21 February 2010

Be Still in the Presence of the Lord


          Give yourself to the Lord and he will carry all your worries and pains and you will be free to live your life for others as I would do for you.


          It is an easy life if only one would apply ones understanding to the Father and to see how 'His' laws are what we need in our every day lives, so that we can be reborn of the Spirit and enter into 'His' Kingdom of Heaven.


          Many people ask, "How can this Kingdom be and where can it be, because we can see no sign of it on the Earth?"


          That is because they have not eyes to see or ears to hear what is given to them on a daily basis from within and not from without.


          In my Father's Kingdom, many call this the Spirit World but it is all the same, there are very many souls, who have chosen a life beyond this plane of servitude, to others who are still working their lives out as they walk their earthly pathways.


          They are equipped to give, as you are to receive guidance and love to guide you on your way through the many twists and turns of your chosen pathway.


          To be able to understand this guidance you need to harness your spirit with love and harmony and still that voice within you that cries out for you, which is called your ego.


          When you are able to replace your self and stand aside so that others, more knowledgeable and more loving, may influence you in your decisions and teach you where you are going wrong.


No one is perfect on this earth plane and at whatever level you are emerging, you still need to look up to the Father and those who speak for 'Him' and allow their calmness and reason to instil your mind.


Man cannot do this for another as he is always influenced by his own needs and wants.  No man can intercede for you with 'God' except yourself.  I can show you the way, but you are what you are and no one but you can change yourself.


There are many ways to 'God' and all of them are through the individual soul, that a child created by 'God', carries within him or herself.  Within us all is a little piece of 'God' himself – 'His' consciousness.


Consciousness is life and thought, which is real and can never be extinguished, because 'God' can never be extinguished and so that as 'He' is within you and I, so can we never be ended in any way and 'We' are there 'His' spirit within and therefore everlasting.


Take your minds into the quiet places and times, and reflect on this, and you will find that I am right and that you will feel and understand teachings from the Spirit, where many choose to help you on your way.


Be not afraid – just be still in the Presence of the Lord…



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