20 December 2016

Where Have All the Healers Gone?

          “This is the time of year when we reach out to others who are less blessed than ourselves.  We all have a part to play in this Festival of Love, when charity and good will should be foremost in our minds.

          “This festival is called Christmastide and comes from the Christ’s anointed as celebrated by a Mass in the Church of Rome.  It is based on a pagan festival of the solstice, when the North Pole is tilted furthest from the Sun

“It is the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the shortest day of the year. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the summer solstice and the longest day of the year.  These natural happenings have long been celebrated by humanity.

“It was always important for Mankind to know the natural rhythms of the earth and, without the clock and calendar in those early days, it was necessary for humans to understand when the days were shortening and lengthening according to where they lived.

          “Today in the 21st century everything is governed by technology brought about by the understanding of the scientific laws and how best they can be used to benefit humanity all over the globe.

          “So why is it, I ask you, that these have not brought improvements and a better understanding of the reality of life that Our Father gave us?  To answer my own question, it has brought Mankind to the brink of believing that they can manage without ‘God’.

          “It is more important now than at any other time that men and women start to realise that they cannot have what they want all the time without our living by Spiritual Law, which I came to teach those millennia ago.

          “The Christmas story, as developed by the Church of Rome and others, has now outlived its usefulness in sustaining a mind-set of harmony and peace throughout the whole world and not just within families.

          “It is a sad reflection on the minds of the people that they fail to question what they are taught and are often brainwashed at a young age, so that they are unable to distinguish the truth from the fiction.

          “People are leaving the religious orders in their droves and this can be seen as a reflection of the failure to teach what the people need in their lives in the 21st century.  They do not need more of the same, but a living acceptance of the Higher Intelligence.

          “We were all created in unconditional love through the wisdom of the great Creator, using the laws of science to make changes in the changing Universe.  Nothing can be explained without seeing the ‘Hand of God’ at work in our daily lives.

          “If the religious movements were about the people and the love of ‘God’ they would live and work in harmony and peace and show themselves as the leaders of the wisdom that ‘God’ imparts to all those who love ‘Him/Her’ and are directed along ‘His/Her’ will and not just their own.

          “One of the greatest gifts that were given to Mankind, as I used to demonstrate, was the love and Power of the Father to the people.  It is the gift of healing and I ask where that is evident in the religious houses of today?

          “Each time a soul with this gift uses it with love and humility for his fellow man, there is a miracle given by the Higher Intelligence and ‘His/Her’ workers in the Spirit Realms, who continue to live and continue to use their gifts for Mankind.

          “Where is the healing within these so called religious houses that deny the Spirit and exclude all that they don’t understand and can’t control?  Where is their compassion for the bereaved and lonely that need that comfort of the departed soul and loved one?

          “They have no control over the Spirit Realms and so they dedicate themselves to removing spiritual contact from those who are better versed in reason than they are, because it is simply a question of loving sensitivity, which they don’t have!

          “It is not hard to see why this is, as they are driven by money collecting and good living for themselves and only pay lip service to the unwell and the needy, as they struggle to find a path within a religion of corruption and greed.

          “If you cannot see this for yourselves, then look to what they purport to believe in and see that I taught simple truths based of Spiritual Law and demonstrated to the people that love of one another is the only way forward.

          “Where is the love today?  Why do the churches, mosques and synagogues control their congregations by such hard and fast rules that deny them freedom of thought and action?

          “All these religions came from the same roots and yet they act almost in competition for the souls of their congregations and members, as if they had the ‘Power of God’ under their control.  Why are they run on political and commercial lines and not on the needs of the people?

          “Where are the words of Jesus the Christ in their everyday lives when they abuse more than they help?  Take a thought out of your busy celebrations to come at this Christmastide and look past the cleverly concocted fairy tale of times gone by and realise that the enlightenment of the Spirit Realms is within you and not anywhere else.
          Look past the show that is put on every year to bring you into their teachings and try and see what they are doing for those who really need these healing actions through the hands on healing given freely by the Almighty and I say Amen to that.”

22 November 2016

Ask for It Shall Be Given to You

It is all very well to hide away from the unpleasant demands that life brings on us from time to time, but in the end we all have to face what is there in our pathway and deal with the matter.

Sometimes it is of our own making, where we reached out too far and stretched our material resources without full assessing the circumstances that could so easily happen if we got it wrong.

