The true difference between Heaven and Hell is in your own minds and it reflects what you believe in. Heaven is surely what you hope for and Hell is what you fear.
By your actions on this plane of existence, so you will go to what you have prepared for yourself according to the Laws of our Father and 'His' purpose for you has either been achieved or it has been denied.
You are not judged except by confronting your own life and your reactions to situations, which you either put yourself in by your actions or were placed before you to see how you coped.
Everything is by design and nothing is left to chance, so that there are no mitigating circumstances to let you off the hook if you ignore the teachings, which I try to bring to you all.
Your choices are plain enough. You either listen and heed what you are told and move towards a better existence with your fellows or you turn a deaf ear to what I stand for and turn yourself away.
The Father in Heaven is the Great Light of all Understanding and 'He' shines 'His' love upon you. If you chose to live in that light and share all that you have with your neighbours and walk away from your self-interest, then you will start to climb a staircase to Heaven.
If you are tempted by the short term gains of the earth plane on which you now reside, then earthly wealth may well be yours, but it will be enjoyed here only and then in the darkness of ignorance of the Father's love for you.
Thus you make for yourself a hell into which you will go, because you have chosen the darkness instead of the light of our Father's love. 'He' will not judge you when you break 'His' laws of living.
No, my friend, you will judge yourself when you feel the pain of others that you have caused and then you must learn the truth and become attuned to the real way that other people feel and are hurt by the thoughtless actions of those who do not listen to their conscience.
We were given consciousness from the Father who created us and free will to live and make our choices, but we were also given a conscience so that we would know right from wrong and that is in us all.
So we are able to choose how we shall behave here on Earth and when we are reborn into the next dimension, we shall have earned the right to look at ourselves and to see what we have made of ourselves.
According to our decisions, so will we either ascend to the lighter vibrations where our Father's light shines in love and harmony or we will go without and descend into the realms of darkness and ignorance to learn our way back to the love and light.
Before we can become worthy of living in the company of those who love and cherish the gifts of the Father, we have to be able to stand beside them as equals and show that we have earned our right to be there and enjoy the love that we will find all around us. Amen.
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