22 September 2016

We Were Given Responsibilities

The whole world is changing on its axis of natural energies.  Some of this is caused by the so called global warming, which is the adjustment of this planet to another level of existence.  If this continues then the world as we know it will cease to exist.

          The very existence of Mankind depends on a balance of oxygen and other gases.  The Animal Kingdom needs oxygen to breathe and survive, while the Plant Kingdom throughout the land and seas used the spent gases that the animals breathe out.

          Thus the chain continues to everyone’s advantage with a healthy supply of oxygen recycled by the Plant Kingdom for the continuation of animal life, which includes us.  This is the perfect balance that Creation has given us all.

          However by the greed and bad housekeeping of the world’s resources, Mankind is taking what he wants in ever increasing amounts and leaving his garbage to fall where it may.

The mountain slopes are polluted by the climbers, who leave behind their unwanted items rather than carrying them away to be safely disposed of, as so many throw their litter out of their car windows rather than take it home.

The oceans are now more polluted than ever before by waste products, especial non-degradable plastics and the stocks of fish and plant life are being eroded at such a rate that soon dietary concerns for humanity must start to be addressed.

          Our Father Creator gave us all responsibilities to honour his creations and to keep them in good order.  We are all failing in our own ways to honour this commitment.  Are we too busy or too lazy to care?

          If we live in love and in harmony with each other, then we care about what happens in other parts of this world, as well as in our own little families or societies.  Law and order cannot take care of this, as it needs to come from our hearts.

          We are all connected together and what is affecting one of us today will certainly have an effect on another tomorrow.  Trade is global and the complications of supply and demand are forever dependant on the stocks of food resources being there.

          Mankind had not yet learned to make artificial food that is sustainable without the sunlight and the natural ingredients of the earth.  With a polluted world without natural foods for animal and plant life to survive on, there would be no humanity at the top of the food chain, because there would be no food chain.

          Many lessons have been learned about poisonous agrochemicals and the side effects of farming around the world.  The ‘Silent Spring’ forecast has thankfully never happened, but still there is no rush to clean up our rubbish and pollution.

          So many individuals do not care to reflect that it is the numbers of us all together that can make the difference and that we need to take our own responsibility for our own part in a cleaner and more wholesome world.

          We owe this to the Higher Intelligence, who gave us a life to lead, some of it on this once beautiful unscarred planet.  We need to know that we leave it in better shape because we came and that those who follow us will not be fighting our mistakes and tragedies in the years to come.

          Clean up your act as individuals and turn your heart into a place of understanding and clean living.  It is here that we can all improve our worth and think about the consequences of our actions before we act.

          Our spiritual salvation is there for all to have, if by our belief system we recognise the Spirit around us in our daily lives.  Spiritual Law teaches us to live for the Greater Good and to understand that we are all together in this world.

          So often we need to remember that the basic law of life is that we reap what we sow and our disregard of the effects that our actions have on others will cause us our own pain and suffering in time.

          Nobody can escape their bad practices, although many think that they can and do, but ‘God’ sees everything and each and every one of us will be asked to respond to the question of what we did to make this world a better place.

          It is not a weakness to put oneself out for the Greater Good.  It is a strength that many of us find exhilarating to know that our lives are for the benefit of other souls and that we are making our time here count in helping to clean up a once beautiful planet that is being eroded by the selfishness of others.

          Remember that if your children inherit a world of existence problems caused by our neglect, it is right and proper that we should feel responsible, so why not put your hand on your heart and do better for the world at large.

          It is not only the physical actions that count, but each and every day send out your thoughts to the Higher Intelligence for His help in changing the mind-sets of those who do not care.

          Ask for His unconditional love to bring positive energies to save this planet from the mistakes that we are making and let the hatred of those who make war be given the means to clear up the mess they make to the infrastructure, as well as the cost in pain and suffering to the lives of ‘God’s’ creations.  I say Amen to that.      

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