12 April 2011

Love Does Conquer All

To be fully integrated into the social and business life of this world, it is necessary to allow yourself sufficient time to be in the quietness of the power of the spirit within, your self, your inner being.

Life on this earth plane is made up of the material and physical world of which you are only too well aware and also the spiritual world from whence you came and where you will return to continue your life experience.

This present learning curve is but a blinking of the eye in terms of your life expectancy, which is eternal and so these years that you spend here on earth are but a fleeting moment of your existence.

It is therefore very important that you miss nothing and complete all your allotted tasks while you still have the time and the momentum to do so.  I came into this earthly environment to show to the people that life was eternal and continued after so called death.

Bodily death is but the moving from one state of consciousness to another, whereby you continue onward on your life of experience, so that you can become a wiser and better soul to help and engage with others who are on this pathway.

We are all interlinked through the Father of Creation, who made us all and, like one great happy family, we are reliant on each other for support and guidance along the way of life in this earthly world and in the next celestial dimension.

Nothing ever stays the same in this constantly moving kaleidoscope of experience and as you go through the many traumas that befall you, through your own actions or the actions of another or indeed are just brought to you to see how you manage them, you are changed and uplifted through your experiences to become a better and more ably experienced person.

The whole nature of life here in this world of experiences is to see how we can all rub along together and how our vibrations or emotions can and do effect each other.  Love is the strongest and is all powerful when used correctly for the greater good.

Other emotions that you may feel close to your heart are negative in nature and can, if allowed to, pull down your vibration rate and dull your positive senses.  If you insist on a positive attitude and thus keep alive your higher vibrations, you will smother the more sluggish and negative ones.

To be uplifted by the love shown to you by another or the beauty of the rising sun on a spring morning of promise and hope, is what charges your spiritual batteries and gives you the power to overcome all that tries to beset you in a negative way.

You are your own power station of life and you can choose by your thoughts how to use it.  Do you enjoy the positive and beautiful lifestyle of love and hope or do you let it run down and become sluggish with negative energy?

I urge you all to be a marker in life and show what you stand for and to allow goodness and light of knowledge of the positive variety to emanate through your body language, which is of course centred in your inner being, your essence of life which is the true you.

It is what you brought to this earth plane when you came down into an earthly body to experience life here and to share with others what you had to offer them as they do to you.

So allow that spring in your step as you realise that you are loved and that you control your own progression and nobody else can unless you let them.  You are the true power that drives your destiny, so hold the reins tightly and go through life as you want to do and answer for the consequences with honesty and a smiling countenance.

Pain is only what you allow to attack you.  Love is the defence and glory of all situations and answers, which our Father gave to all of us.  So why don't you try allowing it to rule your life and build up your earthly batteries so that you can share it with others.

Love after all conquers all and in its vibration are all souls of all time, who enjoy the life of existence that our Father gave us to enjoy and breathe and see and feel all around us always and forever.  Amen.

02 April 2011

To Give Is to Receive

          If you give to another without expecting anything in return, then you will be rewarded by Spiritual Law.  Therefore I say to you that to give is to receive.

          Let us be plain about it.  Our Father gave us all the right to expect and the right to receive according to the way that our intentions were offered.  If we wanted something for ourselves in order to show off to others how great we were, then it is only our ego which receives.

          If we ask because we need something in order to survive or to do our honest days work for the greater good of all, it is likely to be supplied to us and we should be grateful for that fact. 

          Also we can ask for good things to be sent to others who are in need, such as health or a wealth of comforts, then we shall see that person prosper before our very eyes and we should rejoice because of it.

          In doing good things for others for the right and proper reasons and providing that there are no barriers to their receiving the same through their own desires or past errors of judgement, then through our own example we shall be blessed for our way of life in giving unto others what they are in need of.

          Often we are in a position to give help either physically or mentally and we are too busy to stop in our lives doing what is thought to be good for us.  We dash hither and thither, often not being able to take a breath and in order to survive the day we are at risk to our own health.

          If we stopped and thought about the needs of others as well as ourselves a little more, we should be blessed by a calmer outlook and a more achievable target each and every day.

          Saying, 'Who would do it if I didn't?' is not an acceptable answer, because it will transpire that when you burn yourself out by your rushing and trying to cram more into the day than you have hours or energy available, then they will have to do it for themselves.

          Sometimes people say to us that it is easier to do it oneself than to have to argue about another helping out and so they get away with their laziness at your expense and fail to take responsibility for their actions as they should.

          We all reap what we sow in the end and so it is that when you give to another you will be rewarded for your actions by Spiritual Law.  If you fail to respond or do selfish things for others, then you will reap what you did for yourself.

          It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.  Often you have heard that said as I once said it, but you see the difficulty is that the rich man is frightened of losing his riches and so he is very frugal about what he does with them.

          It is how you use the gifts that you receive that matters and if the rich man lives in luxury and does nothing to ease the suffering of those around them, then he will indeed find it difficult to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

          So look to what you have and give of it freely, whether that is your time or your understanding of other people's difficulties.  Invest in your future by living a life on this earth plane of existence, so that you are ready to be received into that heavenly plane of existence when to pass on.

          If you become so bound up in the material ways of the world, you will have much to adjust to latter on and it is much easier I can assure you to grasp the nettle here on earth and look within yourself by giving where you can and receiving the benefits that are due to you.

          Look to the needs of others and you will never go short yourself providing that your motives are selfless and you are not just looking with a greedy eye and coveting greater material wealth for yourself, which you must leave behind when you pass on.

          Material wealth can never replace the wealth of the soul within which is build upon love, compassion and the helping of those in need, as we all are at some time in our lives.  Amen.