20 December 2017

Through Truth and Love All Things Become Possible

          We take so much for granted that it is not until it has gone that we start to appreciate what we had.  Love, security and peace of mind are some of these things.  What is important is to realise how blessed we all are and to give thanks to the Higher Intelligence for making all this possible.

          All gifts from our Creator are earned by our good behaviour and our appreciation of the needs of others.  It is perhaps at this time of year that we start to look at the giving and receiving of gifts and see reflected in them what the giver thinks of us.

          We can rarely see ourselves as others perceive us and it is through their impressions that we are seen and recognised in character and accomplishments.  We need to be aware that our behaviour is seen as showing who we really are.

          Many souls are in too much of a hurry to care what people think of them, as they push and shove through the crowded streets making it clear that they consider themselves more important than the rest.

          Simple actions are still seen occasionally like opening the door for a lady or giving up one’s seat for a pregnant woman.  It can be noticed that this is not the norm by the way that others stare at the giver here, as if it is considered a rarity.

          Perhaps the world would be considered a better place, if people of both sexes thought a bit more about the reaction to their actions.  By behaving badly there are negative energies produced that will rebound from those who are hurt by them.

          Goodness is an underused word and it seems to be understood to show weakness.  Yet it needs strength to do what is right in a world of today, when so many ignore these opportunities to help others without any reward.

          There is a thought process in so many minds that asks what is in it for them!  These egotistic souls appear to lack an understanding outside their own mind-sets, which hold the whole basis of Godliness through goodness.

          Religion has nothing to do with this, because it is a spiritual thing, which is bound up with our own conscience, which will always guide us as to what is good and what is not.  Naturally, many of us choose the more kindly approach to help without any thought of reward.

          Others however think that by turning their back on their conscience, they become stronger and bigger in the eyes of those around them.  This is the darker side of our negative world of today.

          An examination of the news reports shows that our fellow man is behaving outrageously to other members of humanity, even as far as trying to eliminate whole races of people that they don’t like.

          This is the topside, where nations standby and allow atrocities to happen by hiding behind the notion that it is none of their business.  Who is prepared to stand up against the flow, when matters are clearly wrong?

          Even in the streets and byways, so many walk by on the other side and do not move a muscle to help those in need.  There are pressures on those less able to defend themselves, especially women and children, who are often ignored.

          Organisations of charity are expected to cope by the giving of small amounts of money, so that others give the necessary help that is needed, but this is usually too late to save souls from massive pain and mental strain.

          These scars are difficult to heal.  Many will not be able to lead a normal life ever again.  We all need to be aware of those little things that we can do to give that helping hand when the need arises.  We are all able to let our conscience rule for the better.

          Be aware of what you can give for others around you, so that giving and helping become a natural part of you daily routine.  Let those who you share this life with be blessed by your charity and love for them.

          Givers and takers are so often misaligned and some think that it should be enough for the givers to give and the takers to take, as if this was a natural law of life.   To give without knowing the value of what you give unconditionally to those who show no gratitude, is to waste your gifts, when they should go to those who are appreciative and are worthy to receive.

          To give because you can, is sometimes like pouring water into the sand.  If what you give is unappreciated, and the hand is held out for more of the same, then save your gift for where it is appreciated and see unconditional love returned with gratitude.

Remember that the world is made up of givers and takers.  The givers need to be aware to whom they give.  The takers should address themselves to understanding that they shouldn’t expect to continually have their own way with gifts from the givers.

In this material world of seeking to make profit out of every transaction, understand that you can only take your spirit with you when you are moved from this earth plane.  For those who care and have lived for the Greater Good, they will be met by unconditional love.

          For many in this material world of greed and corruption, there are many roads of putting right what one has done for oneself and to learn the happiness and joy of giving unconditionally to those around one.

          Then the souls of goodness can be reunited by the righteousness of service, which the Higher Intelligence directs to all those who have earned these blessings and know that through the truth and the love all things become possible and 'I' say Amen to that.

23 November 2017

We Need to Take Responsibility for Our Planet

          Now, as the seasons start to change and weather patterns around the world show us the immense diversity of Creation, we should be giving gratitude to the Higher Intelligence for the beauty and love that he chose for us to live in.

          It is filled with fauna and flora for our delight and for our use, as we require many food sources to keep the expanding global population fed and watered.  They are our responsibility for all to be kept healthy and in good order by allowing cleanliness and safety to all species.

          It is well known that the climate is changing.  That surely is not in dispute, but many people, who have vested interests in pollution and greed, ignore the fact that Mankind is contributing to the disruption and safety of this planet.

          All the signs are there, but those who choose to close their eyes to the consequences by ignoring this folly are like those who sit on a level crossing and ignore the express train that is bearing down on them.

