Go all you Children of the Lord and find ways to help others if you want to be helped yourself when you are in need of aid.
However high and mighty you may feel and think that you are, there is always a moment when you need another to hold your hand and help you on your way, so be generous to others so that they in turn may be generous to you.
There is no other way to live on this plane of existence than by caring and seeing what you can do for those around you. Far too many go about in a protective way to guard what they consider belongs to them and theirs.
A stranger will stand no hope of becoming worthy in those people's eyes, if they are not brought in bearing gifts for those in the centre of this little club, which they form about themselves.
They bring their children up the same way and so it spreads prejudice. "Don't play with them on the other side of the street or those who do not go to as good a school as you do!"
What chance do the young people have to learn about generosity of spirit and helping those in need? There are quarters in this very land where the young children of both sexes form themselves into gangs and cause hurt and harm to those who they consider to be outsiders.
What hope is there without tolerance of people's belief system, in which they were indoctrinated at an early age, or their race or colour? Inside each and every person is a little bit of the essence of the Creator.
Can you honesty turn your back on 'Him' who gave you life and deprive another to whom 'He' also gave life?
All around our World there are examples of prejudice and an absence of tolerance, because many people are frightened and many people are too greedy for what they have and still want more of the same, at whatever cost it may be to others who 'God' made in the same image.
It is not the coat or the dress which a man or a woman wears that is important, but what is in their hearts and all are in need of something. Often we see the pitiful lives of our fellow man around us and do we walk by on the other side?
Those who have wealth in their lives rarely have love or good hearth and yet many who have no wealth to speak of get by in love and are not ill or with dis-ease.
I ask you all to look at yourselves and to try and understand who you are and what you stand for, so that when you arrive in the next dimension you will know how you have loved and are not ashamed, as many souls are when they arrive, at just how often they have walked by on the other side of the road and ignored someone in need.
Be pleased when you arrive that there are many people there who will greet you in love and not those who you abandoned and hurt, who meet you so that they may forgive you for what you did.
Think about these things now and not when you arrive to face your future in the next stage of your existence
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