24 June 2018

The World is Struggling to Keep in Balance

           Mankind is following a course of self-interest, so that the Greater Good is hard to follow.  What should be the harmonious trading of goods between countries, for the betterment of all, is becoming all-out war.
          There are disruptions everywhere across from east to west and tariffs are being put up to stop trading in its tracks.  Nobody will gain until there is a level playing field and workers throughout the world can be assured of their jobs.
          Where the leaders of countries are trying to make a name for themselves against the best interests of their own people, there will soon become a blockage in the system of free and fair trading and all economies will nose dive.
          World trading is a very fragile affair, where so many are dependent on the Greater Good to keep it all in balance and to safeguard excessive swings, where brokers can gamble with large stakes for instant profits.
          This casino-like way of doing business is unstable and can crash at any moment.  It is not simply the hope of making a little extra by having a flutter and the excitement that goes with it, but the risk to business and work forces all around the world.
          Politicians are generally voted into office for a limited period and wish to make their historic mark for all time.  How will they be remembered?  What was their legacy that they left behind?  Was their country a better place because they took office?
          As with all people in this life, there are givers and takers and politicians are no different!  Some takers are running to see what they can get out of it for themselves and their futures of wealth and prosperity are set up by deals that are best suited to their personal accounts.
They are looking to receive increments for themselves from interested parties.  Some lobbies produce vast amounts of inducement to keep going a manufacturing bonanza, which may be against the public interest.
The American gun lobby is a real case in point here and even though women and children are murdered by unsavoury individuals looking for personal glory and newspaper headlines, it uses the excuse that they have a right to bear arms.
Greed cannot be excused for the destruction of innocence.  According to Spiritual Law they will reap what they sow.  It is a very hard thing to understand that many Americans don’t feel safe unless that have a weapon ready to kill and the so called right to use it.
How are the innocent children in school supposed to understand this?  What are they being taught?  Only that they are never safe and they, and their little innocent friends, are liable to lose their lives at any moment.
          Freedom is to have the right to be able to live out one’s life without fear and to be able to appreciate the unconditional love that we were all created with.  It is the givers here that are the innocent, but they are put at risk by the takers who greedily put profit before life.
          When the Commandments clearly state that thou shall not kill, it means just that.  Gunning down innocent children is certainly against the Laws of God, wherever and however you understand it.
          It is simply inhuman and is not excused by those who sell the arms and/or allow these arms to be sold.  Every link in this chain is proven guilty and they will pay the price according to Spiritual Law.
If they refuse to accept the Higher Intelligence, they are setting out on a long road, which doesn’t simply end with bodily death, but leads them to face how they lived their lives in the presence of the Divine, who gave them life.
This world is facing massive climate changes and some countries are pulling back on their responsibilities to the rest of us.  Where pollution is allowed to occur to make profits through irresponsibility, it is again the greedy lobbyists that control the inaction.
The immorality of these takers starts from the very top downwards and all will be taken to task for their parts in this savage destruction of the beautiful world that we were given to look after during our lifetimes.
Plastic waste is killing birds, fish and animals around the world and, through economic interests and sheer laziness, people seem to be unable to care what is happening on their watch, as long as their lifestyles remain uninterrupted.
We are all here to take collective responsibility for all that happens on this earth plane.  What legacy will we leave for our children and our children’s children?  They will be entitled to ask why we did so little to save oceans and seas from plastic pollution.
They will ask us why we allowed the poaching of beautiful animals for superstitious and unproven medical and aphroditic uses.  They will not understand why we destroyed vast habitats of endangered species for the sake of earning a few dollars more.
We should not walk by on the others side leaving others to shoulder the duties of keeping the world in balance and harmony, simply so that we can enjoy ourselves without lifting a finger to help.
We all need to make our own decisions as they affect our part in the world of humanity, which cannot be allowed to irresponsibly dominate all other forms of life on this planet.
We were all made in unconditional love and we owe it to our Creator and ‘His’ creations to come to love and protect all others.  We need to give thanks on a daily basis for our lives and all who share their lives with us.
It is also very important that we understand that the Higher Intelligence is in our lives and, where recognised as being a loving part of our daily efforts to achieve and progress, will guide and enlighten us.
This is not about religious practices.  This is about the knowing and understanding that it is within us and it is for us alone to decide our pathway in this life and what we can do for others – human, animal or plant.
Let us consider how we can best live our lives, so, that when we pass, we know that our service to all others left this place better because we came.  We all come with an agenda to fulfil and we need unconditional love and enlightenment each and every day to fulfil it.
We all have set backs and we all have healing and wisdom available to us, so put aside time in your busy lives for what is most important of all and that is you and your accomplishments.
We will all be asked at some point after our passing what we achieved in our lifetime.  Let us have riches to show that our life that was given to us was worthwhile and that we helped and were helped to make a difference for the Greater Good.
Know that it is never too late to return to the positive and the loving.  The story of the Prodigal Son is a constant reminder of the balance between the giver and the taker and that all can be received and forgiven.
Look at your own life and see that there is nothing impossible and all miracles occur by asking the Higher Intelligence to make you worthy of receiving and so you shall and ‘I’ say Amen to that.