is in danger of imploding through the increasing amount of negative practises, which are causing an imbalance of the equality of the norm.

          It may be seen in a similar way as to the best reactions between acidity and alkaline, where a neutral perspective is best for the smooth running of all things and only exceptionally does that balance need to change and then only slightly.

          In this example the unconditional love of the Creator is being overturned by the negativity generated by greedy men and women, who care nothing for the Greater Good, but only their own ego and self-interests.

          Men and women who are abused by them, suffer without cause and the spiral sends the emotional level of hopelessness and hurt through the change to negative thoughts and actions and the whole balance on this earth plane tips.

          As like begets like, so the tilting of the earthly emotional balance continues to be further unbalanced and the general slide into the abyss of an unstable world continues.  Hope and love are eventually lost and it is only by ‘Our Father’ sending souls to help and guide that disaster can be averted.

          My question to you all is, “Why are you not listening to the good advice and guidance that we are sending?”

          The religions of the world are all rooted in the same source from way before I came, but those teachings from Abraham onwards have been manipulated, so that they are power sources controlled by the few for the downfall of the many who are controlled.

          The controlling bodies, purporting to live by the scriptures, are nothing more than controllers of the fates of many through fear and the telling of lies about what will happen to you if you fail to follow their teachings and example.

          Their example has been shown to be one of abuse and hatred, all blamed on ‘God’, who speaks to them alone and nobody else!  So many claim to hear the ‘Voice of God’ directing them, but in reality it is the echo of their own conscienceless ego that drives them on to their abusive ways.

          Where is the love I brought for all men and women?  Why do these leaders of flocks not go out amongst them and give healing as I did?  It is a gift from ‘God’ and shows that ‘God’ is speaking to those who heal the sick and bring spiritual guidance to the people.

           The Laws of Spirit are the Laws of God.  I said it very plainly when I was asked who should be obeyed.  “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

          Are these things still not true?  To achieve balance in this world you must live within the laws of the land, but to achieve righteousness and security for your future life you must give unconditional love to your Creator by working together for the Greater Good of humanity on this earth plane.

          Treasures made on this earth cannot be taken away with you when you leave this place.  All physical items including your earthly body are left behind and are recycled for use again in the future of this earth and all who come.

          Your life essence, your soul, the real you, is transported into the place that you have earned and will not be dictated to by the words of men on earth, but by the Laws of God.  Be careful that you recognise the difference and place your loyalties where they are supposed to be, lest you lose what you strive for and become imbalanced in an unbalanced world.

24 July 2015

Changes Needed But Not For Changes Sake

The world is slowly pitching and heaving its way into some form of recognition that it needs to change its ways before the slippery slope that the people have made for themselves comes in to destroy the beauties and necessities of ‘God’s’ gifts to Man.

Our Heavenly Father created everything out of light energy and insured that on this planet there was everything that his created children needed to live in comfort and in harmony with each other.

During his evolution, Mankind has lost the balance of being, where there was everything that was needed to keep the status quo and there was enough of everything to go round for all to be fed and watered and to bring up the next generation to understand the skills of survival.

There was an animal kingdom and a plant kingdom that were available to the human race to supply food and clothing as well as domestic products for their use.  There was this abundance of everything in their season and human beings learned to store and save for the lean times ahead from the times of plenty.

Nobody needed more than his family could use and so there was no greediness to have more than ones share and there was no corruption, because every family worked together with others of their tribe.

Once materialism came into the market place, where people specialised and sold their wares to each other and profits were seen and some became richer than others, so that no longer was there a balanced society.

We have here what we call today the division of the people, as the richer got richer and the poor got poorer and so there was the haves and the have nots.  Each was rooted to his doctrine and love for ones fellow man started to develop into hatred of anyone who was different to one’s own group.

          Some people made a profession of controlling the power of the people and politicians, religious doctrines and successful business men started to realise that they had power over others to get what they wanted.

          Some groups became nations and fought with others for supremacy and the riches that they had and larger areas of control took over various parts of the world.  Mankind started his inhumanity to man and messengers from the Creator came down to warn of the problems that were being created.

          Many failed to listen and turned their backs on the Higher Intelligence and allowed their own ego to rule their lives.  They didn’t understand that Spiritual Law was what ruled the world and as they sowed the seeds so they would reap their own harvests.

