25 December 2018

December Festivities Around the World

The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense as a symbol of deity and myrrh, an embalming oil, as a symbol of death.  They show in the case of the Christ a foretelling of his mission on earth.
That all happened, according to the story, some two thousand years ago and gradually the Church ruled that the Christmas was a celebration of the Christ’s birth and, based on the Winter Solstice celebrations, a Christ Mass would take place.
Today, many have grown away from the strict church followings, as the foundations of the Church showed their true colours in amassing wealth and existing with a lack of understanding of the teachings of that Christ child as he grew up and preached the Word of God.
His birth was miraculous but was fathered physically as all earthly births are.  The miracle comes in the soul or individual being, becoming implanted in the growing body of a woman, who is blessed to produce a new life.
The miracle of creation continues to this day and it is the soul or being within that body that develops to bring guidance and education to all people.  We are all sent for a lifetime on this earth plane to develop spiritually.
Not all people recognise that truth and many are caught up in a race to make money and increase their physical standing of wealth for themselves alone.  Our mission is to work for each other and the greater good.
What do all the baubles and trinkets matter when passing from this lifetime to the next?  Nothing can be taken physically from here to eternity!  The only thing that matters is that the soul within us carries the story of our lives and achievements for us to review.
It is well documented that those who have been given a glimpse of the world beyond, where everything is based on love, return filled with their new understandings of where their life should be going for the greater good.
The Christ child preached of love and harmony between all peoples.  His words are still as true today as they were when he spoke them.  Reading those words that have survived are enough to show that the daily procedures of loving one’s neighbour, wherever they maybe, are still the most important acts that we can do.
It does not matter how you celebrate the Christmas Festival of the belief of the miraculous birth of the Christ child, as long as you do so with love in your hearts and share what you have for the betterment of those around you.
Remember that his birth was predicted and happened in a far-off land, where nothing was prepared for his arrival.  His birth was in the most lowly of situations and yet God in His wisdom, as always, sent everything that this child required to grow up and teach humanity.
The faith and trust of this child was never in doubt, as he was always in communication with his Heavenly Father and wanted nothing more than to serve Him by teaching the people the truth of God’s love.
This was his direct link and required no man to interpret for him.  Likewise, we are on earth today through our acceptance of the Higher Intelligence to be close to us and feed us with his healing and unconditional love.
The commercial spirit of people today is one of instant gratification.  All people must learn the truth through their inner contact and guidance from On High that this life, although short in duration, is a completeness within itself.
Every moment of every day requires an earthly soul to choose his or her path, either in God’s enlightenment of love or turning away into the darkness of ignorance and physical despair.
Our lives on this earth plane are not judged over an instant but in their entirety.  It is the complete soul that we are becoming that makes us fit to be welcomed into the next dimension of love and harmony.
If we falter, we will be helped.  When we make mistakes and move away from our chosen pathway that we agreed to walk before we were born into a physical body that had been prepared for us, another chance will be offered.
In a spiritual existence, there are signs of help and guidance that are available to us for understanding and progression.  We are all important and we all have a mission to perform, so we need to be aware and to ask for the true guidance for us to follow.
The ministry of the Christ was only possible with his close connection with his Father in Heaven.  Strength and direction was given to him as he worked with his spiritual guides, who showed him the love and fortitude that he needed.
There was no person or institution of religion on earth to help him, as they were in so much turmoil of their own and they needed to listen to His words to put themselves in the true picture of what God expected from them.
In too many cases wealth and power corrupt and it is those in need that are ignored, while those with the opportunities and the means to help are too busy filling their own pockets to stop and help like the Good Samaritan.
There are many Good Samaritans, who take time out of their lives to help others, especially around the Christmas period of festivities.  We all need to be aware that we may be called upon ourselves to make a difference to a soul in distress or need.
The good intensions at certain times of the year, should not be forgotten and, as we all proceed with our individual missions in our lifetimes, we are not able to choose when we are given the opportunities to act.
We never know when we shall be called upon to return to the next dimension and so we need to be fully aware that the Higher Intelligence does put opportunities to work for the greater good before us time after time.
When we are called back and leave our physical body, we will be asked what we have done for the greater good and our life will be reviewed before us.  We will have no excuses as all is open there and we can only hope that we did enough, but there was always more we could have done.
          So back to Christmas, where many will be ignored and many will be over indulged.  We all have that opportunity to help balance this world, so that all have an opportunity to give and receive love.
          Much of the world is under stress by the selfish and irresponsible actions of Mankind.  It is now a question of who is going to clear up the mess, if this beautiful and unique planet is to survive.  There are many movements growing in many areas to help bring about awareness.
          Some are actually making some progress, so while there is a little time available this Festive Season, perhaps we should look at ourselves and, in the quietness, ask for contact with the Higher Intelligence to find our mission again.
          Remember the gifts that were given and likewise try and give yours where they will be best received and appreciated.  I say Amen to that.

