03 March 2010

Find your Way into Truth and Honesty


It seems that in your World today there is a notion that to be truthful and honest is to be weak, but I say to you, "No."  It is to be strong.


There is nothing good about not being open with each other and where I come from and where you are to go, it seems that there is simply no other way to be because there is no way that spirits in the next dimension can hide what they truly are and who they really represent.


It is only here on this earth plane of existence that you are endowed with an earthly body to protect your reality, your essence or soul, from the Father who gave you life.  Nowhere else is it needed, because elsewhere the vibrations are of love and spirits exist together in complete harmony.


Each can see and trust the reality of the other and so there is nothing to hide and nowhere to hide it.  In this dimension Man has lost the open heart and replaced it will a cloak of concealment, which once he dies and passes to the next phase of his life, will be stripped away and all that he ever was and did will be revealed to all who see him.


Therefore I ask you my friends, "What is the purpose of being deceitful when you will be found out sooner or later and you must be called to account for your thoughts and actions to another?"


You live with a lighted fuse, which will blow up in your faces as you suddenly realise that nothing can be hid!  You would be amazed at the dawning that lights up the faces of those who believed that they could get away with all their wicked thoughts and actions on others and that they really thought that they had.


But no!  Each and every soul who passes will be given the chance to review their lives on this planet and to understand how they lived it and who felt the repercussions of what they did and what they said, as their thoughts will betray them for what they truly were.


If a soul refuses to accept this offer, then they will stay put, un-progressing and limited in their enjoyment of the next dimension, which they may have hoped to reach in comfort or indeed some actually protest that it does not even exist, so they can act as they like on the earth plane and then go to – where?


Our Father is a loving energy of goodness and wisdom, who allows his children to reach their own understanding and to live out their time, which is eternal, in whatever way they wish according to the Laws of Spirit.


That means that no one is punished for their lives, but that they go to the place that they have earned for themselves by their own actions against the other souls who they met and lived with on their journey.


So it is all written and allowed that what you want for yourselves you will certainly get.  As I have told you many times, "You will reap what you sow" and there is no excuse that you didn't understand because you chose to ignore my words.


If you wish to be treated honestly and in truth, then all you have to do is to treat those who you meet along your highway in that way and you will receive your just rewards.  It is so easy or is it?


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