19 March 2010

Slow Down, Don't go so Fast


Modern life is very demanding and it is not surprising that so many fall by the way side as they strive to achieve more and more.  The human body and its brain box are of limited duration and are only meant to last for those four score years and ten.


However, advances in modern medicine and health regimes have extended this for many people, but this does not apply to those who insist on living at breakneck speed as though there is no tomorrow.


Sadly for them there might not be, as they burn up their resources which have been given to them.  By filling every minute of every day with stressful situations they are imposing on themselves an early recall to the Almighty.


Our Father, who lives in Heaven, is well aware of the pressures of modern living, but He is also aware of the motivation that drives so many in this helter-skelter world of modern living at the top of the line.


So often it is not for the fact that their children are going hungry or that they do not have a pair of shoes and the parent feels that they must do all the work that they can get to put food on the table or clothes on their children.  Many have a hard life and I am not talking about those poor souls here.


I am addressing those, often young people, who intend to make a mark for themselves by climbing further and higher than those about them and they are caught up in a race for which there is no ultimate prize.


They are greedy for the good things in life that they think that they want and they demand them at any price.  Yes, I agree that is their choice, but I have to ask them if they realise that they are burning themselves out and that their bodies can only take the strain for a short time.


So solace and time out is always required and to overwork and underplay is no joke.  These young people, of all ages, are setting themselves a target for ruin in terms of health and happiness, which cannot be bought in later life however much they earn.


Nobody can have everything!  That is the way things are and if you try to get it all, you will be left in pain of body or mind or both.  Is it really worth it to chase a rainbow for that pot of gold that may not be worth it when you get there?


Please think about those around you who suffer because you follow that impossible dream and who will have to pick up the pieces when you fall, as at some time you will, if you don't limit your exertions to fit the available resources that your mind and body can undertake.


Undertake your life and live as you want to, but don't make demands on others that are unfair because of your pursuit to find that gravy train.  Remember that sooner or later you have a date with the undertaker.

Do you want that to be sooner or later?  Life is for living in harmony and happiness and when you have enough, be satisfied and don't deprive yourself by demanding more and more and more…


18 March 2010

Be sure What you Give is Deserved

Give to the poor and needy, but make sure that they are deserving of what you give.  There are now what I call professional beggars about on the streets, who make a nice living out of the sympathy that they have learned to exude.


Not everybody who asks for charity is a deserving case, so I would urge you to seek proofs of their needs and to give in a way which they can benefit in the right kind of way.  There are many who really need help and they will worthy of your charity.


In this society of free handouts there are many who do well by playing music in the streets and giving a soft story before they spend your money in the pub or on drugs to further shorten their lives.


People today are so often in an easy come easy go and all they want is a quiet life.  Charity is a good mentor, but I am saying that you need to be sure where your money is going and to whom it is spent on.


People who collect are often genuine helpers who take no rewards, but are pleased to help by the giving of their time and don't look to the bigger picture where the lifestyle of those who work for the bigger charities enjoy many perks.


What they do can be well done, but that is out of your hands and I am suggesting that you look around where you live and find out those who are more worthy of a helping hand.   Many older people suffer many hardships trying to keep warm and do without food for their electric fire.


Mothers with children are looked after by the state and it is often the little ones who need some support as the lure of some to bingo and the pubs becomes too strong and the little ones are left behind.


There are social services who are paid officials that try and stop the neglect of children and old people, but they are stretched and poorly trained and guided, so neighbours need to look around for themselves and not cast a blind eye to those things that they don't want to see.


We are all children of the one 'God' and we are all responsible for what we do and what we do not do.  It is as bad to turn ones back on a felony as to commit it and the whole of society has equal responsibility to all members of it.


Do not allow the soft option to rule your actions.  Be bothered when something is wrong and in a pleasant way address it and do not walk by on the other side as too many of us do on a daily basis.


It is not the government's job to do everything, but our job is to create the sort of society that we want and feel instinctively is right, so we must stand up for what we believe in and to have our just desserts knowing that we have earned them.


Let your children know the difference between what is right and what is wrong and let them grow up to be model citizens of what they believe in the best society that they can aspire to…


17 March 2010

Do not Put off until Tomorrow what You can do Today

Take yourself in hand and realise that I am here to be of service to you.  There are many difficulties in this modern world, which is making life very hard for a great number of people.