28 November 2018

Wait With Patience While Your Spirit Grows

          Too many people all over the world, expect their aspirations to be granted immediately.  This is the credit card society that tells you that you can have today what you want and pay for it later!

          That is marketing and so many people believe that they have unlimited credit and ignore their personal income, which has to pay for it all.  This explains why so many souls these days find that they are not credit worthy.

          Talking to people around the world that are becoming used to this attitude of getting what they want when they want it, there are many disgruntled people of both sexes that have designs on another person and become quite distressed when they don’t respond.

          You might say that Almighty God is behind the times when He expects us to earn what we think we need and stop going after what we want.  Our life should be working for our needs and not going after our desires that so many do.

This instant marketing usually leads to failure in the long term, when the bill has to be paid or the foundations for a relationship were not put firmly into place first.  How can you know a person until you have faced hard times together?

Too many people confuse love and sex.  Many women think that they can get their man by giving into early sexual exploitation and love doesn’t enter into it.  Men are mainly seen to be pushing for their biological needs to be answered ahead of their responsibilities.

When we are given a spiritual gift from On High, it comes when we are ready for it and when we have earned the right to enjoy it and use it responsibly.  Many prayers are for immediate delivery and the soul isn’t yet ready to receive.

We all need to explore ourselves and to understand what we ask for and why we want it to be given to us.  The Almighty is not behind the times but has our best interests at heart and realises when we are ready to receive.

  We have been given this lifetime on this earth plane to experience and develop into better spiritual beings.  We have the opportunity to either live a material life of always wanting more for ourselves or developing spiritually.

We will only receive spiritual gifts when we have earned them by the proof of our intentions and by the unconditional love that we give to others.  Then we are ready to receive and the more we give out the more we will be given.

This does not mean that we will live a life without pain or suffering ourselves, as we will be given difficulties to overcome.  Only then can we understand the plight of others and, by experiencing them ourselves, we are best place to empathise with them.

It sometimes seems that the takers and the selfish always seem to get away with their misdeeds, but this is not so.  All are given a chance to change and to repair some of the damage that they have caused during their lives.

 If they continue to ignore the light of the spiritual path that they were set to follow for the Greater Good of all, then they will be tested and brought into situations that they have earned for themselves and cannot retreat from.

They will find that the only salvation that they can expect is brought to them by doing good for others who are in dire need themselves and slowly the opportunity will be realised and acted upon.

Remember that the basis of all Spiritual Law is that you will reap what you sow.  This applies to all souls and even to us who have moved on.  Until we redress our errors, we cannot expect comfort and love to be given to us.

If we do not act to right our wrongs here on this earth plane but continue to turn our backs on the light from the Source that sees into every corner so that nothing is missed, then we will continue to wait in the darkness of ignorance in the life to come.

There, in the next dimension of our lives, there is no time and so we will wait there for as long as it takes for that little spark of human kindness to grow.  As it grows help is given and in time that soul will see the error of its ways and look forward to progress in the spiritual way.

For those of us who have always tried to do our best, we will be given a review of our lives where we have done well or maybe not so well.  There are always those from the Highest to help souls through this experience.

It is not something to be feared but something to understand and it is not a punishment, but the dawning of the realisation of how we can be pleased with our successes or maybe saddened when we fell short of the benchmarks that we alluded to.

This dimension that we travel towards every day, not knowing when our last day on this earth plane may be, is not so much a death from a tired and worn out body, but a rebirth into our spiritual body as we enter that land of warmth and unconditional love.

Many have glimpsed it by having out of body or near-death experiences.  They return with greater knowledge and wisdom and see their lives differently, so that they can address problems that need solving for all to benefit.

These are not fantasies or dreams but links in the chain of life, where our Creator first made us to live together as loving and helpful souls in the great universal scheme of things.

Go in peace and live for the good and each other and I say Amen to that.

27 October 2018

We All Need Healing

         Our physical bodies take quite a pounding during our attempts to keep up with everything that is thrown at us during the 21st Century.  Our bodies are a reflection of sexual reproduction and are seldom perfect.

          During the creation of our soul or our real self, we were created in unconditional love and made in perfection by the Creator or Source of all life.  We were given many gifts that we can develop if we do so in the right way and for the Greater Good.

          When we are ready and when we have proved ourselves to be worthy, these gifts are awoken and slowly step by step we are able to develop them, so that they can be used to bring spiritual perfection into not only our lives but the lives of others.

          One of these gifts is healing and it is a miracle making machine in its own right.  It creates a power from the Divine that is developed through those beyond this dimension in which we exist to repair damaged tissue and reduce pain and suffering.

