24 June 2012

Address Your Past Issues Before It Is Too Late And That Means Now!

Now is the time when you must all look to your laurels and put the past behind you by dealing with all the back issues of your life to date.  It is no use turning aside and saying that you have no issues at all or that they are too difficult for you to address.

Each and every one of us has matters that we have failed to address and we have hidden them away, shut them in the closet and thrown away the key, but they are still there and will be dealt with in this world or the next one.

You choose your place and your life according to how you act and how you behave.  Spiritual people, who work for the greater good before themselves, will be advised and saved, so that they can carry on with their work to help and aid those in the greatest need.

They will not be let off their mistakes or errors, but will be shown and instinctively know how to deal with them.  They will not leave their baggage locked in the cupboard and try and move away.

Those who will not deal with their conscience and close their minds to the continuous and comforting reminders that are always given from a Higher Source, or Universal Intelligence according to the way you think about Great Creative Forces, will be taken to task in a greater way than they can ever imagine.

The way you think and act determines the very way you are and the progress that you make within your own earthly lives.  Nothing is by chance, but all is by design.  The opportunities that are placed in your path are for your progression to greater experience and a greater way of helping others without personal benefits to self.

If greed is your motivation you will be brought down.  So often this has been said and so often ignored.  Look around the world today and see how the greedy are falling and the oppressors are being oppressed and this will continue until the lessons are learned and the waves of goodness are accepted on this earth plane.

No longer are the Higher Forces prepared to stand by and see Mankind behave in such an abominable way to their own kind.  Enough is enough and the planetary energies are moving in such a way that they are unstoppable.

Surely you realise that although many are getting hurt, they are paying the collective price for the misdoings of the Collective Conscience, which has been swayed by so much negativity and misrule that it had reached tipping point and must and will be stopped at almost any price to the individuals who must suffer.

It is time that the good and mighty people of conscience stand up and be counted and the Lord’s work will be done, as all those truly know who live by his laws and sayings.  Many are ready for the great changes that are to come and have been prepared through their experiences to pave the way and give guidance to the masses who are in much need of leadership.

If you are fortunate enough to read these words, don’t shrug your shoulders or turn away.  These are the stark realities which are coming upon us all and I urge you to examine your lives and see what you have made for yourself and make the necessary changes, so that you will survive with those who you love.

I didn’t come to unite families, but to divide them when their thinking was impure and dangerous.  Each and every soul has a right to make up their own mind, but then they must stand by the consequences of their choices.

Benefits are given to the deserving according to what they have earned by their own good deeds and should they require help and guidance it will be given to them, but, unlike today’s earthly credit society, it has to first be earned before it can be enjoyed.

I urge you all to take notice and to examine yourselves and the world around you before it changes and leaves you breathless in its wake.  All the signs for the future are clearly out there and cannot be mistaken.

You all have the choice.  Act wisely or fall into darkness.  Tear down the bad and rebuild it so that it is worthy.  Help your neighbours unconditionally, who are in need of a helping hand and let them understand the love that is so lacking in the mouths and hearts of the majority of today’s people.

Open your minds to the good and the righteous and don’t leave it to others to do, because you will achieve no credit and will stagnate in your own distress.  There is help there if you will seek it.

So I say to you, “Seek and you will find.  Knock and it will be opened to you, but first you must move yourself with the right intentions.  Amen to that.