The world is full of sad stories where people lost their homes or went to prison, because they didn’t think through their actions and the likely reaction that would occur.  It is so often the young who seem to hold a belief system that it just couldn’t happen to them.

By Spiritual Law, the action will cause that reaction according how it is that you lead your lives.  There is often a time allowed for rethinking and putting matters right, but you can never get away with breaking the Spiritual Law of God.

          It is important to understand, and this is so for all people, that God is the Spiritual Law and according to the way things are, so God will use the Law to guide our endeavours into right living and peace of mind.

          There are times when one hears words from the pulpit that God is merciful and that he understands our transgressions, but he will not put away the Law because you go into a Confessional Box and expose your so called sins to another.

          Once you have created an error, a mistake or done wrong in your eyes, you can only put it right with the one that you committed the wrong against.  Your conscience can only be cleared by you doing right by the one you wronged.

          Prayer is a way to create energies that will bring you guidance on how you can best put matters right.  There is no hiding away from the truth, as all will be exposed and if you are unable or unwilling to answer the challenge of your misdeeds, then you will need to address the matter in the next world.

          When you pass from this earth plane you will be soon faced with the unconditional love of the next dimension and whether you are allowed to stay in that place is dependent on how you have lived your lives on this earth.

          Those who turned their back on God’s Laws completely and denied his love and wisdom in their lives may not even be allowed to approach the unconditional love of the next dimension until they have started to put right their mistaken actions and realised the harm that they did to others.

          As we live our lives on this earth plane, it is up to us to live according to the Law, which contains the unconditional love and wisdom of the Light that Our Creator gave us when we came here to live for this short time.

          We create our own destination after passing from this place and many will understand this is according to the goodness in our hearts and in the thoughts and actions of our minds.  Nobody can do this for us.  It is totally down to our own thoughts and actions that we make our future after the death of the physical body.

          There is nowhere to go away and hide from our responsibilities, either here on this earth plane or after passing from it.  It is true that the darkness can hold you from the Light and the enlightenment, but you cannot stay there forever and there will come a time when you will actually want to move on.

          When that time comes through your thoughts, you may ask for help and guidance to take you away from the place that you earned for yourself and that you wish to make amends for what brought you there and put matters to rights.

          Always asking with the right intentions will bring the enlightenment and help that will be needed.  There are always those in this world and the next who are qualified to come and ease the pain and suffering.

          Ask for it and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find was my advice and guidance during my teaching in Judea.  This has not changed and always when the right intension is shown, those best qualified will come forth.

          Always test the Spirit.  There are those on this earth plane that are claiming to bring salvation, but have self-interest in their hearts.  Know the difference and use your conscience to guide you in making the right choices.

          Know that Leopards do not change their spots and neither do the righteous or the clever ones, who make a business out of religious fraud and the mischief of ignorance.  Ask for guidance and proof and follow Spiritual Law and you will be saved.

          Know that I came to earth to live a life of love and teaching of my Father’s Law.  I had no time for those who abused it, so I say to you all now look into your hearts and give love and good council by your actions and you will find that the Kingdom of God is within you.

          Do not look for a place for you will not find it.  Know that it is within, every moment of every day and be happy in the knowledge that I and other good souls will guide you well and I say Amen to that.

22 October 2016

When Two or Three Are Gathered Together in My Name

          To be in the Presence of the Lord is a great and wonderful thing.  That is a gift from the Almighty, because it is true that I am not able to be with everybody.  We all have different vibrational energies and so we are not all compatible.

          The higher our vibrations are, according to the way we think and act, so we provide the energies that make us what we are.  The good and righteous souls, who spend their lives helping others and do think not of themselves first, are those who are high in vibrational energies and in spiritual achievements.

          It is these souls who spread happiness and joy where there was none before and they raise the levels of understanding for those who are lost and are in despair.  There are so many in the world today that have lost their way by being courted by the material aims of greed and avarice.

          They have no time for others, but put themselves first and they will reap what they sow, as their gains are short-lived and illusionary.  Material advancement is of no use to an individual alone, because unless they use it for the benefit of others they will lose it and be on a perpetual treadmill to make more again to be lost.

          Where a good soul who cares about the plight of others, sends out their thoughts and prayers to those in distress, they are heard and their vibrational energy rises according to their heartfelt beliefs and the urgency of their requests.

          All prayers are heard and my beloveds, who pray to me and with me, will know that I am with them and hearing them, because they will feel the compatibility of our beings together, as we both share the same objectives to give relief and healing to those in need.