Don't make it any harder on yourself than it has to be.  Take me into your confidence and say your words to me so that I can help you, but think about what you ask for and see that it is with the right intensions and won't harm any one else.


Ask me for what you need and not for what you would like.  Life is ongoing and in order to survive all the pressures of modern living you must realise what is important and what can be done without.


To want a new coat in the best of fashions is not necessary, when all you need is a coat to keep you warm.  If there is a coat which you don't wear, then give it to another who has perhaps got no coat at all.


There are many things that we all hold onto which we no longer need and we would feel happier by clearing away what is no longer required and can help others in their struggle.  We all struggle, but we have different problems set before us.


We are all down here on this earth plane of existence to see how we cope and to learn that we are all here together and in need of each others support.  Nothing is wasted here, because everything in our lives becomes a part of our being and forms part of our 'character'.


Without life's knocks and challenges we would learn nothing and have no backbone or strength to survive and to follow a building of ourselves, which will be with us always.  Remember that life is eternal.


What we learn here on the good earth, that we walk on a daily basis, is what it is that makes us truly what we are.  If we are arrogant and selfish, then we are going to have to learn about love of another the hard way and whether that is here in this world or the next it will have to be so before we can move on and be fit to be with others.


Often people wonder and hope that they will meet their love ones in the next world and the answer to that is simple, because if you love each other and are good and kind and have the same interests in other people, then you will be together again.


If you are of different spiritual values and understandings, then one may rise ahead of the other and you will not be together.  The roads that lead to my Father's Kingdom are paved with good intensions, but are you able to take advantage of them?


It is not what you want, but what you need that is important here on this earth plane, so that you are ready and in the right place to move on in spiritual terms to find the comfortable place that is prepared for you.


But if you do not come up to these standards of love and goodwill for others that place will have to wait for you until you are fit to occupy it, so do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.  Amen.


15 March 2010

Considering What is Best for your Children is in their Interests or Yours?

To try to do your very best is enough, because nobody can ask more of you that that.  No one should expect more from any soul that they are capable of giving and that goes especially for parents, who often expect more from their young charges than they are capable of giving.


Parents all around the world are pushing their children forward on an achievement ticket and this means that they can loose out on the precious time of exploring the world and finding out what it holds for them.


Children at play are not wasting their time, but are learning the essentials of life and how to live and understand those of their own age.  Often they will play in a fantasy world through their imagination and learn new things as they expand their own mind.


To cheat a child of the growing up period of their lives by expecting them to take on the role of an adult before their time is an error which cannot be undone.  All souls who come to this earth plane have a right to be allowed to expand their own mind and experience in their own way.


Of course they must have schooling, but I am not talking about that alone.  To balance their hard learning in education for a future life fulfilment, all young people need to go through their own times of exploration and excitement in finding out what suits them best.


It is not a time to be lost as parents grapple with making their children old for their age by putting up bench makers along to way, because they must achieve the highest levels.  This is usually because their family did or in many cases because their family didn't and they want to live through the achievements of their children.


To force a child into a way of life for which they feel unsuited is to imprison them in a world where they will not feel at ease or be happy.  To achieve at the highest level possible for each and every individual, they must be happy and not bullied or cajoled to follow a line of life which they are not suited to.


I ask you honestly, "Who is best suited to know what a child or young person really wants and is best suited for – them or another.  Parents or guardians have no right to step over the line, which is a narrow one."


When you are considering what is best for your children, think first about whether it is attainable and if you think it is, ask yourself if it is in their best interests or yours.  To force another to do what they are unwilling or unable to do is not a responsibility which sits well on the shoulders of the perpetrator.


All will have to answer for what they do in the next world of existence and I can assure you that many arrive without knowledge of the facts and they think that they have got away with their misdeeds, but this is not so.


Love and understanding is what is best suited for the progression of another at any age and you must remember that no one can walk the path of another, although many do try.  It is best to guide with love and to understand with compassion than to force another down a road which they are not suited for…

14 March 2010

Clear out what You no Longer Need so Others can Gain

Give to those who are in need and be grateful that you have things to give to those who are without.  So many souls are afraid or too mean to give away what they no longer need and keep their attics and garages full of things that they will never use again.


In this material world it seems that all people are thinking about is what they have and that the more they have the wealthier they are, but I say to you that without spiritual love within your hearts are barren indeed.