        We all carry this potential power of healing and according to our worth and spiritual achievements, we can heal others as well as ourselves.  All we have to do is to ask in the right way and through our progression we will be given the power.

          An illustration here may help you to understand the power of the healing gift and how miraculous and dramatic it can be.  As I walked with my disciples and a large crowd that had grown about us, I felt a sudden depletion of the Divine power that I carried.

          I felt instinctively that someone had touched my cloak and caused the resulting drop in the healing energies that my Father in Heaven had given to me to serve the people, who came asking for healing and salvation.

          My disciples didn’t understand the way that the healing power within us worked and they gently chastised me for thinking that I could discern someone in that milling crowd, who had touched my cloak.

          I had stopped and I turned and asked who had touched my cloak.  There stood a woman, who had endured feminine bleeding issues for some time, but her faith told her that if she could but touch my cloak she would be healed.

         She had approached me with this in her mind and when she touched my cloak she received the healing power that I carried and she was cured.  You see, it was her faith that had healed her as much as the Divine power that she received.

          It had taken her courage and belief in my powers that were given to me by my Father in Heaven, that had healed her wounds for ever more.  Throughout history there have been others and always will be.

          Remember that I have said that there will be others, who will do even greater things than I did.  It is given to those who are pure in heart and have the right intentions.  According to our worthiness, so we are granted the power of healing even when we have not asked for it.

          In the case of this woman I did not ask for it and it was she who asked through her faith in the Divine healing that I carried as part of my ministry.  Other healers around the world find that they are often giving healing to those in need simply by being there.

          Surgeons and medical staff are often endowered with the healing energies and, as they work, so they succeed in obtaining better results than some of those around them.  This is because their gift is there to be used through them and granted by unconditional love.

          Not all people are worthy to be so blessed.  Without the spiritual faith and style of living, the healing energies cannot be deemed to be compatible with the negativity.  Then it is impossible for healing to take place, but it never makes matters worse.

          On my way to Jerusalem, ten lepers called out to me to ask for healing.  As they turned away to show themselves to the priest, they were healed by the power of my Father in Heaven, but only one returned to give thanks to me.

          I said to him, “Were not all ten of you healed, but only you have returned to give thanks to God?”  He acknowledged this to be true and this proved that despite the negativity of the nine, they too were healed in good faith.

          The one who had come back praised God, although he was not of that faith and would be seen as a foreigner in this land.  However, his faith had healed him as God does not belong to one religion or creed, but to all men and women throughout the land.

          The healing gift is given to us all and if we believe and use it for the Greater Good, it shall be strengthened and multiplied, so that the degree of healing is increased as we work with God for his purpose.

          Looking around this world there are healers in all countries and persuasions.  Manmade religions do not hold that power for themselves, but through God, who is the Almighty Creator of all of us.

          Healing is developed through the worthiness of the person, who wants to be the healer.  It is through the goodness of the mind that these matters here can advance your individual intentions, which are what matters.

          Through one’s belief in the positive and the purity of Divine and unconditional love, we can advance and heal ourselves and others.  We are all in need of healing and we must always remember that love conquers all and I say Amen to that.”

25 September 2018

Where Are You Going?

          There is a well-known story concerning the Apostle Peter, who was fleeing from Rome after the crucifixion.  He is said to have been met by the risen Christ on the Appian Way and asked him, “Quo vadis?”

He was told by the Christ that he was going back to Calvary to be crucified a second time.  Peter then realised that he was running away from his responsibilities and his destiny. He couldn’t let another take on his responsibilities.

He returned to Rome and preached the good news, which is now known as the Gospel.  He was crucified upside down, as he said that he wasn’t worthy to die in the same manner that the Christ had died.

Whether you believe this story or not doesn’t really matter, but what does matter is whether you stand firm knowing what you are destined to achieve.  Or do you turn away from the directions of your Creator?

When faced with earthly pain and suffering many people turn away.  They feel that they are not strong enough to shoulder their promises made to the Spirit before they come down to live this earthly life.

There are souls here on this earth plane that are so narrow in their outlook that they confuse this physical world with the spiritual one.  They have been encouraged in this belief by manmade religions, who only teach about what they can control in others.

It has been truly said that the Spiritual truth is simple.  It is man that makes it complicated.  We are all made in the image of God.  God is the Spirit.  We are spiritual beings; whose home is in Spirit.

We come down as spirit into a physical body, biologically made by our parents, to live an earthly life and to play our part in giving to others and working for the Greater Good.  We come with a destiny to fulfil and achievements to honour.

If we turn away from God, because we fear that we cannot fulfil our promises and His directions for us, then we will be guided automatically on to another course and brought back to face our fears.

We need to ask God, the Higher Intelligence, not to take away what we fear, but to show us how to overcome our fear of it.  However much we may give up on our Creator, we are never abandoned. The Spirit is always there for us.