          It is true that I have said and I still say that when two or three are gathered together in my name ‘I’ will grant their requests.  This is no ideal talk and there is no danger that it will not be so, because those who gather with me believe in the natural way of love.

          No one can ask for something beyond love that is not compatible with the one they ask and where those who give unconditionally of their love, so they will receive it from those around them according to their energies.

          Where loving souls come together in my name, they are coming together with unconditional love to share and to do higher things than they could do alone.  The more souls who pray together for the greater good or the greater need, the stronger the response will be from the Realms on High.

          There is no need for these souls to come together in a church or building, where so often the dogma is unrealistic to the needs of the congregation, but together in your own silence is the best time to allow your thoughts and prayers to mingle with likeminded folk, who ask, as you do, for relief to the suffering of those who cannot help themselves.

          During the 21st century, the days are packed with action.  So much just has to be done before the closing of the day.  The Almighty is aware of all of this and too often souls give less credit for the vast amount of knowledge that the Higher Intelligence actually has.

          Waking and just before sleeping are the best times to set aside a few minutes to ask for higher intelligences above our own to listen to our concerns and to allow safe passage of the best remedies that are compatible with Spiritual Law.

          We all have feelings and we all have the need to pass our worries on for the consideration of those who love us and will help with our needs.  We should not waste their time with requests for material advancement, but for us to have enough is sufficient.

          We cannot walk another’s path, but we can ask for them to receive enlightenment to show them the way when things are getting tough and they have difficult choices to make.  We all need direction from those who love us and those who have a greater picture of our life mapped out that we cannot see.

          We all came to this planet with a purpose to be born into physical form and to leave that state of being, eventually to return to the Spirit side of life.  It would be arrogant to believe that we can fulfil all our responsibilities and duties without some help from those who are giving us unconditional love and guidance, whether we take heed or not.

          If we are a giving soul, then we need warning of those who will take us for a ride and leave us depleted and suffering.  Too many think it is enough just to give and the consequences are not our fault or responsibility.

          This is untrue, because if we have gifts to give in love and harmony then they should be given where they will be best used and appreciated and not by the takers, who will waste them through their own selfishness.

          The more the righteous souls can come together, through direct or through individual needs of thoughts and actions, then the greater the response and success will be given.  I am always with those who want to give for the right reasons for we all have the same vibrations.

          Let the little children come to me and let their innocence be kept safe from the negative pressures that are sweeping this world at this time.  So many children are losing their childhood by the acts of war and abuse that is forced on them without mercy.

          You know that I am right.  This brief opportunity in this lifetime is to learn to help your fellowman, woman and especially the children and is a sacred duty.  Let your thoughts reach out to me that I can help all those, who truly wish to help others by whatever means they can.

          It is not a weakness to pray and ask for help and guidance.  It is a strength given to all souls for their enrichment and for them to show their loving kindness to their fellow souls and I say Amen to that.

22 September 2016

We Were Given Responsibilities

The whole world is changing on its axis of natural energies.  Some of this is caused by the so called global warming, which is the adjustment of this planet to another level of existence.  If this continues then the world as we know it will cease to exist.

          The very existence of Mankind depends on a balance of oxygen and other gases.  The Animal Kingdom needs oxygen to breathe and survive, while the Plant Kingdom throughout the land and seas used the spent gases that the animals breathe out.

          Thus the chain continues to everyone’s advantage with a healthy supply of oxygen recycled by the Plant Kingdom for the continuation of animal life, which includes us.  This is the perfect balance that Creation has given us all.

          However by the greed and bad housekeeping of the world’s resources, Mankind is taking what he wants in ever increasing amounts and leaving his garbage to fall where it may.

The mountain slopes are polluted by the climbers, who leave behind their unwanted items rather than carrying them away to be safely disposed of, as so many throw their litter out of their car windows rather than take it home.

The oceans are now more polluted than ever before by waste products, especial non-degradable plastics and the stocks of fish and plant life are being eroded at such a rate that soon dietary concerns for humanity must start to be addressed.

          Our Father Creator gave us all responsibilities to honour his creations and to keep them in good order.  We are all failing in our own ways to honour this commitment.  Are we too busy or too lazy to care?

          If we live in love and in harmony with each other, then we care about what happens in other parts of this world, as well as in our own little families or societies.  Law and order cannot take care of this, as it needs to come from our hearts.

