23 December 2014

The Wisdom of a Spiritual Existence

 It is now that the Festival begins around the world to celebrate the Christ Mass of the Roman Catholic Church.  It does not matter when a person is born, but the fact that they came and how they lived their earthly lives.

We are all remembered in history by those who write our biography as they wish to see it and that is not always how we were or what we did.  To live in the right way and to act with love towards ones fellow human beings is the way that we should be remembered.

It is the acts of kindness and consideration of one person to another, which sustains the balance of right and wrong in a world that is steadily sliding into negative chaos.  There are acts of violence and acts of corruption and greed, which cannot be condoned as loving actions.

It would appear that in this 21st century there are no real bodies of people who are prepared to stand up for righteousness and the will of our Infinite Creator, who gave us life and who aids us to live it through his unconditional love for us.

Too many souls on this earth are sleepwalking through their lives and barely acknowledge the atrocities, which others are being exposed to.  It is all about commercial gain and the tinsel of material wealth rather than the goodness of a spiritual existence.

Too many souls are wrapped up in their own aspirations to be concerned about others and yet the world is all interdependent, so that what happens in one place affects people elsewhere.

          The speed of travel and communications makes it easy for information to be readily received and acted upon, so there is no excuse for people not knowing what is going on.  Their only reason for not acting or reacting is their own sloth and apathy where help is needed and people are suffering.

          We all need to stop and think about what we can do to help others and not expect these opportunities to arrive on our doorstep when it is convenient for us.  We so often need to go out of our way to be there when required and when needed to give the support and spiritual love and harmony that is required.

          Until more people turn towards giving that helping hand to each other, then the misery and hardship all around this world will remain and humanity will drift into oblivion.  This Festival, known as Christmas, has developed into a time of giving and receiving, but this is largely driven by the commercial interests of making money.

          Long gone is the time when family members made a present to give.  Today it is a question of how much one has spent, even beyond the capability of their own resources, as credit is so readily available.

          Do receivers of presents at this winter festival really feel blessed with what they have received?  Is it not true that so often children find the box and wrappings more interesting to play with than the expensive present often given to buy a child’s love rather than to give all the year round the real emotion that children want most – that of the time with their parents on a one to one basis.

          The people of the western world are losing the understanding of emotional and spiritual values and forget how they felt as children or young people when so often they felt abandoned.

          When families gather together in celebration of any event, it should be a time of joy and happiness with each giving openly and graciously to each other.  They can share what they have and appreciate all the hard work that has gone into making the gathering successful.  They need to give thanks and appreciate what they have received.

          If we all took a little more trouble to be even-handed with each other and put away our own egos for a time, we can all make a difference to the happiness and wellbeing of others.  Often we want too much for ourselves and don’t give enough for others.

           People are not prepared any longer to make sacrifices for their families or for the Greater Good with notably very few exceptions.  Our lives are a gift and we should use them and appreciate them as such.

          Nobody is owed a living and all gifts from a spiritual source, from the Higher Intelligence, have to be earned by our right living and good behaviour.  We all know people who appear to have everything that they want, but these are only material frippery and what they lack emotionally is according to how they use their earthly wealth.

          Remember that riches built up on this earth are of such limited value, as you came naked into the world and naked you will leave carrying only your earthly experiences and fruits of good deeds.

          We must remember and fully believe that life is eternal, as we walk a path back to our Creator to prove to him and all who know us that we are worthy of that life and that when it was time for us to live on the earthly planet, we came and made a difference by our being here.

          We must make things better for the Greater Good and then we will be blessed and the wisdom of spiritual existence will be shared with us, as we live in the right way and are ever mindful of the wants of others.

          As you enjoy the festive season, be mindful of those who have less than you do and are spending their lives without the bare necessities, which so many of us take for granted.  Remember that it is by your fruits that you are known, so let your achievements shine out for all to see.

Not to be boastful, but as an example for all to follow and so achieve the spiritual wisdom that we all need.  Amen to that.

27 November 2014

Test the Spirit and Ask for Confirmation

           It sometimes seems as if it is all going wrong and that you cannot see the way to it ever coming right again.  Your path is going downhill and seemingly running away from you.

As the clouds grow darker and darker and you feel abandoned by all of your guides and helpers, you start to see some sunshine ahead and, as you go towards it, you begin to see a path illuminated that you couldn’t see before.

It is said that ‘God’ works in mysterious ways and this is true to those of us who do not have the divine vision of seeing ahead and how matters will work out for the Greater Good and not just for us as individuals.