When we make wrong choices and pursue a path of our own desires, we will find that our purpose in this life is still there to be achieved.  It will not be taken away, but we will be redirected to fulfil it and given additional strength to do so.

As in our story about the Apostle Peter, he realised that he was unable to let another take his place and that was why he turned back to Rome to fulfil his destiny, which lay there and not in any other part of the world.

We can take courage from these stories of other souls and how they overcame their own fears.  Made in unconditional love, we were created to fulfil a lifetime of service to others and not just a short time on this earth plane.

We were made of stronger stuff than this physical body that we use on a temporary basis to achieve our stay here.  Within we all have the spiritual body that is indestructible and which we continue to have after we have passed on from this world.

The world that we came from and return to is one of unconditional love in abundance and cannot be compared to conditions here.  Our actions here direct us to this Spiritual dimension, if we have earned the right to return directedly there.

Sadly, there are those who take advantage of others and fail to fulfil their destinies.  They, according to Spiritual Law, will reap what they have sown and where they lack the goodness of the Spirit they will receive what they gave out.

Until they have made amends and learned their lessons for their bad behaviour and the pain they have inflicted on others, they will dwell outside the light of the Higher Intelligence and learn how to become worthy of getting there over time.

We are all responsible for our actions.  Nobody can stand in our place and we must realise that everything that we do is down to us and nobody else.  We all reap what we sow for good or for ill and I say Amen to that.

27 August 2018

Let the Little Children Come to Me

          The disciples tried to turn them away because they thought that they were a nuisance and that the grown-ups were more in need of receiving salvation, but it was the innocence of the children that would allow them into the Kingdom of God.

          We all need to understand that it is the innocence of worldly matters that allows us a closeness to God, who is our Creator and made us all in innocence.  From that pure and perfect state of being we must try and keep ourselves perfect still.

          It is the spiritual state of being that holds us close to the Almighty.  He is our Father in his creation of us and, in order to fulfil our earthly lives, we must protect ourselves from that staining of negativity that is all around us.

          For anyone to take away that purity by spoiling the innocence of another, especially for self-gratification, is a most grievous act that deserves punishment both here in this world and certainly in the next one.

          Those who hold themselves up as an example of purity and the teaching of others by example are especially guilty of abusing their status.  There can be no excuse by blaming others, because each of us is responsible for our own actions.

          When a person receives the knowledge of such atrocities, where the young and innocent have been abused, if they cover it up they are condoning the act and are therefore as guilty as the one who committed the folly.

          The coverup is surely to maintain groups or institutions of earthly values only.  They cannot purport to have any spiritual value, as such behaviour is against the unconditional love of our Creator’s gift.

          I have told you to love one another.  This cannot be done by abusing the innocent behind a wall of secrecy.  How can they stand before a congregation and preach the morality of life when is not within themselves?

          If you love each other as I love you, then everyone will know that you are my disciples, but if you abuse the innocent and break the Laws of Heaven, you are not fit to be received by the children of God.

          Know that where deceit and lies are told in my name I am not there!  I came not to condone the evils of the world, but to free the children of God from the slavery of those who used their power over others for their own gratification.

          The strength of the Father Almighty is sufficient to hold all matters within the freewill that He gave us, but that doesn’t mean that they will not have to make amends for their grave errors of judgement.

          Those who commit abuse will have to be abused themselves before they can understand their acts of grievous damage that they inflicted on the innocence.  They will feel the pain and suffering as Spiritual Laws lets them reap what they have sown.

          Asking for forgiveness for the Church is simply to misunderstand the gravity of the misdemeanours.  They were not committed by the Church, but by the individual members of those who work under the cover of the Church.

          All priests and members of that Church, however lofty or lowly, must take the joint responsibility for the acts that are committed in its name.  It is these people that make it a living responsibility that all must shoulder.

          Without these members, whether priestly or congregational, the Church is an empty shell and is a meaningless ruin.  When they bring in their dogma and the man-made rule book, they simply enact a play dressed up in their expensive costumes.

          Know that God does not require any of this frumpery.  The Higher Intelligence deals in simplicity and true values.  As always it is Man who makes it complicated by pandering to thinking in the physical and not in the spiritual.

          The spirituality of religion is largely dismissed, as they don’t know how to handle it.  We are all born with the spirit of the Almighty within us and it is up to us as individuals to find it and to understand what that means to us and to the way we live our lives.

          It is an affront to God, our Creator, to think that we will die.  The physical body is not the end of everything, only the physical body.  Did I not explain clearly enough that in earthly terms our physical body is our temple?

          Did they not hear, or do they not understand that I said that I would rebuild the temple in three days?  After the Crucifixion on the third day I was seen first by my beloved Mary Magdalene and then subsequently by many others including the doubting Thomas.