          We are all connected together and what is affecting one of us today will certainly have an effect on another tomorrow.  Trade is global and the complications of supply and demand are forever dependant on the stocks of food resources being there.

          Mankind had not yet learned to make artificial food that is sustainable without the sunlight and the natural ingredients of the earth.  With a polluted world without natural foods for animal and plant life to survive on, there would be no humanity at the top of the food chain, because there would be no food chain.

          Many lessons have been learned about poisonous agrochemicals and the side effects of farming around the world.  The ‘Silent Spring’ forecast has thankfully never happened, but still there is no rush to clean up our rubbish and pollution.

          So many individuals do not care to reflect that it is the numbers of us all together that can make the difference and that we need to take our own responsibility for our own part in a cleaner and more wholesome world.

          We owe this to the Higher Intelligence, who gave us a life to lead, some of it on this once beautiful unscarred planet.  We need to know that we leave it in better shape because we came and that those who follow us will not be fighting our mistakes and tragedies in the years to come.

          Clean up your act as individuals and turn your heart into a place of understanding and clean living.  It is here that we can all improve our worth and think about the consequences of our actions before we act.

          Our spiritual salvation is there for all to have, if by our belief system we recognise the Spirit around us in our daily lives.  Spiritual Law teaches us to live for the Greater Good and to understand that we are all together in this world.

          So often we need to remember that the basic law of life is that we reap what we sow and our disregard of the effects that our actions have on others will cause us our own pain and suffering in time.

          Nobody can escape their bad practices, although many think that they can and do, but ‘God’ sees everything and each and every one of us will be asked to respond to the question of what we did to make this world a better place.

          It is not a weakness to put oneself out for the Greater Good.  It is a strength that many of us find exhilarating to know that our lives are for the benefit of other souls and that we are making our time here count in helping to clean up a once beautiful planet that is being eroded by the selfishness of others.

          Remember that if your children inherit a world of existence problems caused by our neglect, it is right and proper that we should feel responsible, so why not put your hand on your heart and do better for the world at large.

          It is not only the physical actions that count, but each and every day send out your thoughts to the Higher Intelligence for His help in changing the mind-sets of those who do not care.

          Ask for His unconditional love to bring positive energies to save this planet from the mistakes that we are making and let the hatred of those who make war be given the means to clear up the mess they make to the infrastructure, as well as the cost in pain and suffering to the lives of ‘God’s’ creations.  I say Amen to that.      

23 August 2016

Live Together in Harmony and Peace

          Take a leaf out of the Book of the Lord and see your lives directed forwards into pastures new.  Everything is in motion and your journey isn’t over yet and it never will, as you follow the direction of the Divine Light of our Creator.

           If you lead a righteous life and consider your fellow man and his needs above your own, then you are living for the Greater Good and must always project yourself into those pastures new.

          Man can only dream about his future and the progress he can make, but from above in the Higher Intelligence, which rules all things through Spiritual and Universal Law, the whole activity of humanity is laid out for Him to see.

          He is able to see the projected pathways of all men, women and children upon this earth plane of existence and to understand the choices that they have to make in their lives to allow any sort of progression to occur.

          We are all here to demonstrate with our love the actions and thoughts that we make for ourselves.  By their accomplishment there is the ripple effect, where from us they spread out across the globe and affect all Mankind for better or for worse according to the level of love that they contained.

          We are all interlinked together and our individual souls are a part of a much larger group soul, which is dependent on the make-up of all the individuals, who are living here at any one time.

          Many souls refuse to believe that they are duty bound to act as one with all others and that only good can come about through the working together of the loving energies of those who care about all other living forms here on earth.

          Those who are in it for themselves will make short term gains it is true, but they will also be given a length of time to make good what they have done.  Selfishness is a streak in many souls that they have developed for themselves by the learnt behaviour of watching other individuals looking after their own business at the expense of the Greater Good.

          Mankind comes in as small souls born into a lifetime on the earth plane and developing from the purity of the Creator’s gift.  He gives unconditional love to all his creations and we come in pure and unsullied into the womb.

          It is the negativity that we have to battle with to keep ourselves strong in the positive vibrations of goodness.  It is like the snow that falls on the sidewalk and become spotted and soiled by the passing traffic.

          It is our job to keep ourselves pure and return to the Creator unsullied by the negativity and greed of those around us.  Love will always be pure at heart, while the clouds of negativity soil that love and try to darken it, but it can never succeed if we believe enough in the goodness and righteousness of right living.

