Give unto others so that you are then able to receive. In the matter world in which you are I once walked and it always seems to so many, that when you give something it had to be a material item.
Not all gifts are of this world and it is no easy thing to give something away that you know that that soul can never return to you, but that is not the way to look at it.
To give freely, one needs to give without looking for a reward, as one gives love unconditionally to those we meet and those who are close to us, but it is a greater thing to give that love without condition to any soul, who is in need of it.
All acts of love and generosity to others are rewarded and when you leave this earth plane on which you are, so will you see what is in store for you. What you have 'earned' here will be reflected in where you go to and what you find there.
To spend a life of giving and helping others here on the earth will bring its own rewards in the Kingdom that the Father has made for all those who live together in love and harmony helping each other and bringing peace wherever they can.
Those who turn away will not reap a harvest of love and honesty, but will find themselves out of the light of love and in the grey coldness of the ungiving hearts of those who neglected to help their fellows and took only for themselves.
To be there in this inhospitable place leaves a long way to go to turn and find direction to the light. First one must address ones own inner feeling to want to progress by seeing the plight of those around them and feeling pity and remorse, they can slowly accomplish what they left undone on the plane that they came from.
Surely it is better my friends, because that is how I see you all, to accomplish your tasks in the daylight and not wait until the darkness comes and then it is harder and more difficult.
When the light shines within you, your heart is warmed and your direction becomes obvious and you are drawn to the light that calls you to help others on the way, more in need than you are and thus you are lifted to a higher vibration and can achieve more than you otherwise could.
See yourselves in a world that has many in it who have a hard and cold heart and ask yourselves if that is how you want others to see you. It is because of how you appear to others that they believe you are.
Take your opportunities as they are presented to you. If you can't see any, then they will be placed at your feet and you will have to move yourself if you don't want to be fallen by your hurry to get out of the way.
Stop when you see a soul who needs a helping hand and ask yourself, what it would cost you to smile and listen to their story of why they are where they are and then give what advice or sucker that you can.
So often the people on this life plane of existence are in too much of a rush with their own affairs to spare the time to give another that little bit of time and comfort, which will warm their hearts that you stopped and cared and then they will redouble their efforts to survive.
In return you will feel a warmth within, which will lead you to stop another day because it felt good and didn't cost you an arm and a leg
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