Look into your heart and find yourself within and you will find me there. I am with you always if you want me to be there because where there is love I am always found. I am in the tick of the clock in the hall. I am in the smell of the flowers on the side table. I am listening to you take that little extra breath as you walk into the room and sense that I am there.
Everywhere around whether you are in pain or in sorrow, I am just a thought away. I have walked this earth plane and I have seen and felt every emotion that our 'God' has allowed to be felt within.
I am also in the joy that you see in your children as they find something that was misunderstood but now is clear. I am all around and you only have to ask for guidance and I am by your side or, often as not, carrying you through the bed of pain on which you lie.
Be not afraid because you are never alone. I walk with you when you want me there and I move away when you want to be alone. That is friendship and without conditions I give my love to you and you may take it or reject it. That is your right.
But if you receive my love, I can be by your side and whisper comfort in your ear when things go astray for I was man and so I walked the earth plane as you do and find the stones that are set into that dusty road of learning and experience.
If you felt no pain then you would not notice it in others when they ask you by their presence alone for some crumb of comfort that heals a little of the wound they suffer from. Give them the balm to ease their distress and I am with you to strengthen you as you put yourself aside for another.
That is friendship and there you will find that I do not stint myself when you need me to hold your hand or carry you over the sharp rocks of life. If I do it for you, then surely you can do it for another and when you receive that smile of gratitude making a warmth within your breast and you know that you have saved another from the drudgery of life, even for a moment, then you know how much my love is for you, as always I am there beside you to give that helping hand.
So turn not away from where I am, because to turn away hurts the one that needs you most. How can I live and watch you stumble in the darkness when I have to light to show you how things should be.
Spare me a little of your time for I am always there for you
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