If we could see ahead we would use it wrongly and try to take a greater advantage of affairs than we are meant to.  When we are told that there is a plan ahead which will occur, we tend to expect it to almost immediately start to happen.

However in the fullness of time it will come into being, but there is often work for us to do in the helping of others and the progression of our own souls to make us ready to meet that challenge.

Guidance from a secure and loving source will not be wrong if the guides are known for their experience and love and the receiver doesn’t try and change anything that is given.  There are some who try and make it more believable if they are passing it on to others, but it is always essential that they give precisely what is given to them.

When there is an intermediary, they are not aware of all the facts and how could they?  Those who change things are seeking their own acceptance and are therefore not truly acting as a spiritual instrument through their own interference.

When you need guidance, as we all do at times, seek out the very best and get personal recommendations and you will be guided to the right source, which often is chosen by the Spirit or indeed those in the next dimension who want to send you a message.

As I worked on the Earth, those many years ago, I was constantly guided directly from above through the Father and those past prophets and spirits, who served me well.  I tried to serve the people, who came to hear me.

 My words were directed to them and they heard what I said as if it was a direct message to them personally.  If they doubted or felt unsure, then it is always best to test the Spirit by asking within one’s own consciousness for confirmation.

It is always given to the serious enquirer and often it seems like a miracle when that confirmation is given right under your very nose and it cannot be denied.  It will always be clear and unmistakeable.

When the time comes for your path to be cleared of the obstacles and tests that have sometimes been so painful and you have progressed forwards into the requirements/necessities of what is expected of you, this prophetic state of affairs will be given to you.

          Everything in life has to be earned and when you have the right qualifications and believe truly in your mind-set, then the Almighty will allow it to come to you in the certain knowledge that it is for the Greater Good and that nobody else is harmed or hurt in any way.

          We are here to serve each other, as I demonstrated by washing my disciples’ feet.  Nobody is too high and mighty not to stoop down to give a helping hand to one in need.  If we expect help when we are in need, then we should have helped others, so that others can help us in turn.

          See what a wonderful world it would be if we all considered each other’s feelings and put our own egos aside to allow the guidance of Spiritual Law to act in our lives.  There would be peace and harmony and wars would be no more.

          Mankind would live by trading with his neighbours and not by trying to screw the best deal for himself.  This is not pie in the sky stuff.  It is the way that we are expected to live together by our Father Creator, but too many of us have gone down the material road and abandoned the spiritual way of right living with openness and honesty.

          It is not too late to turn and seek the rewards of a Heavenly Father, who loves us and wants us to be happy.  It is us that turn away from him.  He never turns away from us, but guides us constantly if only we would listen.

          Heaven, as I have always taught, is a state of being within ourselves.  We create our own heaven and our own hell by the way we live and behave.  So let us turn to the future and restore our loving ways to make this world a happier and more harmonic place for all of us to live in and most especially for our children, whose innocence is soon displaced in this modern and unhappy world.

25 October 2014

Do We Care Enough To Survive?

          The world is always in a complex and difficult amount of change and nowhere is it more confused than in the hearts and minds of the people, who are living out lives on the surface of this planet.

          It is from the thoughts that are given out that the vibrations for good and evil are formed.  I had often said and, it is just as true today as it was then, that what you sow so do you reap.

          If men continue to go out to war to kill and maim and rape innocent people, the backlash on the rest of humanity is so severe that it dominates all, over the goodness of those who are left and who sit on their hands and do nothing.

          There are many people who have resources and a strong will, who could do more to prevent these atrocities and yet they hide behind the notion that they don’t know how to go about changing the mind-set and actions of those who do these things.

          If we all sent out our healing prayers and/or thoughts to our Father, asking for peace and happiness to return to a broken world of negativity and greed, the way forward would be given and it would be followed by those who had the means and the good intentions.

          We, who remain tied down by our daily worries of survival, are ready to give up our time and our resources and gifts to work for the Greater Good.  We stand by constantly asking for salvation of ourselves and others who are in great need.

          We cannot be accompanied into a world of goodness with the earthly means of survival, so that we can act for the Greater Intelligence to bring about the necessary changes in the minds of those who can make changes, but seem to turn away from their appointed tasks.

          Those who have riches and wealth have a responsibility to use them wisely for the Greater Good and to give direction and hope to those who suffer.  A few can be seen walking this path and we acknowledge their work.