          In order for the group soul to survive and keep in balance, we need to send out positive thoughts or prayers for those who are ill or those who are experiencing difficult conditions in their lives.

          Much of the world has negative vibrations due to war or famine.  These areas cause massive amounts of misery and pain to so many people, women and children alike.  There are those who give up their comforts to go into these areas and help those who are suffering without hope.

          We are not all able to follow their lead and often we do not have the necessary skills, but we all have the opportunity to put out our thought from the heart to be heard by the Higher Intelligence, who takes notice of all thoughts directed from us and so we are privileged to have the opportunity to raise the vibrations and to request better times for those who are unfortunate.

          It is not necessary to go to any special place or building, because God our Father is everywhere, both within us and also outside in the fields and in our homes.  When we feel the need to send out our requests they will be instantly heard and they will be answered in the best possible way.

          Take a little time to think of others less well off than yourselves and ask for them to be recognised by the Higher Intelligence and, in so doing, may they know that the help comes from Him and that they are not forgotten and alone, as so many of them feel they are.

          It is important to listen to the messages that are given each and every day.  There is no voice, but an inner feeling and the knowing of right and wrong, so, to go forward and help others to make life easier for the Greater Good, we just need to listen to our inner most feelings and to know that they are right and that we will not be misdirected if we are true of heart.

          All around the world there are deserving causes and all around the world there are miracles happening every day.  Watch out for them and recognise them when you see them.  They are not accidents of fortune, but gifts send by the Hierarchy of Heaven itself to ease the pain and to show us that we are all loved and cared for.

          Live together in harmony and peace and the rewards will be mighty indeed and I say Amen to that.

21 July 2016

We Were Made in Love and Harmony

This world that I left in the physical state so long ago, has not improved and the teachings that I gave are just as much needed to be listened to today as they were then.  Love has to be re-established between all people and the hatred of anything different must be expunged.

People are so busy seeing all the differences between each other that they fail to see just how much they have in common.  We were all created by our Father Creator to live in love and to serve each other.

          We were given different bodies that would serve us in whatever part of the globe we lived, but the soul within was created in His image and has been given purpose and a destiny to fulfil.

          Families come together all over the world and have the same needs as each other.  There is the need to supply food and fresh water, to provide shelter and the need for medical services and an education for the younger ones.

          As they grow up they will have established their own code of ethics and belief systems.  They should understand Spiritual Law and that they will reap what they sow.  Their future is very much in their own hands if they understand right living and harmony between the men and women of this world.

          There are areas of power, where sects of religious and political organisations take much pride in spending time with these young ones and teaching them the corrupt and harmful ways of bias thinking against each other.

          There are scriptures, written by men over time, that reflect doctrines that are not conducive to the harmony of all people.  They build walls and barriers, so that people are taught to fear other groups and so hatred is bred and wars become a reality.

          There are many who defile the Creator’s mighty standing and they claim that they are motivated by Him to do whatever deeds they choose, but this can never be right and the deeds of men can easily be seen to be good or bad when looked at with a loving eye rather than the hatred that they whip up for their own gains.

          Power over others is a constant theme, because to control is a way of securing one’s own safety in their eyes.  These are souls who cannot see the strength of love and freedom for individuals, who mustn’t be allowed to think for themselves.

          Where there is a shepherd there is a flock of sheep that is directed and controlled.  The shepherd doesn’t extend freewill to his flock, but deprives them of the facts to make up their own minds.

          It is these religious zealots, who inflame their will on their congregations without allowing them to understand the truth.  In times of war, they blasphemously say that it is God’s will that they fight and oppose another regime.

          God never sent people to fight each other, but extolls them to talk and discuss their grievances and find a way to be reconciled.  In war, everybody loses and the pain and suffering is far greater than the working together to find common ground to live together in harmony and peace.

          Leaders of nations often feel their egos grow mighty, as if the power that they have forbids them to find a gentle solution.  They look to their legacies, what they will be remembered for and in their egotistic minds they think that they will be remembered as a mighty leader rather than a peacemaker.

          These leaders do not pick up the sword of destruction themselves, but make the common man, the family man, leave all that they love and, at risk to their lives and the pain and suffering of their families, to go to the slaughter.

          This world is old enough and experienced enough to find paths of sharing and justice that bring everything into balance, so that all may share in the wealth that our Creator gave to His people.