What good are all your possessions when you are without love, health or happiness?  Peace of mind is worth all the clutter that you keep and most of it is forgotten until you find it again, so what point is there in keeping it?


To others what you have can be life saving.  If you can't find a deserving cause give it to charity where it can be sold or find a new owner who may well treasure what you have given away.


Always I can assure you that what you give away is returned to you with love many times over and to give with the right intensions of helping others less well off than yourself is a worthy cause and so you will receive.


Many people these days see a cause and pass it by expressing the opinion that the government should do something about it, but if the people who voted in that government took care themselves where they can of deserving causes, the real points of government could be addressed.


Tinkering with little issues is not the point of the governing body and filling the statute book with laws, because the people have forgotten how to behave, is a sign of the increasing collapse of moral status and the failure of people to take personal responsibility.


Do you really think that by doing charitable works you make no difference at all?  Why have people grown apart from others around them and leave this sort of thing to them so that they can waste their time in fruitless obsessions.


Many souls do not even think any longer about those in distress and prefer to look the other way when even those that they called friends before lose their status through the death of a partner or the redundancy of the bread earner.


These are the people who most need support to get them back on their feet and I ask you, "Have you ever turned away from one who had fallen and needed a hand up?"  In all honesty we are all guilty at some point in our lives, however much we try to deny it.


In this life of earthly existence it is never too late to turn away from our past mistakes and learn to do things better.  If you have made errors before, that is no reason why you should keep making the same mistakes.


I ask you all to remember that in my Father's house there are many mansions and one has been prepared for you if you are good enough to fill it, so take the next opportunity to help another and do not worry about what people may say.


There is always a warm glow of satisfaction within as a reward when you know that you have done the right thing and that you would do it again and again and so you will be blessed…

13 March 2010

Open your Eyes so You may See


Take yourself in hand by allowing us to develop your compassionate side, so that your spiritual intensity may increase and your negativity will decline.  It is a simple fact my friend that they at least need to be in balance if you are to understand the reason for your life here.


Those souls who live through greed and avarice for themselves push away the spiritualistic nature of the being and as they were created in the image of 'God' they push away 'His' light.


The image of 'God' is 'His' being, 'His' existence, and 'He' exists as you do in thought form.  You can think and therefore you are alive in the spiritual sense of being.  If you think badly about unacceptable spiritual motives, then you take away the light of 'God's' existence within you and fill yourself with the negativity of selfishness.


To exist in any kind of harmony, the light and darkness must be in balance, but if it becomes stronger than 'God's' given light then you are imbalanced and tipping towards the dark side of life and the road back is very hard.


When you allow 'God's' light to build up inside your soul, your thought process of the mind, because these two are inexplicably linked together almost as one, then you will radiate a light of goodness in your daily life.


This can be seen by others who are gifted with the spiritual insight and when souls look at the same thing they cannot always see the same picture, because they have different 'filters' of appreciation of what they are seeing.


People interpret what they see because they see what the eyes beholds, but according to the interpretation of their mind, which controls their brain, they see what they are 'programmed' by their experience, what they expect to see.


It is enlightening to observe people looking at a picture in an art gallery and to hear what they see and understand.  Life is like that picture, because it remains the same, but sending out opportunities or messages, but the interpreter or viewer sees it all in a different light of recognition.


So I am asking you to be aware that what you see in this world is not always the reality of what is.  You cannot often see how a clever liar or sales rep can pull the wool over your eyes in keeping certain aspects from your eyes.


In the next world this is not possible and all are seen by their fruits, so that all recognise what each soul has achieved during their lifetime down on this plane of temporary existence.  Nothing can be hid.


This is also true of the spiritual gifted people, who work with light and paint pictures so that people who visit them can be shown their lives and where they are heading, which are an enigma to the ordinary visitor.


Please remember that I am the Way to the Light and when you come to me for guidance and help in true love and belief I will never let you down, so do not let yourself down by keeping yourself in the dark.


Open your eyes to what is going on all around you and stand up for what is good, so that the spirit within you can expand and the light may enlighten others who are still keeping themselves in the dark.

12 March 2010

I will be with You when you Help another Soul


Allow me to guide you well and listen to the words that I speak to you.  If only you would listen and believe that I can speak to you and that I am not dead, but very much alive and living in Spirit with the necessary ways to talk to those who are aware of my teachings.


