13 February 2010

Sacrifices for Others


To give up ones life, time and love for another is to do all that can be expected of an earthly soul.  These things are within our power and if we choose to do these things, then we are doing them for the Father also.


Everything that we do in life on this plane of existence is seen above as how we chose to do it for the others around us.  If we chose only to do what we choose for our own sakes, then we do nothing for the Father.


What we choose to do with the right intensions, by which I mean our choice brings nothing to us for our benefit, is an act of unconditional love.  This in its turn brings about rewards later on in life and culminates in the way that we have built up for ourselves a place in the Kingdom of Heaven.


 That place is a special place and only we ourselves can influence where it is as we live our own lives.  Those who choose to turn away from 'God's' Light will not attain the Kingdom.  They will have lost the Light and will fall into shades of darkness through their own chosen ignorance.


Every soul has been given the right to choose and therefore they can, and do, choose for themselves each and every decision that they make is a course for their lives to follow.  It may not be the one that they chose initially, but by their actions their futures are brought to them.


You are in control of your own lives and whether you chose to understand that or not, you decide the course that you will run.  All is according to the law and 'God's' law is simple and as I have tried to explain many times, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


By choosing to demonstrate your life and love, so you cannot be disappointed when you don't get back what you deserve.  Each action that you make in every moment of every day alters your course.


Choose wisely and think before you act, so that you are doing consciously what you want to do and not what you didn't mean to do.  All that the people around you see is how you choose to show yourself to them – by your actions.


"By your fruits are you so known" and this is true.  What can you know of what is within another if you only see their outward signs?  So it is with you.  No one is a mind reader except when shown by those in Spirit who serve them well or not.


By showing a spiritual receiver of what another is thinking, it can make them happier or more sad.  If you see the truth in others by their reaction to you, it means that you may have not shown your true feelings and that you have mistakenly hurt another's feelings.


Give honestly and be open with your words and actions so that no one can misunderstand you.  To give is not a weakness.  It is a strength and it shows that you have compassion and understanding if you give without asking for any reward.


That strength is the strength that the Father gives when you live your life in his Light and Love.  With practice it becomes a way of life and no matter how others may mock you, if you are doing good to others for the right reasons, you will be rewarded with a place in the Kingdom of Heaven that you have earned for yourself by sacrifice that means putting yourself aside and giving what the other person is in need of.


Look to the opportunities which are put your way and do not turn away and leave them for others, but be grateful that 'God' have given you the Light to see what is being asked of you and graciously give that helping hand without asking for anything in return.



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