          It is too late to continue down the false ways of greed and corruption, but to let the hard earned monies by the people be used for the benefit of all people.  We reap what we sow…

          Some areas of the world are rich in material things and the people have an easy way of living, as they find work and support a family, but there are areas in all countries where the poor uneducated are ignored and left to suffer.

          Where is the conscience of the wealthy, who take for themselves and ignore the poor in spirit and fail to see that they have what they need to make a better life for themselves.  Not everyone is like this and there are examples where the good and wealthy use their influence and their wealth to provide for those who struggle.

          We all need to take notice of these examples and see what we can do to spread the truth and the love of Our Creator.  It needs to be second nature in our lives to put out that helping hand to the deserving and to know that by so doing we are helping to save them and to save ourselves when our time approaches.

          Remember the Samaritan and do not walk by on the other side, lest you are ignored when you need the compassion of another.  We are all interconnected and we need each other to be together in unconditional love and harmony for the greater good as we were made to be!

21 June 2016

Reflect On Your Lives and Honour Your Good Deeds

           My life on this earth plane was spent teaching and enlightening people about loving each other and living in harmony together.  I healed the sick and demonstrated that the Kingdom of Heaven was coming to those who sought it.

          Many listened to my words and marvelled that they could find nothing seditious in what I said.  I came not to save the Jews from the overpowering oppression of the Romans Empire, but to prepare those who wished to follow my direction to a true and loving God, who created and loved the world and all who walked on it.

          There were many souls who had their own agenda and who incited the people where they could, but there was never going to be a victory over the Roman by show of arms.  Those who tried this pathway were soon arrested and killed.

          The way to stop aggression and violence is not to stand in its way, but to send love and compassion out to the people who send it.  The love that Our Divine Father created and gives out to us all is without parallel and is stronger than the negative energies that Mankind has created himself.

          All negative energies have to be taught.  Love comes in with the innocence of the new born child and from then it is bombarded by the negative emotions that emanate around this world as humanity lives largely through its own agendas.

          I lived in love and, as a Rabbi, was married with children.  This was later written out of the story that was presented to the world.  There are enough references in the Gospels that show that marriage was a part of our lives together and we all lived and travelled in harmony.

          When the Pauline doctrines were brought in, they only covered what he had experienced himself.  He only knew of the crucifixion and that I had risen.  This he saw to his cost of three days with blindness and it drove his passion for the risen Lord.

          If you understand power over people, you will know that you can control them by fear.  This was the methodology that was chosen by the extended Pauline doctrine on which today’s Christianity was founded.

          Nobody ever heard me preach about burning in hellfire and the devil’s doctrines that are used to control the faithful in modern religions.  We all know that love and harmony come about by doing right living and by helping each other in ways that are a foreign language to the preachers of today.

Nobody can control love.  It is a gift from the Almighty and has with it a built-in freedom to do what is considered right by the conscience that comes with it.  I spoke of righteousness and peace within, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to those who earned it by the deeds.

          It is a simple choice that you reap what you sow and those who do good, will be rewarded by the Father and those who do not will be received into the darkness that they have themselves composed by their own ignorance.

          To allow love to be the current that runs through us all, is to despise the propaganda that has followed the worshipping of the cross that killed me and to urge the congregations and followers to go through the pain and suffering that I was supposed to have endured as I died, according to the Church dogma, carrying the sins of the world.

          It is not the sins of the world that stifle the progression of souls in transit on this earth plane, but the mistakes and negative followings that they carry out themselves.  Every single one of us carried with them their own history of their life and they will face that no matter what anybody else tells them.

          There is no way that any man, woman or child can be excused their follies by another.  Nobody can buy themselves out of sin, although many try and many churchmen encourage it.  They are both rudely awakened on the other side of life!

          “By your fruits you will be known,” is what I have told the people long ago and to everyone who still listens to my words.  There is so much evidence that is ignored or ridiculed by those who purport to do God’s will and far too little credence is given to the experiences and miracles that souls witness and rejoice in every day.

          Few are experienced enough to give themselves up to the Almighty’s trust and power without a little earthly doubt creeping into their minds.  Those who sit in high places in religious houses and wear expensive and rich uniforms are no better than the congregations of the people – they only say that they are.

          To understand the wisdom of creation, we need to be able to see all souls in their spiritual nakedness, where all the good deeds and all their bad ones are on show to everybody who cares to see.

