27 November 2014

Test the Spirit and Ask for Confirmation

           It sometimes seems as if it is all going wrong and that you cannot see the way to it ever coming right again.  Your path is going downhill and seemingly running away from you.

As the clouds grow darker and darker and you feel abandoned by all of your guides and helpers, you start to see some sunshine ahead and, as you go towards it, you begin to see a path illuminated that you couldn’t see before.

It is said that ‘God’ works in mysterious ways and this is true to those of us who do not have the divine vision of seeing ahead and how matters will work out for the Greater Good and not just for us as individuals.

If we could see ahead we would use it wrongly and try to take a greater advantage of affairs than we are meant to.  When we are told that there is a plan ahead which will occur, we tend to expect it to almost immediately start to happen.

However in the fullness of time it will come into being, but there is often work for us to do in the helping of others and the progression of our own souls to make us ready to meet that challenge.

Guidance from a secure and loving source will not be wrong if the guides are known for their experience and love and the receiver doesn’t try and change anything that is given.  There are some who try and make it more believable if they are passing it on to others, but it is always essential that they give precisely what is given to them.

When there is an intermediary, they are not aware of all the facts and how could they?  Those who change things are seeking their own acceptance and are therefore not truly acting as a spiritual instrument through their own interference.

When you need guidance, as we all do at times, seek out the very best and get personal recommendations and you will be guided to the right source, which often is chosen by the Spirit or indeed those in the next dimension who want to send you a message.

As I worked on the Earth, those many years ago, I was constantly guided directly from above through the Father and those past prophets and spirits, who served me well.  I tried to serve the people, who came to hear me.

 My words were directed to them and they heard what I said as if it was a direct message to them personally.  If they doubted or felt unsure, then it is always best to test the Spirit by asking within one’s own consciousness for confirmation.

It is always given to the serious enquirer and often it seems like a miracle when that confirmation is given right under your very nose and it cannot be denied.  It will always be clear and unmistakeable.

When the time comes for your path to be cleared of the obstacles and tests that have sometimes been so painful and you have progressed forwards into the requirements/necessities of what is expected of you, this prophetic state of affairs will be given to you.

          Everything in life has to be earned and when you have the right qualifications and believe truly in your mind-set, then the Almighty will allow it to come to you in the certain knowledge that it is for the Greater Good and that nobody else is harmed or hurt in any way.

          We are here to serve each other, as I demonstrated by washing my disciples’ feet.  Nobody is too high and mighty not to stoop down to give a helping hand to one in need.  If we expect help when we are in need, then we should have helped others, so that others can help us in turn.

          See what a wonderful world it would be if we all considered each other’s feelings and put our own egos aside to allow the guidance of Spiritual Law to act in our lives.  There would be peace and harmony and wars would be no more.

          Mankind would live by trading with his neighbours and not by trying to screw the best deal for himself.  This is not pie in the sky stuff.  It is the way that we are expected to live together by our Father Creator, but too many of us have gone down the material road and abandoned the spiritual way of right living with openness and honesty.

          It is not too late to turn and seek the rewards of a Heavenly Father, who loves us and wants us to be happy.  It is us that turn away from him.  He never turns away from us, but guides us constantly if only we would listen.

          Heaven, as I have always taught, is a state of being within ourselves.  We create our own heaven and our own hell by the way we live and behave.  So let us turn to the future and restore our loving ways to make this world a happier and more harmonic place for all of us to live in and most especially for our children, whose innocence is soon displaced in this modern and unhappy world.

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