In my presence anything is possible, but you have to believe that within yourselves you have already great power given by the Father. Did I not say that those who come after will do greater things than I shall achieve?
Today on this earth plane of existence there are many healers and many clairvoyants, who are linked closely to many great souls, who do sterling work in this plane of existence. It is not just I who was given gifts from the Father.
You must all understand that if you are to achieve your place in the
Through me it is easier to understand, because I have walked this earth plane and I have much knowledge of the way that 'God' works 'His' miracles through us mortal beings. 'He' chose me to do the work that I did and for that I am blessed in 'His' name, but there is no less an opportunity for you to receive 'His' blessings if you turn towards 'Him' and live your lives through 'His' work and demands on you alone.
Nobody can live for themselves and expect to be received into the Arms of the Father. 'He' has made us all and made us equal in 'His' sight and every soul who ventures upon this earth plane has just as much chance of being blessed for his or her life here as anybody else.
To live alone and for oneself is to abandon the Father, because 'He' is the consciousness of all that is and he gave each and every one of us life and love to be together and to act and help each other. No one can act for themselves and expect 'Our' Father to smile upon them.
To live for all others is the way that miracles occur to help us with the daily way of life. If you give up your material ways and truly live in 'God's' holy way, 'He' will not desert you and neither will I.
Although it is many years since I walked the dust of the world, I have never been away. I have worked, as I am working now, through those who ask for me and welcome me into their lives, so I can help to guide all who ask me as there is greater love for them, as I have great love for you.
Do not turn your back upon the ways that I taught all those years ago, because nothing has changed, because Mankind is as greedy for their own sakes as ever before. It is hard to sell or give away all that you have in order to follow my teaching, but I can assure you that you will never be alone and as long as you act and listen to the ways of the Lord you will succeed in finding the peace that is lacking in your heart.
Why are you all so afraid to help each other? No one will punish you and you need not give more than you can afford. Try a smile instead of a scowl and let your light shine out in love and know that it makes you no weaker than you were before.
Allow your heart to feel the pain of others and then put out that helping hand and touch them with compassion and share their tales of woe and together you will both be the stronger for it, because I will be with you and all you need to do is ask.
Unless you ask I cannot be of help, because you have the right to decide these things, but if you ask I will never be found wanting in helping you achieve what is best for you. It may not always be what you want or expect, but if you ask in the right way for what is best and that hurts no other soul, then you will be at first surprised and then be grateful what we can achieve together.
So let us walk the same path together and hold the hand that needs the help, because we will then feel that warm glow within that comes only from doing what is right and what is best for whoever we chance to meet on this road of life.
Be at peace and be rested from your labours when we have done them all together
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