I am the true Way and I am here to bring the Truth to you all, so that you can live in peace and harmony and not languish in the ways of the world as the material life takes over from your spiritual existence.


When will you ever learn that I bring to you the realities of not only life, but of the so called death, which is simply another way to be reborn into the next dimension?  There you will not need your worn out body and so it is left behind.


There you will be without pain and without decay, so that all that you are is alive and well in a solid world in which love and harmony hold all souls together as one in a happiness that you have never felt on this earth plane.


Turn yourselves to the good book and read my words.  Take their meaning to your heart and feel the truth of living well and living bravely, so that all around you others may benefit from your love and understanding.


Is it so very hard for you to care what happens to another soul?  Is it so difficult to try and imagine their pain as all alone they struggle with their problems?  Why does it take you time to offer your help with a smile or a helping hand?


So often when a soul is suffering, all they need to do is to tell another about their worries and concerns so that the pressure within them is reduced as they share the pain.  Is it so hard to spare a little of your time to give comfort to another?


Think about what you would need if you were 'cursed' with a problem that you couldn't resolve on your own.  Where would you turn?  Is there someone to whom you could open up your heart and relieve the built up negativity of your own concerns?


Think a little bit about the people around you and be prepared to stop and listen and you will understand that it cost you nothing except some time and always when you listen to another you can feel enlightenment through the ear of understanding.


In order to help and to grow in being able to help another, you need to have experience of their suffering.  If you are blessed not to have been through the traumas that they are experiencing, then you will gain an understanding of that part of life which has passed you by and make it easier for you to help another.


Take care of your self, by being open to understanding and do not shut yourself away from the cares of the world.  You are not a seer of the future and cannot know where you will end up as life is always changing and that you cannot deny.


If you hold yourself apart and shelter your children from the making of mistakes, then soon enough you will realise that they will go out into the hard world unprepared.


So do what you can and grow in the Presence of the Lord for I will be with you when ever you help another soul, who is requiring of your love and tranquillity of life.  Amen too that.


11 March 2010

How you can bring Me into your Heart and Mind

To be enlightened by the Light of the Father, we all have to make ourselves available to listen in the quietness of our own selves. It is no use rushing it and cramming it into a very crowded day, but it must be at a time of total surrender of your self.

Take time out for yourself and prepare by breathing in love and breathing out all the anxieties of your daily existence.  Send out your thoughts and ask for the Protection of the Lord to come around you.

I will always be there when you ask, but you must understand that the Father gave you freewill and I cannot come into your space unless you request me to and then I shall come and you will feel the peace and relaxation that I shall bring to you.

Do not be impatient, as so many are these days and expect to hear my words as soon as you close your eyes.  I can only communicate with you as far as you are ready to receive me and the preparation of the soul is in your hands alone.

If you abandon your tensions and clear your mind of all your anxieties, I will be with you.  My call is always answered, but you must open yourself without fear in the protection that you have asked for, so that the darkness will slowly clear and the light of many colours will come to you.

As we continue to work together, you will become aware of understanding and the peace, which only love can bring into your heart and mind, so that you will afterwards be able to stand a little taller and hold your head a little higher in the certain knowledge that you are not alone.

You will need to do this on a regular basis if you wish me to direct you in your search through the maze of life and each time that I come to you I will bring a greater peace and understanding, so that you can come to rely on me.

If you are used to finding a quick fix from the pill box or out of a bottle then think again.  These think are only a temporary 'fix' and in the longer term can make you become reliant on them, but I am not addictive.

I am there whenever you need me and I hold a direct line to the Father, who loves you well and all the problems that you have found around you, as you rushed forward to what you thought you wanted, have taken a heavy toll on you.

But I will refresh you if you ask me to come and in the silence of the mind, which you must create by leaving everything else behind, I will give you the healing which you crave for but cannot find.

Within your soul are all the cares and negativity, which have built up throughout your life and you are allowing them to crush you.  The weight gets ever stronger as you get up each day and dread the heavy vibrations of modern life.

You need to find peace within and that means that if you give yourself to me in total trust then I will heal you and lead you to the Father's Light, so that you may find the true way and in time happiness along the Way of life, which you deserve.  Amen."

10 March 2010

You can Only Aspire to your own Self

The words that I say to you are for all mankind and not just for you alone.