          There are those who give up their lives and act as unsung heroes to go into abandoned parts of this world and help the medically and mentally damaged.  We applaud them as you should too.

However, there are many who ignore the greater responsibilities and simply settle for a comfortable life without the responsibilities of what that means.  There is no problem in being ‘well off’, but what you do with it for the Greater Good of all people is what will be measured On High, when you pass from these realms taking nothing with you except your history.

Those, who carry the burdens of responsibility without the greed and corruption that so many tarnish their lives with, at the expense of the people, will be saved, but those who fail to serve will be brought to book by Spiritual Law.

Those who are not afraid to meet their maker and look into his eyes are few indeed.  We all have faults and we have all made mistakes, but to know that you have never walked by on the other side, but befriended all you met is a passport to greater service and divine love in return.

No man can give more than he has for his brother or sister and many risk their lives in unconditional love through service to the sick and the dying.   As disease sweeps across the globe and takes more lives than the wretched wars, will you risk your life to save another?

Women and children are judged as weak and are dispensable by some, but they are the future and without them Mankind would soon wither away and die.  They must be protected and nurtured, so that there is a future which is worth living.

Remember that those who commit violence will die violently and will have a long time to reflect on their misdemeanours in the next dimension, which I can assure you is very real and where your punishment is often more than four score years and ten!

I ask you and I implore you to look at what is right in your lives and not at what is best and easiest for you.  Many around you are suffering and need your help and prayers.  Atrocities are going unpunished and the rule of law is being administered by those who are not worthy to cast the first stone.

Wherever you were brought up and in whatever belief system you still adhere to, please look at what is right and stand firm.  Ask for help from the Higher Intelligence or the population of this world is lost in the uncaring vibrations of self-interest.

I cannot say “Amen” to that.

25 September 2014

It Is Not Too Late Yet

As the destruction of the world becomes closer to reality, we are able to look back and see the causes that all stem from Mankind’s inability to live with his neighbours and work for the Greater Good.

Wars are now destroying so many families and the elderly together with the women and children are always the first to suffer and have the most to lose.  It is these most vulnerable who are in the most need of assistance, but, like the people on the road to Damascus, those who can help invariably walk by on the other side.

It is not good enough to confine these people in a tented town in the desert without proper facilities and walk away.  Governments, who have promised aid and money so often fail to pay up and, as usual, it is left up to others to cope with the homeless and the stressed.

Children are losing their formative years of education and are instead damaged by their experiences in war torn countries, where they have experienced deaths in their family and their homes destroyed.  Their friends disappear and they have to deal with the trauma of bombs and missiles leaving their known lives in ruins.

This inhumanity to man is spreading because of greed and religious extremists, who have been allowed to rebel against their belief system at the expense of anger and their lusts for power over others.  As East meets West in ideological terms, cultures of misunderstanding clash, as people peddle their own belief systems and material needs without any tolerance for another and fear, anger and hatred between races develops and erupts.

Have you learned nothing from the teachings of those who gave their lives to bring you the Wisdom of the Higher Intelligence?  Mankind is a puny race with a puny mind in the  Universal standards understanding.

In order to exist, does a man take account of the goodness and righteousness of spiritual living or continue the rat race for material benefits, no matter who is trodden on and even hurt or killed?

The standards in life on earth have changed and few devote themselves to the happiness and wellbeing of others, caring for the feelings of others and live their lives to really make a difference for being here.

Most people on earth are sleepwalking through life!  They have no greater vision beyond their own little circle of existence and until they wake up or experience heartfelt pain and loss close to their very nature, they carry on with their routine of material existence.

With diseases and wars occupying so much of the area of this world with all the destructive forces working against the Greater Good, soon there will be massive famine and continued disease spreading erasing life of all peoples, including the richer nations, who will find that they cannot eat bank notes and they have lost the knowledge of basic self-sufficiency.

Our Creator gave us all we needed for a peaceful and happy life, but through the expansion of negative energies, such greed, fear and hate, the people have lost the way of loving each other and working for the benefit of all together.

Before it is too late Mankind must take a hard look at itself and the people must stand up against the leaders when they don’t address the needs of the people.  They are there to serve, but by feathering their own nests and making management error after management error, they appear to get away with it time and time again.

All matters can and should be solved in a peaceful way, but too many are not prepared to listen and make changes for the better.  Crime and injustice are rampant and will increase as the basic needs of life become in short supply.