          At the physical death of the body, the spirit is released.  Those who have lived a good life in helping others and not harming each other will go to a dimension of unconditional love and continue their lives in spiritual form.

          Those who have abused their positions by causing harm and serious damage to the spirits of others, especially the innocent, will be taken elsewhere for them to make amends for their misdemeanours.

          They will experience the pain and suffering that they inflicted upon others.  They will have to make full redress for their selfish acts and make amends before they are allowed to move on at all.

          Those who cast the first stone must be without sin and those who pretend that they are must be able to justify their actions before the Father Creator in all respects.  ‘I’ say Amen to that.

26 July 2018

We Are All in Need of Healing

          It is not just the elderly and the infirm, who need to have healing, but each and every one of us has issues.  What our mind conceives is passed on to our body and it is from here that illness and disease can manifest themselves.

          Sometimes it can take many years to become noticed, but eventually it will.  Unhappiness and abusive treatment often cause the greatest problems.  Too many medics treat the symptoms.  They are unable to address the root cause and so the problem will always remain.

          Our Creator Father gave many of us great gifts, so that we are able to heal many souls of their afflictions.  These healers use energies that come through their hands and so they are often known as Hands on Healers.

          However, there are other healers who can give healing in their daily lives almost without noticing it.  Energies are given through their faces and body parts and influence the depleted energies of others who they meet.

          It is often noticed that some nurses, doctors and surgeons have a better results ratio and these are spiritual souls who have the natural gift of healing and it is used in the work that they do for the greater good.

          It is noticed that often it is the women that have better vibrational energies than men, because they give birth and need to look after the very young as they grow up.  It is often said that in order to succeed women have to be better than men!

          Such is our society based on the masculine concept that men are the leaders and get the more important jobs, but this is not necessarily the right approach, when it should be the best suited to obtain the best results regardless of sex.

          In order to keep us healthy in our body, we need to keep ourselves healthy in our minds and this is best done by keeping positive and allowing the spirit to breathe and be enlightened in the ways that the Higher Intelligence wants for us.

          We all need to have a quiet time and to listen to our guides who serve us well.  We all have a spiritual minder and they only want what is in our best interests and they work in unconditional love.  We may think we know what is best, but it is more a question of thinking of what we want!

          Society is based in the 21st century on a material world.  People are judged on what they have, like a big car and a big house.  So, people graduate together who have the same and yet it is the spiritual work for others that needs to be addressed.

          We are all here to live our lives for the greater good and it is this that will help us to understand our life review when we pass from this dimension to the next and ‘I’ say Amen to that.

