24 July 2015

Changes Needed But Not For Changes Sake

The world is slowly pitching and heaving its way into some form of recognition that it needs to change its ways before the slippery slope that the people have made for themselves comes in to destroy the beauties and necessities of ‘God’s’ gifts to Man.

Our Heavenly Father created everything out of light energy and insured that on this planet there was everything that his created children needed to live in comfort and in harmony with each other.

During his evolution, Mankind has lost the balance of being, where there was everything that was needed to keep the status quo and there was enough of everything to go round for all to be fed and watered and to bring up the next generation to understand the skills of survival.

There was an animal kingdom and a plant kingdom that were available to the human race to supply food and clothing as well as domestic products for their use.  There was this abundance of everything in their season and human beings learned to store and save for the lean times ahead from the times of plenty.

Nobody needed more than his family could use and so there was no greediness to have more than ones share and there was no corruption, because every family worked together with others of their tribe.

Once materialism came into the market place, where people specialised and sold their wares to each other and profits were seen and some became richer than others, so that no longer was there a balanced society.

We have here what we call today the division of the people, as the richer got richer and the poor got poorer and so there was the haves and the have nots.  Each was rooted to his doctrine and love for ones fellow man started to develop into hatred of anyone who was different to one’s own group.

          Some people made a profession of controlling the power of the people and politicians, religious doctrines and successful business men started to realise that they had power over others to get what they wanted.

          Some groups became nations and fought with others for supremacy and the riches that they had and larger areas of control took over various parts of the world.  Mankind started his inhumanity to man and messengers from the Creator came down to warn of the problems that were being created.

          Many failed to listen and turned their backs on the Higher Intelligence and allowed their own ego to rule their lives.  They didn’t understand that Spiritual Law was what ruled the world and as they sowed the seeds so they would reap their own harvests.

          Many have found that when they did good things they were rewarded with goodness and they lead productive lives and helped those that they could.  They felt empowered and in tune with the power of their Creator.

          Those who chose to turn away and live for themselves taking what they wanted and not caring about their fellow man, woman and child did so at their own risk in their own darkness of ignorance.

          For them there was no happiness forthcoming in their lives.  They found that despite their material gains they lost out on love and health or comfort in their lives as they gave nothing worthwhile to others who were in need.

If you acquire wealth you have a responsibility to others to use it for the Greater Good.  There are many who do charitable work and give out some of what they have for those who suffer and are in need.

These worthy souls find that the more they give the more they in turn are given to continue their good works.  It is given in the right spirit, not grudgingly but generously with love and a rewarding grace that is worthy of them.

As there is so much need in the world today, I ask everybody who has a caring spirit to do what they can for the improvement of the lot of those who often through no fault of their own were in the wrong place at that time.

Man creates wars and destruction for his own reasons and leaves devastation in their wake.  Too often he is blind to the needs of the people, as he looks at higher ambitions to grab resources and to exterminate another’s belief system.

Mankind is quick to chide and slow to bless and creates an unjust society wherever his greed and corruption take him.  It is now time for those who have goodness in their hearts to stand up and be counted, so that justice is seen to be given and the wrongdoings of these individuals is addressed and righted.

No longer can those actions that are morally wrong and selfish be allowed to continue and changes must be made, because they are needed to balance an unbalanced world, where pain and suffering is becoming the norm.

There is nothing wrong in loving one’s fellow man for the right reasons of compassion and heartfelt sympathy.  What is wrong is the systematic inflicting of pain and suffering on the innocent, because they can and they expect to be rewarded materially for their trouble.

          The trouble that they leave in their wake is the trouble that affects us all and we have to live with it and clear it up as best we can, while so many suffer in pain and are deprived of their basic human rights.

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