If we all work together we can make things work so that everybody gains, but to do so we must remove the prejudices in our hearts and work together to live together and to thrive together.  Individual greed and corruption must be eliminated and open fair-trading where all gain must become the norm.

Go back to the roots of successful and right living for all to gain, so that we can ask for help from the Higher Intelligence to guide our lives along paths that are beneficial to us, our neighbours and the fauna and flora on which we rely for our sustenance and clean living for all our family.

Don’t just leave it to others, but think what you can do to make this world a better place, as it struggles for survival against the mistakes and errors that we all make and don’t bother to put right.

It is not too late yet, but it nearly is and, without help and guidance, we are indeed doomed to a miserable and unhappy live, both here and eternally until we start to care for each other…

23 August 2014

You Cannot Hide From God

            “I taught you to love each other.  I was born a Jew, but there was no hate in my heart to those who were not.  Today there is hatred as you destroy a family and their home and continue to do so.

          “Moses taught an eye for an eye, but I taught to turn the other cheek.  The road to Damascus holds no blinding light for those who would persecute God’s people and, after many years of slaughter, it continues still.

          “Everywhere it is the women and children who die and are in pain.  A four year old has been killed out of revenge.  Why do you not love each other anymore?

          “Until you love one another there can be no peace.  Love together and share God’s gifts and put away hatred.  God listens to the wailing of the women together as they lose their children, born out of their own flesh. 

          “I came and died to show you everlasting life.  Will you therefore fight for ever?  Will you not love your God, as all have the same God?  You cannot hide from him.

          “My people suffer the little children to come unto me for in the next world we have no differences in our hearts.  All is love and all is peace as it should be.  This is how it should be on earth.  Your thoughts give you away, because you cannot hide from God.

          “Until you become content with what you have and live and die for each other, you will continue to bring death and destruction on the innocent, who are the children and the women and the old and the sick.

          “Who did I come to save?  The children and the women and the old and the sick!  They were most in need of a helping hand and direction on the road to their salvation.  Are you acting as a Higher Intelligence to decide who lives and who dies?

          “What right have you to act as God on this planet Earth, when you have no wisdom of your own, but just anger in your hearts and in your minds you carry an ego that is bigger than is good for you or anybody else?

          “Stop in your tracks and if you have love for anybody but yourself, imagine what you do to others is done to them.  The time is coming when you will face God, from whom you have turn away and hidden yourself behind the misquoted scriptures.

          “There is nothing written that can turn the tide when you face the God of all people and, naked in his present, you are exposed to all that you have done.  There is nowhere to hide, but you are asked to explain your actions, which you cannot.

          “You will face the justice that you failed to give others and you WILL repent and know no peace yourself until you have repaired the damage to others that you have most willingly done, simply because you can.

          “Wake up before it is too late and you can put down your weapons of mass destruction and, as you put away your sword, you will learn that there is more to life than spilling the blood of the innocent and doing it in God’s presence.

          “Remember that what has been written down was written down by man and that God doesn’t need to write anything because he knows. His intellect is infinitely greater than your puny thoughts and unlike you he doesn’t get it wrong.

          “So take a look at what you do and stop rejoicing in every drop of blood that you spill, because the negativity that you create in doing so, will finally destroy you and those who die in innocence and truth will live for evermore, where there is love and harmony and where you are not permitted to go.

          “Everything that you receive in this earthly life has to be earned.  What you are earning is the destruction of love and harmony and the price for that is too heavy to bear by any soul who thinks he can be greater than God himself.

          “The time is coming when your actions will be stopped by a Greater Force than you can ever imagine and you will be crushed, so let the innocent survive and pray to the God of all people that it is not too late for you to do his will and not your own.

          “I leave you with this to ponder on and to look to the Heavens for a Greater Force that will flatten your puny and misguided achievements and you will be as a grain of sand in the desert.”

22 July 2014

Take Another Look and See Where the World is Going

The changes around the world are leaving humanity in a cleft stick without love and hatred abounds from one faction to another.  We all must start to take personal responsibility for what we think and say and do.

For far too long we have buried our head in the proverbial sand, as if what happens away from our front door isn’t our responsibility, but some one else’s.  It is only when it happens to us or our extended family that we start to take notice.

The rights of women are abused around the world, but especially in India where a female is reported raped every twenty one minutes.  The world looks on and does nothing about it!

Children are abused and broken all around the world and even where one thought they were safe in schools and in churches, they appear to be most at risk and the world looks on and does nothing.