Everybody is created and given life by my Father and we all owe a debt to 'Him' for giving us an existence at all and having done so, we shall never die.

This world of earthly existence is a proving ground as to the worth of your very being and from your showing, so will you reap the rewards of what you have sown.  There is nobody to intercede for you, because according to your fruits you are known.

I can show you the Way, but like all manmade interpretations of my teachings, you can only aspire to your own self and your actions are what makes you what you are and where you will go.

Do not believe that anybody can pray for mercy on your behalf and make your transition any easier.  Those who tell you that they can save you on your deathbed do not understand what I have been saying.

I am saying loud and clear that you alone are responsible for your actions and your intensions and if they have been made with the best will and meaning to help others and to bring peace and healing to those who are hurt, then you will have nothing to fear in my Father's Kingdom.

If you have spent your life on this earth plane collecting what you want and not caring whose toes that you stepped on in getting your own way, then you will have much to fear for your safe haven in the next place of your existence.

There you will have to learn that your heart is impure with negativity and self aggrandisement and those you hurt and who felt your pain through your actions will be shown to you and you will feel what that pain was like until you understand the meaning of what you did.

For those who have existed here in the knowledge that at the last a priest can hear your confessions and free you from responsibility will find disappointment waiting when they arrive.

What you gave to the church would better have been spent in aiding the poor and the needy, so that they received your charity instead of giving your hard earned sustenance to build idols of gold and silver.

'God' does not want for altars and buildings of grandeur.  What 'God' wants is the pure in heart to love 'Him' and to see 'His' hand at work to help those who cry out for the right reasons and not just for greedy accumulation.

The Great Consciousness of Love and Wisdom prefers to see the little children happy with food in their bellies and shoes on their feet as they are taught to love each other and not fight to become bigger than the others around them.

All are equal in 'His' sight and when the 'sinner' turns from his selfish ways and embraces the needs of other, the angels cry out in joy and the spirits who live in 'God's' Kingdom rejoice to know another soul has turned to the Father and will come to live with them in love and harmony.  Amen to that.

09 March 2010

Can you Love others without Expecting anything in Return?

Go into yourself and find the quiet place that is there in everybody.  Give yourself some quiet time when you will not be disturbed.

Take yourself to that special place where you feel safe and secure, be it in the countryside, a local park or in your own room at home.

Close your eyes and allow your thoughts to ebb away and let the Power of the Lord come into your life.  Let me guide the thoughts that come into your troubled mind, for if you were not troubled then you would have no need of me.

I am the Way to bring you peace and show you how to take yourself forward into a way of life that will sustain you and carry you towards the Father, who loves you well.

He is not responsible for all the pickles and misfortunes that you have got yourself into because you didn't listen to me or to your conscience and went ahead regardless of the responsibilities that were plain enough to see.

Never say to me, "I didn't know what I was doing or what was going to happen."

Then I say to you, "Why did you not think about it or why did you never ask me the way you should go?"

The Way is not difficult, but it may not be what you want!  If all you want is to take from others, then go into a quiet place and realise the consequences of what you are doing.

If you want to be loved by others, then you must earn that love by being respected as one who cares and one who gives, when the motivation is right to do so.

Not all gifts that you give are going to do what you want from the giving unless you can honestly say, "I want nothing in return."

If you are giving to make yourself be liked or to receive something you want from another then you are not giving with the right intensions and you need to understand that these actions will not help you to become a loving and loved soul for the greater good.

If you are selfish then go into the quietness of your mind and find your true self and see if you like yourself.  If you don't like what you see, then change your attitude and let me help you to love yourself and others without condition.

This is not a weakness.  It will make you strong so that those who cannot understand you and your beautiful way of life will try and hurt you with their words, but if you truly love they cannot hurt you, because you will only feel sorrow for those who are lost, hurt and afraid.

Come into your quietness and I will help you to carry your burdens.  You are never alone, but you need to be refreshed by the love of the Spirit and then you can make a start at loving yourself for what you are and what you do.

Be at peace within your own soul and you will inherit a place in the Father's Kingdom where you will be with like-minded souls, who all live together in love and harmony.

If this is where you want to live then come into the quietness and listen for yourself and I will guide you if you can learn to love others without expecting anything in return.

07 March 2010

We are all the Same under the Skin


The way to find the true Way to the Truth and the Light is through the words that I have spoken and as I have tried to make them simple, so you can rely on what they mean.


