To be endowed with all the wealth in the world will not help one little jot after you come to your rebirth into the next world. It is not what you have accumulated, but what you can take with you back to the further world beyond this one.
Naked you came and naked you will return to the earth. Your body is but a temporary mechanism to carry your essence of consciousness that the Father gave you when you received life.
That soul, as many call it today, your blueprint of personal achievement and is a record of all that you have ever done since your conception into an earthly life to achieve more than you had earned before.
As you arrive here your soul is compressed under the weight of the earthly vibrations and you are simply as you are and from that bench mark you carry the 'scars' of your earthly life monitored and stored away until you leave this plane of existence.
Each and every action and each and every deed is there recorded, so that you can show on your return what you have achieved during this brief time and what you have added to this plane by your presence here.
By living in a consciousness of understanding for the plight of other souls and helping wherever you can, you attract to yourself the vibrations of light and loving energies. They will carry you into realms of good and enlightened behaviour both here and later on in your return to our Father's House.
You come in a state of earthly innocence and so it is hard to understand what is happening around you as you grow up into adulthood and beyond, but everywhere around you are the energies which prick your conscience and truly guide your behaviour, if only you would listen and follow the way.
Too many souls are attracted to a matter world of collecting for themselves more than they need and often deprive others of their quota. Some children have far more toys than they need, but do they ever give away what they no longer need to those who have less or none at all?
As the adult strives to gain enough to satisfy his or her needs and to supply and teach a family how they should behave towards others, there always comes a time when they are reminded that they are limited in lifespan and that they must be prepared to face a moving on to another place.
Some deny that there is another place and some are afraid of being judged and sent down to everlasting pain and torture, but neither of them has found 'God' in their hearts and scoff the turning to 'Him' for it is never too late to do so.
When that time comes to pass away from these realms of earthly life, they will be given a chance to stop and listen in the quiet time, before they move on, to contemplate their lives and the way that they have lived.
This is the final chance to put right any moments that were, shall I say, unfortunate or in error, because then they pass and it is too late to say, "Sorry." Do all you can, my friends, to clear your conscience and do the right things, so that you have no stain upon your soul as it enters the observance of all in these Spirit Realms.
We see all and you have nothing to hide behind as your wealth and position counts for nothing. All that you have are the good deeds that you did in helping others and the opportunities from which you turned away empty-handed.
Do not return empty-handed, my friends, and do all you can while you are still able to so that you can be greeted in love by those who love you and not find that there is no one to meet you and thank you at the gateway to the next dimension
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