15 March 2010

Considering What is Best for your Children is in their Interests or Yours?

To try to do your very best is enough, because nobody can ask more of you that that.  No one should expect more from any soul that they are capable of giving and that goes especially for parents, who often expect more from their young charges than they are capable of giving.


Parents all around the world are pushing their children forward on an achievement ticket and this means that they can loose out on the precious time of exploring the world and finding out what it holds for them.


Children at play are not wasting their time, but are learning the essentials of life and how to live and understand those of their own age.  Often they will play in a fantasy world through their imagination and learn new things as they expand their own mind.


To cheat a child of the growing up period of their lives by expecting them to take on the role of an adult before their time is an error which cannot be undone.  All souls who come to this earth plane have a right to be allowed to expand their own mind and experience in their own way.


Of course they must have schooling, but I am not talking about that alone.  To balance their hard learning in education for a future life fulfilment, all young people need to go through their own times of exploration and excitement in finding out what suits them best.


It is not a time to be lost as parents grapple with making their children old for their age by putting up bench makers along to way, because they must achieve the highest levels.  This is usually because their family did or in many cases because their family didn't and they want to live through the achievements of their children.


To force a child into a way of life for which they feel unsuited is to imprison them in a world where they will not feel at ease or be happy.  To achieve at the highest level possible for each and every individual, they must be happy and not bullied or cajoled to follow a line of life which they are not suited to.


I ask you honestly, "Who is best suited to know what a child or young person really wants and is best suited for – them or another.  Parents or guardians have no right to step over the line, which is a narrow one."


When you are considering what is best for your children, think first about whether it is attainable and if you think it is, ask yourself if it is in their best interests or yours.  To force another to do what they are unwilling or unable to do is not a responsibility which sits well on the shoulders of the perpetrator.


All will have to answer for what they do in the next world of existence and I can assure you that many arrive without knowledge of the facts and they think that they have got away with their misdeeds, but this is not so.


Love and understanding is what is best suited for the progression of another at any age and you must remember that no one can walk the path of another, although many do try.  It is best to guide with love and to understand with compassion than to force another down a road which they are not suited for…

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