There is no way that you can live on this earth plane of temporary existence without love in your hearts and a desire to help others who are less fortunate than yourself.


If you do these things and you believe in me, I will ensure that your way is cleared to go on to the Father's Kingdom and the place that has been prepared for you.


The true Way is through the love vibration for others and to deny oneself, as I did by giving my life so that you and all who had eyes to see, would believe that I lived and died so that all could see and know that it was true.


The temple of my body was truly rebuilt in three days as I told the Sanhedrin, but these learned souls couldn't see beyond their own Temple that was now a den of thieves and not fit for the worship of the Father, but only fit to make money from the people.


Do not misunderstand.  I came for all men and women – Jew or Gentile.  My message was and still is for all the Children of God, who he created in His own image, the image of life and love, of consciousness and thought.


These earthly bodies are only temporary garb.  They serve to keep the real you from being damaged by the negativity and oppression upon this little globe on which you stand.


We are all made of the same substance in the hands of our Creator and the colour of our skin or the creed that they try and teach us from the cradle to the grave may differ, but I say to you that we are all the same under the skin and that we should all love each other as the Father intended.


If you travel this world you will find differences in the climate, which make the pigments stronger or weaker, but the needs within the body are all the same.


We all need food and water and we all need to be loved and to give love to others, especially in our families and close ties, but I say to you that if they do not love you and they spurn your love, you are better to walk away and find a new family to exchange love and harmony with.


When you gather together in my name, I am there to hear your words and your very thoughts are known to me, so that if you want with the right intensions, not wishing against others but truly for what you need, I will refresh you and show you how to find what you need.


Ask for what you need and ask to be shown how to find it.  Do not do as so many these days do and demand that you are given what you want regardless of what you already have.


Take a gentle approach and ask for the finer things, so that love and peace can bring healing and joy to those who ask in my name, but do not crave for the material that turns you away from the Spirit by the greed which clogs up your heart and denies you the spirituality that warms you and sustains you when you give what you can to another.


Give to God what is God's, but throw away the material that you do not need that only corrupts your soul by the envy you still carry for those who have more that you do.  Be rested in the peace of the Lord and you will be free…


06 March 2010

Do you want to be Forgiven or Loved for how you Lived


Go all you Children of the Lord and find ways to help others if you want to be helped yourself when you are in need of aid.


However high and mighty you may feel and think that you are, there is always a moment when you need another to hold your hand and help you on your way, so be generous to others so that they in turn may be generous to you.


There is no other way to live on this plane of existence than by caring and seeing what you can do for those around you.  Far too many go about in a protective way to guard what they consider belongs to them and theirs.


A stranger will stand no hope of becoming worthy in those people's eyes, if they are not brought in bearing gifts for those in the centre of this little club, which they form about themselves.


They bring their children up the same way and so it spreads prejudice.  "Don't play with them on the other side of the street or those who do not go to as good a school as you do!"


What chance do the young people have to learn about generosity of spirit and helping those in need?  There are quarters in this very land where the young children of both sexes form themselves into gangs and cause hurt and harm to those who they consider to be outsiders.


What hope is there without tolerance of people's belief system, in which they were indoctrinated at an early age, or their race or colour?  Inside each and every person is a little bit of the essence of the Creator.


Can you honesty turn your back on 'Him' who gave you life and deprive another to whom 'He' also gave life?


All around our World there are examples of prejudice and an absence of tolerance, because many people are frightened and many people are too greedy for what they have and still want more of the same, at whatever cost it may be to others who 'God' made in the same image.


It is not the coat or the dress which a man or a woman wears that is important, but what is in their hearts and all are in need of something.  Often we see the pitiful lives of our fellow man around us and do we walk by on the other side?


Those who have wealth in their lives rarely have love or good hearth and yet many who have no wealth to speak of get by in love and are not ill or with dis-ease.


I ask you all to look at yourselves and to try and understand who you are and what you stand for, so that when you arrive in the next dimension you will know how you have loved and are not ashamed, as many souls are when they arrive, at just how often they have walked by on the other side of the road and ignored someone in need.


 Be pleased when you arrive that there are many people there who will greet you in love and not those who you abandoned and hurt, who meet you so that they may forgive you for what you did.