          So it is after bodily death, when the spiritual body created for us to wear, shows our pedigree without mistake or error for all to see.  There are no excuses and there is no blame.  It is open for us to parade and to live with until we have put right our wrongs and are worthy of receiving that divine innocence of a flawless life.

          Each and every soul is responsible for their thoughts and actions and only they can put them right in the sight of God, who is everywhere and sees everything.  Know for sure that the sins carried out behind closed doors and in the name of God himself are equally punished by those who perpetrated them.

          You reap what you sow and nobody is above that.  Reflect on your lives and, without excuses, honour your good deeds and make recompense for those that shame you, as they will be seen and you can never hide them.  I say Amen to that.

21 May 2016

Make It a Better Place Because We Came

Take a look at the world around you and see where you can make a difference for the Greater Good.  We were all born into a world of disharmony and unrest with a mission to help out fellowman and do all we can to bring peace and right-living wherever we are able to.

          I left a world with a new hope and a new philosophy, which showed understanding and love for all people.  I taught that the Kingdom of Heaven was within each and every one of us and that, as we were spirit within this physical body, we were made in the image of our Creator.

          We were created with choice.  Some call that freewill and this is so.  We can recognise that there is an Infinite Intelligence above our earthly understanding that works on unconditional love and through his great wisdom the Universe is safe and secure.

          We too are safe and secure if we live by the Laws of the Universe that he set out for us to follow.  We must care for each other and feel each other’s pain when things do not go right due to the bad behaviour of those who turn their backs on the light and love of the Almighty.

          Remember the man who was robbed on the road and left to die?  Several walked passed him and refused to help, as they averted their eyes and walked by on the other side.  They failed their fellowman and shamed themselves into the bargain.

          But one man came by and stopped and bound up the wounds of this traveller and took him to the nearest inn.  There he left money to secure further attention for this poor man, who had lost everything, but was protected by God’s’ love through the generosity of heart of that man who stopped and helped him.

          Would you have done the same?  The answer is within you and only you and the Almighty truly know the answer.  When the time comes for your needs to be addressed, will you have earned enough to sustain the help that you need?  We all need to build up a manner of helping others, so that we in turn are worthy of receiving that help when we need it.

          It is only when the darkness of negativity rolls over us to claim our soul through the misuse that we have made of our opportunities that we cry out, to God or the Universe or to anybody who can hear us, for aid.

At that rock-bottom moment we are truly heard if we really mean what we say and we realise that it is nobody else’s fault except our own.  We are far too quick to blame others for our situation and we feel that we are lilywhite and that the fates have conspired against us!

          All the time that we continue to think like this and allow our own ego to run our lives, we will fail.  It is so often the arrogant who build themselves castles in the air, where they will be held for a while through their own egotist strength, but always in time they will come crashing down.

          If we are honest with ourselves and we think about our actions before we do them so that we can see the consequences to those around us, we are then able to see and also be shown the future ahead sufficiently for us to choose which way to go.

          Never should we have to admit that we never saw it coming and that we were unprepared for the repercussions to our actions.  Often by staying in situations of work or relationships we condone the actions of others.  If we believe that they are wrong and against right-living as our Heavenly Father intended, we have to stand up and say so.

It is only by reaping what we sow that we can learn to understand what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong.  This is why we were given free will.  If we are happy to help others we will have happiness ourselves.  Therein lies our rewards.

          Today, in the 21st Century, far too many souls will only act if there is something in it for them.  This is corruption and shows that they do not favour the Creator that made them as a heavenly soul to live with and share with our fellowman, but will only act for selfish reasons.

          We are not talking here about honest trade between two individuals where they may haggle over the price of their wares, but we are talking about those who will not give freely of their time to help another without having their palm greased with a materialistic reward.

          To give and receive are both worthy of reward through the generosity of the giver and the need of the receiver.  Both will feel the warmth of the actions taken and both will know that it was enough to give and it is allowing that person to give that warms the heart.

          When one turns away and walks by on the other side, there is a coldness of fulfilment.  The opportunity that was put in their path was ignored and so it will be lost.  These may be hard lessons to learn, but it is only by seizing the opportunity that one relishes the riches of achievement.  

Store not riches on this earth where moth and rust can corrupt, but place for yourself riches in Heaven, where you will be met with the future of merit when you are asked what you did with your time on this earth plane.

          Remember that naked you came into this world and naked you will leave it.  When you shed the physical body and leave it behind, you will be seen by all the merits that you have achieved and so by your fruits you will be known there to all who meet you.