24 June 2018

The World is Struggling to Keep in Balance

           Mankind is following a course of self-interest, so that the Greater Good is hard to follow.  What should be the harmonious trading of goods between countries, for the betterment of all, is becoming all-out war.
          There are disruptions everywhere across from east to west and tariffs are being put up to stop trading in its tracks.  Nobody will gain until there is a level playing field and workers throughout the world can be assured of their jobs.
          Where the leaders of countries are trying to make a name for themselves against the best interests of their own people, there will soon become a blockage in the system of free and fair trading and all economies will nose dive.
          World trading is a very fragile affair, where so many are dependent on the Greater Good to keep it all in balance and to safeguard excessive swings, where brokers can gamble with large stakes for instant profits.
          This casino-like way of doing business is unstable and can crash at any moment.  It is not simply the hope of making a little extra by having a flutter and the excitement that goes with it, but the risk to business and work forces all around the world.
          Politicians are generally voted into office for a limited period and wish to make their historic mark for all time.  How will they be remembered?  What was their legacy that they left behind?  Was their country a better place because they took office?
          As with all people in this life, there are givers and takers and politicians are no different!  Some takers are running to see what they can get out of it for themselves and their futures of wealth and prosperity are set up by deals that are best suited to their personal accounts.
They are looking to receive increments for themselves from interested parties.  Some lobbies produce vast amounts of inducement to keep going a manufacturing bonanza, which may be against the public interest.
The American gun lobby is a real case in point here and even though women and children are murdered by unsavoury individuals looking for personal glory and newspaper headlines, it uses the excuse that they have a right to bear arms.
Greed cannot be excused for the destruction of innocence.  According to Spiritual Law they will reap what they sow.  It is a very hard thing to understand that many Americans don’t feel safe unless that have a weapon ready to kill and the so called right to use it.
How are the innocent children in school supposed to understand this?  What are they being taught?  Only that they are never safe and they, and their little innocent friends, are liable to lose their lives at any moment.
          Freedom is to have the right to be able to live out one’s life without fear and to be able to appreciate the unconditional love that we were all created with.  It is the givers here that are the innocent, but they are put at risk by the takers who greedily put profit before life.
          When the Commandments clearly state that thou shall not kill, it means just that.  Gunning down innocent children is certainly against the Laws of God, wherever and however you understand it.
          It is simply inhuman and is not excused by those who sell the arms and/or allow these arms to be sold.  Every link in this chain is proven guilty and they will pay the price according to Spiritual Law.
If they refuse to accept the Higher Intelligence, they are setting out on a long road, which doesn’t simply end with bodily death, but leads them to face how they lived their lives in the presence of the Divine, who gave them life.
This world is facing massive climate changes and some countries are pulling back on their responsibilities to the rest of us.  Where pollution is allowed to occur to make profits through irresponsibility, it is again the greedy lobbyists that control the inaction.
The immorality of these takers starts from the very top downwards and all will be taken to task for their parts in this savage destruction of the beautiful world that we were given to look after during our lifetimes.
Plastic waste is killing birds, fish and animals around the world and, through economic interests and sheer laziness, people seem to be unable to care what is happening on their watch, as long as their lifestyles remain uninterrupted.
We are all here to take collective responsibility for all that happens on this earth plane.  What legacy will we leave for our children and our children’s children?  They will be entitled to ask why we did so little to save oceans and seas from plastic pollution.
They will ask us why we allowed the poaching of beautiful animals for superstitious and unproven medical and aphroditic uses.  They will not understand why we destroyed vast habitats of endangered species for the sake of earning a few dollars more.
We should not walk by on the others side leaving others to shoulder the duties of keeping the world in balance and harmony, simply so that we can enjoy ourselves without lifting a finger to help.
We all need to make our own decisions as they affect our part in the world of humanity, which cannot be allowed to irresponsibly dominate all other forms of life on this planet.
We were all made in unconditional love and we owe it to our Creator and ‘His’ creations to come to love and protect all others.  We need to give thanks on a daily basis for our lives and all who share their lives with us.
It is also very important that we understand that the Higher Intelligence is in our lives and, where recognised as being a loving part of our daily efforts to achieve and progress, will guide and enlighten us.
This is not about religious practices.  This is about the knowing and understanding that it is within us and it is for us alone to decide our pathway in this life and what we can do for others – human, animal or plant.
Let us consider how we can best live our lives, so, that when we pass, we know that our service to all others left this place better because we came.  We all come with an agenda to fulfil and we need unconditional love and enlightenment each and every day to fulfil it.
We all have set backs and we all have healing and wisdom available to us, so put aside time in your busy lives for what is most important of all and that is you and your accomplishments.
We will all be asked at some point after our passing what we achieved in our lifetime.  Let us have riches to show that our life that was given to us was worthwhile and that we helped and were helped to make a difference for the Greater Good.
Know that it is never too late to return to the positive and the loving.  The story of the Prodigal Son is a constant reminder of the balance between the giver and the taker and that all can be received and forgiven.
Look at your own life and see that there is nothing impossible and all miracles occur by asking the Higher Intelligence to make you worthy of receiving and so you shall and ‘I’ say Amen to that.

24 May 2018

Recognise the Gateway to Happiness

          We are all connected as we were made from the one Source.  Our Creator made us in His image, each and every one in unconditional love.   This is a spiritual event and we were allowed to develop in a world of love and happiness.

          At a later stage, we were invited to spend a lifetime on this earth plane.  Our physical body was prepared by our biological parents and, during the pregnancy, our spirit body entered in to the physical and we were born of woman into this new world.

          We came in innocence and love but were connected to our surroundings through the emotions of the mother who carried us.  If she was depressed, we would feel her heavy vibrations and if she was happy we would share her joy.

          Whether we were chosen, or we chose our family, doesn’t really matter, but we are always sent with a destiny to fulfil.  It was shown to us and we agreed to carry it out to the best of our abilities.

          As we came into our physical bodies this memory was erased, so that we would act normally to conditions and experiences that came to us.  It was necessary that to fulfil our destiny we did it without influence and that out freewill prevailed.

          This lifetime on this earth plane is of limited duration and God can call us back at any time, whether we have fulfilled the four score years and ten or not.  Most people these days live beyond that due to advances in nutrition and medical treatments.

          There is an increasing known phenomenon called a near death experience (NDE) where souls are literally at death’s door, but are resuscitated and brought back, sometimes out of a coma, having experienced a glimpse of the dimension that they came from and will return to when they pass permanently out of their earthly body.

          They often return after meeting members of their family and/or friends that they know have passed from their lives on this earth plane and would by many be described as dead.  It is not unusual for departed love ones to contact their beloveds and show themselves to be remaining in a living state.

          My death at Calvary was very public.  There was no doubt that my body died on the cross.  However, after three days I was seen by Mary Magdalene outside the tomb where my body had been laid.