In the Middle East the mighty Israel keeps Palestinians in a concentration camp, where humanitarian organisations are not allowed to enter and, when Israel feels the need, it slaughters the women and children regardless of the politics in their homes.  The world looks on and does nothing about it!

America provides the might for Goliath to smash the feeble civilians, who are caught in the trap that Israel sets to extinguish the Palestinians, who are imprisoned on their own land.  The world, including the UN, looks on and does nothing about it!

While so called leaders are talking to each other, more and more homes and children, as well as women and the elderly, are killed and maimed and their lives destroyed, so that the appetite for land and power is gratified by the Jews, who are never satisfied.

They call themselves the Children of Israel, as if they were chosen by God over all other created people.  Their history is a never-ending abuse of God’s Laws of living in love and harmony with each other.  We allow them to try to exterminate a race of Arabs, because they are in the way of Israeli expansion and for what.

Where is the goodness that comes from God’s chosen people?  What are they contributing to the future and happiness of Mankind as a whole rather than their own desires?

The three main line religions came from Abraham and have a common scion, but they act as if they were in competition for man’s souls, instead of leaving God’ to do his own trawling for the souls of men. 

Moses brought the Torah for the Children of Israel to study and live the truth through its guidance.  I brought the right way to live and prepare for the Kingdom of Heaven by loving and helping one’s fellow man, as some of it is reported in the Christian Bible.  Mohammed secured the Koran and it brings inspiration to many who follow the Muslim way.

Whatever you read or have preached to you, the same message comes from the same source, but the interpretation stems from the so called holy men, who believe me have their own interests at heart.  Much is bound up with politics, which is a power over the masses and it quells individual thought.

All realisations of God come directly to the innocent more easily than the older more corrupt minds.  Many years are involved with the elders of studying the ways of man and not the ways of God.

Remember how I said, “Let the little children come unto me”?  It is the children who are the innocent and the humble, but in this present way of existence their innocence is abused by priests and paedophiles and wars all around the world are making them old men before their youth is completed.

All people have a right to stand up for what is right and good and honest.  It is their privilege to have free thought guided by the Spirit, which is God-given and dwells with each and every soul.  Until the bonds of ignorance are cleansed from the minds of the brainwashed, no soul can find their God and only through me is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.

I alone hold the keys to all religions and their teachings, as I know the truth and I alone can see into the hearts of men and to know what they are doing and saying for their own interest.

On this earth plane on which we dwell, we are the servants of the Great Intelligence, who some call God, but by any name he is the only one and all truth must come from him and those he calls to serve him will come and cleanse this madness of greed, power and control over others to deny them the right to commune with the Spirit, where all who have passed on are and where in time we will all go.

When we do, we will be asked what we have done for the betterment of humanity and we must answer honestly, because we will be beard to the truth and cannot cover our mistakes and errors in front of the Godly, who serve the Almighty.

Are you ready to be asked and found wanting or no?  You don’t know when you will be called, so I say to you again, “Leave nothing undone”, because time is running out and many will leave this world very soon, as the gifts of God have been abused and there will be much pain, pestilence and starvation unless all Mankind starts to remedy the courses that he has set in motion for his own reasons rather than for the betterment of humanity.

So now we come full circle.  Take personal responsibility and do your bit and your best for humanity and don’t be full of excuses that you haven’t got the time, because if you don’t make the time, then God Almighty won’t be able to make time for you.

The rule of law is simple, as I have said many times.  “What you sow you will reap.”  That is the first law that underpins all other laws and explains each and every one of them.  Each one of the Ten Commandments tells you what you should do, what you must sow or not sow and the reaping will be by your hand.

It is time.  There isn’t much time left to dither and make excuses.  You will feel the floodtide of misfortune coming from the Darkness of Ignorance soon enough.  Are you ready to face your Creator face to face and to explain your life in his service or not?  Remember there are no excuses and no way out, because the truth is known to all who watch from the Spirit Realms, which some call Heaven.

Take a look at the world; see the humiliation and misery that is daily being handed out to the innocent and the humble and see what you can do to help humanity survive this holocaust of their own making.

If your arrogance and your ego is too great to say prayers or send out thoughts to the Higher Intelligence for the survival of the human race, then you are not in service to him, but to yourself and your future is dark and those you thought you loved are being lost before your very eyes.

It is never too late to see the light of justice and harmony between our Creator and ourselves, but the time to do it is now.  It cannot be put off any longer…