          This arrogance shows that they believe that it is somebody else’s job to stop the train or to clear up the mess afterwards.  However, for most of us, there won’t be an afterwards as the whole globe will perish.

          The burning of fossil fuels is heating the oceans, which are already polluted with plastic waste.  They make up seventy percent of the earth’s surface leaving just thirty percent of dry land for us to live on and feed ourselves.

          So, it becomes obvious that in order to feed the ever-growing population, the resources of the oceans are of vital importance to future generations, as well as to carry heavy cargoes for trade between nations.

          It is through the action of the temperatures and winds over them that the weather patterns effect the land masses and, with warmer waters, the intensity and frequencies of hurricanes and typhoons cause loss of life and structural damage.
          Those, who live in these effected areas, are often powerless to save their homes and whole communities are devastated.  The power of such weather is hard to imagine unless it is experienced and even television doesn’t convey the fear and helplessness it brings.

          It is the same old story of polluted air and forests cut down that upsets the balance of nature, which has been set for the protection from the damaging rays of intense sunlight to change the boundaries of natural farming and agricultural production.

          It cannot continue unabated and it is high time that the world leaders agreed to substantial action and those that will not accept their responsibilities need to be seen for the reasons why – all too often because their jobs are kept safe by lobbies from unfriendly industries.

          There is a growing awareness by the people and ecological institutions of what must be done to save whole communities and protect the vital resources that Mankind needs to survive at all.

           Clean up campaigns are starting to work and Government legislation of the use of non-disposable plastics are slowly taking place, but it is slow and needs to gather a global urgency.

          By Spiritual Law we receive what we have sown.  This applies to all people, nationalities and global responsibilities.  We are all reaping what we have allowed to be done in our name, but it is not too late to reverse the trend.

          All of us have the opportunities to recycle our waste according to where we are.  It is never a good idea to just leave it behind, as climbers have done in our mountain ranges and space travellers still do.  Our skies are full of junk as well as satellites that give us valuable data to upgrade our knowledge.

          Each and every day, we all make decisions as we purchase items and then dispose of the wasted packing materials, which carry what we chose to purchase.  We should discriminate about what is safe to dispose of after use and where we can safely dispose of it.

          This is not a message for the weak-minded and the selfishly inclined.  They will continue to ignore the massive problem that is threatening our livelihoods and the future for our children and grandchildren.

          This is a message from the Higher Intelligence to all those who care.  All those who are positive and have a spiritual mind-set, which tells them that it matters how we behave and that we live together for the Greater Good and not selfishly just for ourselves.

          Those of us who have spent our life walking on this globe, know that there must be standards and morals, which sounds very high-minded, but they are just labels for good behaviour and doing things right.

          Our Creator gave us all a conscience to know right from wrong and the givers live by how it directs them.  The takers turn away from it to live a life of trying to always have what they want at whatever the cost to everybody else.

          It pays to think about tomorrow and to do what we can for the future of our race and for the rest of the living fauna and flora that we were given to enjoy and prosper with.  Do not turn away, but understand that every little act of good sense adds up towards the whole.

It wasn’t the whole load that broke the camel’s back, but that last little bit that was added.  Could that have been yours if you had acted differently?  We need to know that we can make a difference for the better and ‘I’ say Amen to that.”

20 October 2017

We Reap What We Sow

          As the days and nights around the world are leaving trails of damage and woe from ever increasing hurricanes and storms, those who have responsibilities must be made aware of the voice of the people to take measures to slow down these warnings that are given on the approaching devastation through Global Warming.

           The Higher Intelligence has empowered Mankind to take responsibility for his own actions and to observe the reactions that come from them.  He seems too busy making wealth for himself without caring what affects it has on the rest of us.

          It is not only the now that is being devastated by the increasing of ocean temperatures and the pollution of these waters with plastic waste and chemical contamination, but the future of the food resources that it contains are diminishing and future generations will struggle to survive.

          We must all take personal responsibility, by recycling the old and not insisting on the new, which costs more in resources than keeping the old going for longer.  There is that old adage that if it isn’t broken, why try and mend it?

          We all need to be watchful about what we waste and what we truly need to get by without our family suffering from shortages.  Too many people these days spend money like water to try and buy love from those around them.  Love is given freely and without conditions.

          Respect and honour have to be earned.  Why should people around this world expect what they want without lifting a finger to be respected.  We all need to have standards and we all need to raise this bar higher to ensure that we are appreciative of what we have.

          Ignoring the plight of others, who need a helping hand, is not something to be proud of, because we all need help on occasion and we all need to leave this earth plane of existence in a better state than we found it.

          The Higher Intelligence, who created us all in unconditional love, gave us this opportunity to show our metal, so to speak, and live a life of loving our fellow man and appreciating that we are all linked together and so we must help where we can and not leave it to others to do what we should have done.

