23 August 2016

Live Together in Harmony and Peace

          Take a leaf out of the Book of the Lord and see your lives directed forwards into pastures new.  Everything is in motion and your journey isn’t over yet and it never will, as you follow the direction of the Divine Light of our Creator.

           If you lead a righteous life and consider your fellow man and his needs above your own, then you are living for the Greater Good and must always project yourself into those pastures new.

          Man can only dream about his future and the progress he can make, but from above in the Higher Intelligence, which rules all things through Spiritual and Universal Law, the whole activity of humanity is laid out for Him to see.

          He is able to see the projected pathways of all men, women and children upon this earth plane of existence and to understand the choices that they have to make in their lives to allow any sort of progression to occur.

          We are all here to demonstrate with our love the actions and thoughts that we make for ourselves.  By their accomplishment there is the ripple effect, where from us they spread out across the globe and affect all Mankind for better or for worse according to the level of love that they contained.

          We are all interlinked together and our individual souls are a part of a much larger group soul, which is dependent on the make-up of all the individuals, who are living here at any one time.

          Many souls refuse to believe that they are duty bound to act as one with all others and that only good can come about through the working together of the loving energies of those who care about all other living forms here on earth.

          Those who are in it for themselves will make short term gains it is true, but they will also be given a length of time to make good what they have done.  Selfishness is a streak in many souls that they have developed for themselves by the learnt behaviour of watching other individuals looking after their own business at the expense of the Greater Good.

          Mankind comes in as small souls born into a lifetime on the earth plane and developing from the purity of the Creator’s gift.  He gives unconditional love to all his creations and we come in pure and unsullied into the womb.

          It is the negativity that we have to battle with to keep ourselves strong in the positive vibrations of goodness.  It is like the snow that falls on the sidewalk and become spotted and soiled by the passing traffic.

          It is our job to keep ourselves pure and return to the Creator unsullied by the negativity and greed of those around us.  Love will always be pure at heart, while the clouds of negativity soil that love and try to darken it, but it can never succeed if we believe enough in the goodness and righteousness of right living.

          In order for the group soul to survive and keep in balance, we need to send out positive thoughts or prayers for those who are ill or those who are experiencing difficult conditions in their lives.

          Much of the world has negative vibrations due to war or famine.  These areas cause massive amounts of misery and pain to so many people, women and children alike.  There are those who give up their comforts to go into these areas and help those who are suffering without hope.

          We are not all able to follow their lead and often we do not have the necessary skills, but we all have the opportunity to put out our thought from the heart to be heard by the Higher Intelligence, who takes notice of all thoughts directed from us and so we are privileged to have the opportunity to raise the vibrations and to request better times for those who are unfortunate.

          It is not necessary to go to any special place or building, because God our Father is everywhere, both within us and also outside in the fields and in our homes.  When we feel the need to send out our requests they will be instantly heard and they will be answered in the best possible way.

          Take a little time to think of others less well off than yourselves and ask for them to be recognised by the Higher Intelligence and, in so doing, may they know that the help comes from Him and that they are not forgotten and alone, as so many of them feel they are.

          It is important to listen to the messages that are given each and every day.  There is no voice, but an inner feeling and the knowing of right and wrong, so, to go forward and help others to make life easier for the Greater Good, we just need to listen to our inner most feelings and to know that they are right and that we will not be misdirected if we are true of heart.

          All around the world there are deserving causes and all around the world there are miracles happening every day.  Watch out for them and recognise them when you see them.  They are not accidents of fortune, but gifts send by the Hierarchy of Heaven itself to ease the pain and to show us that we are all loved and cared for.

          Live together in harmony and peace and the rewards will be mighty indeed and I say Amen to that.

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