          Many have found that when they did good things they were rewarded with goodness and they lead productive lives and helped those that they could.  They felt empowered and in tune with the power of their Creator.

          Those who chose to turn away and live for themselves taking what they wanted and not caring about their fellow man, woman and child did so at their own risk in their own darkness of ignorance.

          For them there was no happiness forthcoming in their lives.  They found that despite their material gains they lost out on love and health or comfort in their lives as they gave nothing worthwhile to others who were in need.

If you acquire wealth you have a responsibility to others to use it for the Greater Good.  There are many who do charitable work and give out some of what they have for those who suffer and are in need.

These worthy souls find that the more they give the more they in turn are given to continue their good works.  It is given in the right spirit, not grudgingly but generously with love and a rewarding grace that is worthy of them.

As there is so much need in the world today, I ask everybody who has a caring spirit to do what they can for the improvement of the lot of those who often through no fault of their own were in the wrong place at that time.

Man creates wars and destruction for his own reasons and leaves devastation in their wake.  Too often he is blind to the needs of the people, as he looks at higher ambitions to grab resources and to exterminate another’s belief system.

Mankind is quick to chide and slow to bless and creates an unjust society wherever his greed and corruption take him.  It is now time for those who have goodness in their hearts to stand up and be counted, so that justice is seen to be given and the wrongdoings of these individuals is addressed and righted.

No longer can those actions that are morally wrong and selfish be allowed to continue and changes must be made, because they are needed to balance an unbalanced world, where pain and suffering is becoming the norm.

There is nothing wrong in loving one’s fellow man for the right reasons of compassion and heartfelt sympathy.  What is wrong is the systematic inflicting of pain and suffering on the innocent, because they can and they expect to be rewarded materially for their trouble.

          The trouble that they leave in their wake is the trouble that affects us all and we have to live with it and clear it up as best we can, while so many suffer in pain and are deprived of their basic human rights.

22 June 2015

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be aware that your mistakes and errors in this life cannot be forgiven by a man who purports to hear your confessions or uses any other excuse to absolve you from your obligations.

We are all held responsible for our lives and all our thoughts and actions are recorded and will be presented to us when we pass from this earth plane.  Those of you who turn away will not be comforted to know this.

There is a saying that says, “Be careful what you wish for.”  It is worthy of reflection and to be gullible enough to believe that a man can put himself in ‘God’s’ place and wash away your actions that have been against your fellow man is to be naïve in the highest degree.

          We all have to face and stand up for our own responsibilities.  Nobody can walk our path for us.  That is only for us to decide and achieve.  We can be guided and influenced by others, but in the end game it comes down to us.

          We must make sure that we have always done the right thing and we must be sure not to judge others, as that way we will be judged accordingly.  There is only one right way to live and that is in compassion for one’s fellow beings around us.

          We are all linked in some way or another.  This may be difficult for many to see, but as the mass communications and trade worldwide reveals, we are dependent on each other for all things at all times.

          We must start to realise that we cannot simply turn our backs on anything that we don’t like or is distasteful to us.  We all need to stand up and be counted, because on this earth plane we are all together as one.

          We are individually a small part of the whole and, as one drop of water joins with many others to make a mighty ocean, so we must play our part.  If we fail to live right and bring negativity to that ocean we will ‘colour’ the whole, slightly but enough to make a difference and as like attracts like, so we discolour the whole and change its status.

           This applies equally the other way around, so that if our positive energies can join together with other positive energies then the whole is strengthened and transformed.  This is what we all need to do, think positively as one and go forward together as one.

          We were all given a conscience and so we know what is right and what is wrong.  It is no use turning away and not listening as many do today, because in time it will bring about a downfall and, as we can all see, this earth plane is already in decline due to the bad practices and mistakes that have been made not once, but time and time again.

          It is not too late to turn back to the teachings that I brought all that time ago.  Many have listened and turned my words to their own advantage and there are cells of misreading all around the world.  Religion is not the answer, as all can see now that the proof has been shown through all religious houses.

          None of them are fit for purpose as they abuse others for their own purposes, whether that shows up as sexual abuse, rank extremism or the genocide of another race.  All these show within the walls that they have built to keep out the prying eyes.

          These matters can only be conquered by individuals going into their own hearts and minds and listening to their own conscience and realising for themselves what is right and what is wrong and, as they do so, they need to communicate with others who are receiving like messages showing how to live and share, so that a better world can be established.