          In time many came and saw that my body in the tomb was no longer there and that various sightings were recorded.  I appeared to my disciples and others on the road, where I was recognised in my spirit form and I was able to prove to them that I lived.
          This has been repeated by others and it is a natural condition of life that after the physical body is worn out and exhausted, the soul or spirit form is released into the next dimension.

          There are so many records of the survival of bodily death that it is a commonly held understanding by so many spiritually enlightened souls.  However, there are also a number of people, who cannot accept what they haven’t experienced themselves.

          Do you remember one of my disciples called Thomas, who refused to believe that I had risen and come amongst them until he had put his hands in my bodily wounds?  As I said at the time, he was blessed in knowing the truth of what he had seen.

          More blessed still are those who did not see the physical proof and yet believed that I had shown myself after physical death had taken place.  I am still known to many souls on this earth plane, who I help to guide as they fulfil their destinies.

          It is hard for the truth to be understood all the while men and women are afraid of being laughed at through the spiritual experiences that they have encountered, and, in their hearts, they know that they were real.

          It is far too easy for those who choose to turn their backs on the Creator and giver of light to deny His existence and walk away into the darkness of ignorance to live according to material laws and to ignore the existence of Spiritual Law, which is the basis of everything.

          Spiritual Law dictates that you reap what you sow.  This applies to all actions and reactions.  For those who live good and considerate lives for the greater good of others, they will be rewarded so that they can do more though unconditional love.

          Those who live selfishly will not be so blessed and will receive what they have dished out to others.  The takers of this world will not be changed.  They will receive nothing that they can keep or benefit from.

          The givers of this world will be rewarded for their genuine abilities to give without reward, but this must not deprive them of their responsibilities.  To remain chained to a taker and make no attempted to break free and live their own life as God intends is just the same as turning away into the darkness of ignorance.

          To live happily on this earth plane means that you must trust and believe in the positive energies and go forward giving unconditionally to those around you.  Healing by positive thoughts for others helps you to grow in the belief system of God’s energies.

          Remember that we were all made from the same Source and that we are all connected.  We all need to understand that positive energies of love and harmony outweigh the negative energies of hate and greed.

          By understanding these things and knowing that we exist together, we can build a finer world for the benefit of all and start to see the spiritual dimension as the reality of life and bodily death as the gateway to the end of pain and sorrow.

          Reflect on these words and see the truth as ‘I’ say Amen to that.

24 April 2018

Give Yourselves the Riches You Deserve

          Allow yourselves the time to rest and meditate in the quietness.  Settle where you cannot be interrupted and know that you are safe and protected.  Allow all earthly thoughts to pass through without comments and soon you will be able to find that peace of mind that balances your very soul.

          It is here that in time you will find enlightenment and guidance from your guides, who work with you and want the very best for you through unconditional love.  This priceless communication cannot be rushed.

          Allow yourself this time on a regular basis when you can be sure that both you and your guides are ready at the same time each day or each week.  This is a signal of your commitment.

          Find that you will first be healed and then you will be made ready through harmony of spiritual vibrations to be in balance, so that those chosen to share this precious time with you can be ready and fully prepared for all that needs to be done and achieved.

          Learn from this power of the Divine that you are special and loved.  Guidance for your life and your progression will be given to you and your burdens eased.  Help and understanding is always given if you are ready to ask.

          I spent much of my time in communication with my Divine Father, who sent me into this world to help explain the spiritual and the divine to all people.  I was guided in what was coming next into my life and how best to give out what was so badly needed.

          It was my regular strength and empowerment that made me feel that I was connected to the Higher Intelligence, who loved me and wanted me to make the very best of all my opportunities that were given to me.

          I was prepared and able to deal with my progression for the greater good as the Higher Intelligence can see what I most needed from a greater perspective.  So, I was always ready to lead and to succeed.

          We all have pathways to walk and come with destinies to fulfil.  If we are prepared to listen to the direction of our needs, we will be given the strength and the opportunities to fulfil them.

          As we travel through our lives, we are confronted by seemingly impossible tasks to endure and to manage ourselves with dignity and love through them.  These are given to see how we cope and for others around us to witness how we manage.

          If we ask for divine assistance, it will always be given to us in such a way that is best for us and for our progression through life.  Sometimes the impossible becomes possible by the miracles that are given to those deserving of them.

          Ask in your thoughts to the Universe and the Higher Intelligence to show you the way through your difficulties and not to simply be removed from them.  What you are given is what you need to surmount and conquer through spiritual love and harmony.

          It is only when a life gets out of balance that there is a need to restructure your positive thoughts and to give and receive healing.  Negative thoughts will only make matters worse and must be discouraged by showing yourself in a positive frame of mind.

          Know that you are helped and saved according to your needs and your requests.  If you can’t see your salvation, look at yourself and your demands on life and understand that all is given and received through Spiritual Law.