          The Samaritan on the road to Damascus didn’t walk by on the other side like so many others, but stopped and helped.  He bound the injured man’s wounds and left him at the inn with funds to pay for his care until he was able to return again.

          It appears that far too many treat the problems of this world by walking by on the other side.  Let somebody else clear up the mess that is being left.  The plastic waste in the oceans around this planet are not on our doorstep, so let others sort it out.

          This is a very short-sighted attitude, as the waste is killing many species and polluting the waters of some two thirds of our planet that gives it balance and produces fish and other foods that so many people depend on.

          Almost everywhere we look, we can see people simply keeping themselves to themselves and not apparently caring, until one-day disaster comes to their front door and they cry out and expect help.

          We all need to take responsibility and prepare for the future, by taking steps not to increase the likelihood of global warming, but to actively play our part in not using the things that make it worse.
          Even if we are of the mentality that says that others aren’t doing their bit, that is no reason why we should not do ours.  Every little bit we do in recycling and buying degradable plastic or returnable glass is a step in the right direction.

          The whole of life is based on Spiritual Law and that applies right across the board of our earthly lives.  When will we understand that what we sow, which is what we do and think, is going to affect what we are given, what we harvest and what we leave behind as a heritage for all those that come after us?

          We need to act responsibly and teach our children by our example what is the right way to live and, for all of us around this world, things will start to improve little by little and the balance and beauty of this world can be returned once more.

          If some of us would walk that extra mile to help to conserve our fauna and flora, others would help too.  We need to unite as never before to preserve and prosper.  Wasting our resources with wars bringing hardship and famine is no civilised way to behave.

          There are millions of damaged and displaced people to care for and torture and death have become a way of life to many, who care not for what doesn’t affect them, but, as they live by the sword, so they shall die by the sword.

          Why are there so many souls in torment, living in hate and fear, because of the thoughtless actions of politicians and religious leaders alike?  We need to recognise what is happening and act accordingly to use our vote wisely and bring peace and harmony to a fractious world.

          Discord is spreading through our lands and no countries are safe from the negativity and greed brought to our shores by hatred and fear for revenge on the innocent, as their families may have suffered through our neglect.

We all need to be aware that by our thoughts and prayers we can make a difference, by asking for love to dissolve fear and for those who are without to be looked after.  Miracles do still happen, so look out for them and help the making of them by asking sincerely for balance and harmony to be restored across this globe of uncertainty and ‘I’ say Amen to that.

22 September 2017

It is the Reality that Counts

          Know above all things that you are loved.  You were made in unconditional love and will return to that land of unconditional love, where you will be received with joy and happiness for all that you achieved in this earthly life.

          You came here for this lifetime to better understand the emotions that Mankind has made here.  There is no fear in the next dimension as all is positive love and there you will heal and, when you are ready, you will help others and then move on into another lifetime of exploration and service.

          Everything that you achieve here on this earth plane is a step to where you will go next and what you will do with your life, given to you by the great Creator to see the universe and to return eventually unblemished and wise back to Him.

          We are all on a journey of discovery and experiences, which will make it easier for us to understand the wider issues that are at present beyond our comprehension.  There are many things that we can’t remember, but know within ourselves are real, because when we are shown a glimpse of them, they feel right.

          Some souls have had out of body experiences and were shown the next dimension, so that they could progress with their lives in a more suitable way.  They return with the understanding and certain knowledge that they have been to a land of immense unconditional love and that it was so real.

          We tend to think that where we are at present is the reality of our lives and that there is perhaps nothing else except what our senses tell us is there about us.  This is a disturbing reminder of how little people try to find the truth about who we are and where we go from here.

          There is so much evidence from those who have been there and returned to lead a changed life on earth and for them to know with certainty that we are all loved and helped, if only we would open our minds and thoughts to what is available for us.

          It is the next world that we inhabit, as ourselves in a spiritual body without pain or fear, but our essence or soul is individual according to one’s experiences and how we have reacted to the opportunities to help each other and to spread positive thoughts to those who are in need of our love and understanding.

          This world is rather like a dream, where we are actors on the stage of life, but have prompters if they are needed to guide us through our part, before returning to where we come from.  If we listen we will give a greater performance than if we sleepwalk through life, just trying to get through one day after another.

          From the great reality of that living world beyond this one, we are given daily proofs of a spiritual nature and there are miracles that so often we fail to acknowledge and give thanks for.  Nothing is left to chance and everything has a purpose.

          The disasters that occur on this earth are not the fault of God punishing us, but the fault of Mankind in not behaving responsibly and working for the greater good of all people.  Man is swift to take and use the gifts of God, but slow in looking after them and seeing that they are replenished and so are available for future generations.