Think about these things now and not when you arrive to face your future in the next stage of your existence…

03 March 2010

Find your Way into Truth and Honesty


It seems that in your World today there is a notion that to be truthful and honest is to be weak, but I say to you, "No."  It is to be strong.


There is nothing good about not being open with each other and where I come from and where you are to go, it seems that there is simply no other way to be because there is no way that spirits in the next dimension can hide what they truly are and who they really represent.


It is only here on this earth plane of existence that you are endowed with an earthly body to protect your reality, your essence or soul, from the Father who gave you life.  Nowhere else is it needed, because elsewhere the vibrations are of love and spirits exist together in complete harmony.


Each can see and trust the reality of the other and so there is nothing to hide and nowhere to hide it.  In this dimension Man has lost the open heart and replaced it will a cloak of concealment, which once he dies and passes to the next phase of his life, will be stripped away and all that he ever was and did will be revealed to all who see him.


Therefore I ask you my friends, "What is the purpose of being deceitful when you will be found out sooner or later and you must be called to account for your thoughts and actions to another?"


You live with a lighted fuse, which will blow up in your faces as you suddenly realise that nothing can be hid!  You would be amazed at the dawning that lights up the faces of those who believed that they could get away with all their wicked thoughts and actions on others and that they really thought that they had.


But no!  Each and every soul who passes will be given the chance to review their lives on this planet and to understand how they lived it and who felt the repercussions of what they did and what they said, as their thoughts will betray them for what they truly were.


If a soul refuses to accept this offer, then they will stay put, un-progressing and limited in their enjoyment of the next dimension, which they may have hoped to reach in comfort or indeed some actually protest that it does not even exist, so they can act as they like on the earth plane and then go to – where?


Our Father is a loving energy of goodness and wisdom, who allows his children to reach their own understanding and to live out their time, which is eternal, in whatever way they wish according to the Laws of Spirit.


That means that no one is punished for their lives, but that they go to the place that they have earned for themselves by their own actions against the other souls who they met and lived with on their journey.


So it is all written and allowed that what you want for yourselves you will certainly get.  As I have told you many times, "You will reap what you sow" and there is no excuse that you didn't understand because you chose to ignore my words.


If you wish to be treated honestly and in truth, then all you have to do is to treat those who you meet along your highway in that way and you will receive your just rewards.  It is so easy or is it?


02 March 2010

Do what You do Knowing why You do It


Look to your futures and do not allow yourselves to be ignorant of the consequences of your actions.  If you live by the sword, so shall you die by the sword.


Far too many people are using their might to bully and overpower others, so that they can have their way at the expense of those who are not strong enough to stand up for themselves.  This is no way for a society to be conducted.


All souls are created equal in the eyes of the Father and all start even and only begin to differ by their experiences, which form the essence of your being, so that we become our own selves.


We are in control of our own development, as we have choices which are all our own.  We cannot do much about what is put into our pathway except to act in truth and honesty in all things.


The only way to grow spiritually in the Presence of the Lord is to take on board the words that are said and to live through his justice and peace, so that each soul does become enlightened in the true way of living in love and harmony and that is by treating everybody as equals.


Too many souls have become obsessed by what they materially have or want and these things, after ones own necessities of life such as food, water and shelter are of little importance, when compared to the needs that are within each and every one of us.


To be at peace within ourselves we do not need the constant battle of modern day living when each day we are stressed to do more and provide more.  Work for what you need and be content with the little extras which come your way.


To be enlightened is to understand the way that others feel by their coming in contact with us.  Are they really pleased to share our energies which we give off or do they stand further away and avoid our company?


Each and every soul has a right to be respected for who and what they are.  This is called tolerance, but this is no licence to behave badly and expect to get away with it.  When people take from others because they want it, without counting the cost to the other, they deceive themselves in their thinking.


Only things given in love and received with gratitude are worthy of the action, because love can never honestly be taken, but only given.  My friends take time out to look at yourselves and your motivation and understand where you are leading yourself.


Listen to my words and read them, so that this understanding will bring you closer to your Father and allow you a greater say in where you are to go after leaving this plane of existence.  Live for today, but remember to count the cost tomorrow.


When you have realised that what you do today may change the whole course of your future existence, I say to you, "Do what you do knowing why you do it, so that there is no misunderstanding when you face the effects that your life has caused others to feel, because of what you deliberately did and all will see it in time."