          What you give out you will receive back.  I have said this many times that what you sow, so you will receive and according to your seed, so shall you receive the harvest that you deserve.

God never abandons us but gives according to what we deserve and the reasons why we ask for it.  To ask for selfish material situations to relieve us of our duties to our fellow man and to simply take from others, will not be answered in the way that we may hope for.

Charity is within us all and we need to understand that through our Divide Creator we are all linked and need to work as one for the greater good.  By taking time out to meditate and find peace of mind, we are able to receive the riches that will direct us.

By allowing our guides to direct our lives in love and harmony, we are able to live a balanced life, so that all may gain from our presence here and ‘God’s gift of unconditional love to us can be used to fulfil the needs of those around us.

Live in peace and see the power of the divine direct us through our quiet time that we give back to Him to show that we are living in His enlightenment for the betterment of all.  I say Amen to that.

24 March 2018

We Are All Connected

The message to all people is that we were all made in unconditional love by our Father Creator.  We are therefore all connected and must realise that, because we are all one.  What we do to one is what we do to all.  That cannot and will not ever change.

I was asked, “Who is my neighbour?”

I told the parable of the Good Samaritan, who came across a man who had been beaten and robbed on the roadside after a priest and then a Levite had passed him by.   This Samaritan stopped and gave him medical attention and took him to a nearby inn, where he paid the Landlord to look after him until he returned.

This was a neighbourly act of kindness, because he felt compassion for the man, who needed great support.  Despite the differences between the priest, the Levite and the Samaritan, it was the latter who stopped and gave aid.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, an Arab or a Jew, you are still neighbours.  One God made us all and we are bound to help each other by Spiritual Law.  Those who recognise this, and act accordingly, will be rewarded by the seeds that they sowed growing into riches.

This parable was told some two thousand years ago and yet it is just as true today.  In the modern world, we are all too busy building walls to divide us instead of building bridges between what we have in common.

The segregation of countries from each other is causing greater dangers than it solves.  Russia, the United States and China have much in common and should be working together for peace and harmony in this world.  They all have so much to lose.

There is still so much prejudice between the colour of a person’s skin, their sexual orientation and religious indoctrination that there appears to be little in common but a desire to have power and control over ones’ neighbours.

Globally speaking, it does not matter how far you may live apart, you are still connected through our very creation into a world, where all people have the same ambitions to live in peace and in a family unit of love and appreciation.

However, there is too much competition resulting between those who have more than they know what to do with and those who are struggling to stay alive.  There is so much greed and opportunities to scam the unwary out of their savings by behaving like a wolf in sheep’s clothing and peddling hard luck stories to the gullible in need of a friend.

So, who are our neighbours?  Can we believe what we are told?  Do we need to be wary?  We cannot take every situation today on trust and we need to be able to take stock before we act.  If we are givers in a world of takers, we need to beware!

God never told us that we had to be an easy fix for everybody else.  He asks us to trust in His unconditional love that he unstintingly gives to each and every one of us.  In turn, we are all able to give this love to others, but in order to choose the right partner to live with, we need to examine what we want to make us happy.

We are all made together as one human race and we all have similar experiences and desires, so we are all able to use our freewill to choose the best person to live with without expecting them to change.

Leopards do not change their spots!  Bad habits are too difficult for most people to change and usually they like the way it works and will selfishly continue to take what they want without considering the other’s feelings.

There is too much pain and suffering in this world, brought about because those who inflict it turn their backs on their conscience leaving the goodness that was created in us to be ignored through the selfish acts of greed and lack of compassion.

We must recognise who our neighbour is and what they want from us.  Do not force on them what you want them to take away.  It is a learning process of understanding, where we stand on the issues of common sense and morality.

Life needs to be kept in balance and this produces harmony, and this makes for peace.  We all need to learn what we all have in common and to keep these matters in the forefront of our minds.  To seek to divide is a recipe for disaster.

Too much in politics is about dividing and ruling and this brings about misery to everybody, even those who seek to control by making power over others.  Spiritual Law decrees that one can’t profit out of the misery of others.

It is only a question of time, as the gains will be short-lived and the policy of reaping what you sow is very strong and is unchanging.  Those who turn their backs of the Heavenly Understanding of God’s Love and Law, will see and feel His Might fall upon them.

Unconditional love means that you give without seeking a reward for it.  It does not mean that you can use your freewill to abuse it and get away unpunished.  That is not the way of the Divine.

We all need to stand in another person’s shoes for a time to see and feel what it is like to suffer from the uncaring.  We must look to our neighbours and to feel what they need and what is there for us to give in balance and harmony.

All our actions must be with our eyes open.  We are able to give what we can.  We should help those who are in need, not for what we can get out of it, but because we care so pain and suffering can be eased.

Remember that Samaritan and know that we never know when we may need him or her to give us that helping hand and I say Amen to that.