12 March 2010

I will be with You when you Help another Soul


Allow me to guide you well and listen to the words that I speak to you.  If only you would listen and believe that I can speak to you and that I am not dead, but very much alive and living in Spirit with the necessary ways to talk to those who are aware of my teachings.


I am the true Way and I am here to bring the Truth to you all, so that you can live in peace and harmony and not languish in the ways of the world as the material life takes over from your spiritual existence.


When will you ever learn that I bring to you the realities of not only life, but of the so called death, which is simply another way to be reborn into the next dimension?  There you will not need your worn out body and so it is left behind.


There you will be without pain and without decay, so that all that you are is alive and well in a solid world in which love and harmony hold all souls together as one in a happiness that you have never felt on this earth plane.


Turn yourselves to the good book and read my words.  Take their meaning to your heart and feel the truth of living well and living bravely, so that all around you others may benefit from your love and understanding.


Is it so very hard for you to care what happens to another soul?  Is it so difficult to try and imagine their pain as all alone they struggle with their problems?  Why does it take you time to offer your help with a smile or a helping hand?


So often when a soul is suffering, all they need to do is to tell another about their worries and concerns so that the pressure within them is reduced as they share the pain.  Is it so hard to spare a little of your time to give comfort to another?


Think about what you would need if you were 'cursed' with a problem that you couldn't resolve on your own.  Where would you turn?  Is there someone to whom you could open up your heart and relieve the built up negativity of your own concerns?


Think a little bit about the people around you and be prepared to stop and listen and you will understand that it cost you nothing except some time and always when you listen to another you can feel enlightenment through the ear of understanding.


In order to help and to grow in being able to help another, you need to have experience of their suffering.  If you are blessed not to have been through the traumas that they are experiencing, then you will gain an understanding of that part of life which has passed you by and make it easier for you to help another.


Take care of your self, by being open to understanding and do not shut yourself away from the cares of the world.  You are not a seer of the future and cannot know where you will end up as life is always changing and that you cannot deny.


If you hold yourself apart and shelter your children from the making of mistakes, then soon enough you will realise that they will go out into the hard world unprepared.


So do what you can and grow in the Presence of the Lord for I will be with you when ever you help another soul, who is requiring of your love and tranquillity of life.  Amen too that.


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