Give unto others and you will receive what you desire. The way to the truth is the way to your heart. It is the true essence within which calls you time and time again.
If you listen to what you know never leads you astray, then you will be fulfilled. If you decide to take a chance on it, then you know that you will be caught out and that you knew that from the very start.
Inside each and every one of us, the Father has put a safety device and that is called our conscience. If we go against that, then we will be found wanting. How many times does it take for you to learn this?
Perhaps I will get away with it this time! No, you won't, because it is not the right thing to do and if you have to debate with your conscience in order to decide which path you should take, then you are not listening clearly.
Every time there comes a decision in your life that you have to think about and work out the way to go, there comes a time, sooner or later, when you know which is right, although it may not be best for you.
It is not about doing what is best for you always, but often the best way is through another's need that is greater than yours. To be sure which path you should take simply listen to your conscience, which always tells you true if you are honest about it.
The truth depends on where you may be standing and one person's truth may not be another's, but what I am talking to you about here is the truth within as you know it. That never alters or is wrong.
Sometimes people go to a lot of mental trouble to convince themselves that they are doing the right thing, because it is what they want to do and to be seen doing it. The honest thing is to do what is right as far as your inner being is concerned and as you become able to depend on it, then you will know that you walk a straight path and not a devious one.
So that Man may be controlled by the essence of the Father, 'He' made us in love with the truth within. Only you and 'He' know that what you do comes from that inner most feeling or whether you are doing what you want regardless of the consequences.
There will come a time when you will be asked to examine your life and the decisions that you made and to feel the effects that they had on others and there will be no place to hide or to explain away, because you know the truth and your Father knows the truth and if you live by the truth, you will be assessed by the truth.
If you are found wanting in this respect, you will have to learn the better way and to help those who you hurt and to feel their pain. Together a lesson will be learned and put in place, so why not learn that lesson now and help others by doing what you know is the right thing and live by the truth?
If that is done now, you will not be kept waiting in the next world as you learn your lessons and do the homework that you should have learned here on this earth plane.
Do unto others my friend, as I have told you before and you will receive what you have sacrificed and more besides. It is a good feeling to walk away knowing that what you have just done was the right thing to do
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