          As soon as people start to take for themselves and stop putting the Greater Good first, we all start to slip down that slippery slope that will lead this world into disaster and eventually it will be no more, as it will be burnt out without resources, because Mankind proved that he was greedy and corrupt and couldn’t be turned from hate into love.

          Many people will blame anybody but themselves and you will hear them ask why the Government can’t do something or why ‘God’ doesn’t do something about it.  It is always somebody else’s problem.

          The answer to that is, “No!  It isn’t!”  It is everybody’s problem to put matters right and to start to work together for a better world, where resources are not squandered and the better course is always followed, because it is the right thing to do and not because of those who have their own agendas of selfishness and greed.

          The whole matter is one of simplicity and that is why we were put on this earth plane to make a difference for the better and to leave it in a better state than before we came.  Sadly that is an illusionary problem, because, as the religions have gained sway in the minds of the people, they have lost the spiritual reality that ‘God’ in not a dirty word, but is a Creator of love and wisdom.  This Greater Intelligence expects us all to do our bit to help.

          As Spiritual Law simply states and, as I have so often taught, “You reap what you sow”.  The answer to an action is predictable to those who keep this Law for it will not be denied and neither should you be.

I say Amen to that.

18 May 2015

Charity Begins at Home

          Wait until you can see the right way to go ahead and only then take the chosen road.  Too many people make snap decisions these days and the future has to be lived through whether one has made the right choice or not!

          It is a fact of life that what you sow so you reap, as I have said many times.  Thought of the consequents of one’s actions must be considered carefully if one is to take the right way through life on this earth plane.

          All the actions that we determine in some way or another affect those around us and there are many souls, who have to clean up the mess that other people have left behind.  It is the compassion for them that needs to be always addressed before we act.

          Acts of goodness create an aura of positive vibrations and lead to love being given and accepted, as they are made without the expectation of reward – otherwise they would not be acts of goodness, but a means to an end of acquiring rewards.

          Too many people these days, all around the world, are holding out their hands asking what is in it for them if they do something for another or others.  It is the old banking adage that everything done must make a profit.

          The days of doing a good act for the satisfaction alone that one has helped another, is apparently a thing of the past to most people.  However, there are souls who have given their lives to helping others, because they need help and that is sufficient reason.

          In the modern world, charities have become big business and many people feel that it is up to them to do the helping of those in need or else it should be the Government that should to do something about it.

          This is a very inhuman way of looking at those who often, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in deprived situations.  So much occurs through the action of wars and violence across many lands or even in the home.

          It is so often a question of the bullying of the weak by the strong that causes so much misery.  Countries rarely go to war without believing that they have overwhelming odds to win and attain victory, but then they leave a broken society with smashed infrastructure and damaged souls that faced the extreme horrors and brutality of war.

          In the family place and in schools, there are those abused and bullied children, who carry the scars of fear and misery throughout their lives.  Women are battered within their own home by the stronger ego of unseeing and uncaring minds of the bullies without conscience.

           It is a sorry world that humanity has created, because without thinking through each and every action, there are issues, which hurt and maim others without the care of love to protect them.  Love is the protection of the soul.

          Acts of love do happen, as saintly souls work for the benefit of groups of people, where disaster has turned their world into a place of famine or war-torn carnage.  Homeless souls on the street are often befriended by people, who give from their own resources simply touched by the distress of others.

          It is a hard heart that walks by on the other side when they have the means to help another without even feeling the lost to their own resources.  Often others, who have less, give more value than they can afford, like the woman who gave her last penny, which was all that she had.

          I would urge all of you who read my words to think about what you have and what you take for granted and then allow your mind to see where you can benefit others, who have lost what they had and are fallen into difficulties through no fault of their own.

          There are times in all our lives when we need a helping hand due to illness or sadness and loss.  We hope that there is someone who can give us that love and care that we need, so that we can recover and, in doing so, give our thanks to the angels of peace who come unbidden, but shame us all in their charity without any reward.

          Everyone on this earth plane has certain rights due to them of food and water, shelter and education, medical attention when required and peace of mind.  If it is within our reach, we should be prepared to give what we can and to be even handed to all our fellow men, women and children, as we would hope that others would help us and/or our families should that need arise.

          Remember that the positive thoughts and actions are returned to us many fold, but those that fail to act for the Greater Good will be without when their need arises, as they left others without their support and kindness.