          Do not return emptyhanded and be seen as a wasted lifetime on earth with lost opportunities, but be welcomed as a brother or a sister, who realised that humanity is the creation of the Almighty, who looks to us to play our part in keeping healthy and on track, so that it is a better place because we came and ‘I say Amen to that.

20 April 2016

Reap What You Sow

          Whenever we are distressed there is a tendency to blame anybody but ourselves!  We are responsible for our thoughts and actions, but we are not good at seeing the repercussions of what we do.

          Often I have said that you reap what you sow and this is a fundamental law that God has set before us.  How else can the natural rhyme of life continue if this were not so?

          On doing bad or thoughtless things we need to be reminded of the cause and effect that this behaviour brings about.  Not only do we do harm to others, be it people or the natural resources given to us for our use and care, but to bring pain and suffering is an ungodly act.

          By doing so, we need to be reminded that by this behaviour it will not allow us to walk away scot-free, but that it will cause us pain and sorrow ourselves in response.  It may take a while for the effects to become noticed, but they will most certainly come unless we have taken steps to right our actions.

          The Higher Intelligence or God as Mankind often calls him is not oblivious to what we do and how we act.  We were created with the will and the means to help each other and that is endemic within us.

          We were also given ego and freewill, which are there to be kept in balance and help us to have the strength and abilities to act for the Greater Good and thus make our lives worthwhile on this plane of existence.

          However it is possible and sadly so perhaps for a soul to turn away from the goodness and the righteousness of the Creator and to use his ego and freewill for his or her own use and therefore through their selfishness to cause pain and suffering to others, as they act for themselves alone.

          Like attracts like and therefore one would expect the good and holy souls to be attracted to their own levels of behaviour and understanding, but so often a goodly soul tries to reform one who is unkind and selfish, but the negative vibrations of this soul are so intent on getting what they want regardless of the cost that they usually overpower the one who gives unconditionally and so they can indeed be broken.

          When a soul is looking for a partner to share their lives, they should try to send out a list of pointers that they wish to find in a partner beginning with unconditional love and balance.

          Each and every soul has a guide or guardian angel, whose job is to look after the soul entrusted to their charge.  They cannot counterbalance the gift of freewill and so, unless they are directly asked by their charge to help them, they must remain quiet and only bring suggestions and opportunities into their lives.

          Where a soul insists on seeking out an unreliable partner there is little that can be done until they start to realise the mistake that they have made.  Then, some of them will ask for help and that can be given if followed, but so often that soul will continue to make the same mistakes and fail to learn from each lesson that life throws up to them.

          The same law applied that they will reap what they sow.  Here, if a good soul does good things and helps others, they will in turn be helped.  We all need help at one time or another and so by Our Father’s law we will be given the aid we need if we have earned it by our good deeds and our regular thought processes for the Greater Good.

          Everything in this life has to be earned!  There is a saying in business circles that there is no such thing as a free lunch.  People in business need to see a return on their investment.  In order for us to be helped and saved by the Higher Intelligence, we need to start fulfilling the reason why we came down to this plane of existence.

           We came to be a part of the human race and to work and give to the Greater Good rather than simply taking what we wanted and enjoying ourselves.  We are not here to take an extended holiday for ourselves alone.

          What we earn through our sowing of good seed into fertile land will reward us by giving us a harvest according to our investment.  If you can see the seeds as our intentions, then by allowing them to flourish in fertile soils we will establish good things for ourselves and others.

          If we are careless and spray our thoughts around without direction, they will be smothered and die by the wayside and no goodness will ensue and our purpose in coming here will not be fulfilled.

          We all need to consciously direct our thoughts into actions that will bring advancement and unconditional love to those who are not as blessed as we are.  A helping hand from a stranger is worth more than a grudging handout from a friend.

          To give without expecting any reward is sufficient enough reward in itself.  It is this selfless behaviour that will generate your progress and progression to a better live of achievement that is worthy of notice by the Creator, who can see that you are striving to do His will and not your own.

          All good souls reap their own harvest and are prepared for a better life of giving and receiving according to their needs and so they will always have the facilities to help others, who will gain from the harvest of another and learn the right way to live in harmony and peace together.

          Remember my words.  Reap what you sow and according to your purity of thought and actions you will be saved from the darkness and walk in the light of righteousness with those who are like-minded as like attracts like and they all shine in our Creator’s unconditional love.