          As technology and science makes further progress with incredible inventions and making life easier for so many, they fail to take the responsibility of clearing up the mess and wastage that all should be aware of and insist that we live in goodness for all.

          Too many souls think of their right to have and fail to see the wider picture beyond their little understanding of the whole.  Men of vision seem to be ignored, as they always have been, when the Higher Intelligence sends messengers to give warnings of what is at risk before it is too late.

          We need to show that we understand the reality of the next world, because we are all a part of it and come to see how we cope with these earthly conditions and to understand the problems that exist here, which we can and should help to solve.

          Many fail to understand that we are all connected through our creation and that we are all dependant to a very large extent upon each other and yet we bicker and fight and take what we need without seeing the consequences of our behaviour.

          Fewer and fewer people recognise the pain that they inflict on others by their thoughtless behaviour and simply continue without any regret or understanding.  We are not in competition with each other, but genuine souls who need to be nourished by love and goodness through the hardships which occur from time to time.

          Nobody has it so easy that they can escape the lessons of life and what they sow they will surely reap.  It is then they must reflect on the reasons why they are suffering and try and understand the simple action and reaction that happens continually through our lives.

          We all need to take further responsibilities for what we do and how we treat each other, because the true reality of our actions is reflected in where we go later after bodily death.

           We are all loved, whether we succeed in loving our fellow man, woman and child or not and nobody fails, but there are levels of growth and success that we carry with us and make us who we are.

          So, know that there is a great reality of true life beyond this plane of temporary existence and ask yourself if you are fit to live in that land of unconditional love with others, who are likewise loving, considerate and kind.

          There is no one to judge you, but you are yourself responsible for your actions and I say Amen to that.       

21 August 2017

The Way, the Truth and the Life

           We all need to look at the progress in our lives and to distinguish between the material and the spiritual.  The material is easy enough to see where we are going, but the spiritual is a little more difficult.

          This is the way that we all have to express ourselves in the Presence of the Lord, which will show us the way to the Father Creator, who made us all in his image and directs our passage through life.

          Through The Master Jesus is the way to the Father and I always said that I was the Way, the Truth and the Life.  I brought the word, so that you could hear and read what I said all these years ago.

The parables that I told are still bearing fruit today, if your read them and are prepared to learn how to live through Spiritual Law, which has not changed and is still the way that we all reap what we sow.

          By following Spiritual Law, we all set our feet firmly on the way that Our Father created all things.  He gave us freewill, so that we could choose our path and walk with Him in unconditional love or on our own in the darkness of ignorance.

          The choices are simple and we can all act in the way that we feel most comfortable.  We are directed by our own conscience, which is God-given and will always show us right from wrong, if we listen to it and act accordingly.

          Through this and through the thoughts that come into your mind, you will know what is the right action to take.  There is a constant stream of information coming from On High, if only we pause to listen to it in the quietness of our earthly lives.

          As to the truth, that is the only right-minded way to live and communicate.  Falsehoods lead to false lives and those who fail to live by the truth will not prosper and will fail to make any worthwhile progress in their lives.

          They will reap what they sow and will attract the likeness of what they put out, which will be an unpleasant reminder of their folly.  It will approach them in due time and the message will be made clear to them that they will not get away with their bad behaviour and actions.

          It is a culmination of all these things that build up the direction of one’s life.  There is a path mapped out for us to follow and, if we chose to turn aside, we will be gently guided back on to the right way again.

          We all come here to this earth plane of existence to fulfil certain needs that were entrusted to us and we will succeed to the level of our endeavours.  Nobody is a failure, as we all learn from our time here and develop accordingly.

          We soon learn the levels of energies that are positive and those that are negative.  It is through learning what these feel like that we move into the energies where we feel most comfortable.

          Here we have the chance to live in positive energy and create a worthwhile life for ourselves to act by Spiritual Law and to think and act for the greater good.  Rewards are not necessary for helping another.

          When we act out of kindness, we do so without thinking of a reward.  It is something that we see and understand naturally, as there is a problem or distress that has occurred and we are able to help and so we do.

          We will find that as we did good for others, so good will come our way and we will not necessarily connect these happenings, but simply sending out our thanks for what we have received is enough.

          If we go seeking rewards for our actions, we will find that things will not run smoothly for us and the Law will return to us what we sought to take for our services to another in need.  We will find that we will be in need and there will be no easy way out of it for us, as we didn’t make it easy when we had the chance.

          If you live your lives feeling that all that you do and think is known to others, then you will give out what you wish to receive back again.  This is in fact so, because when you pass from here your recorded actions and reactions will be shown to you.

          Without looking back at our lives here, we cannot hope to learn from our mistakes and errors and so gently we will be guided to progress further than we were able to in the here and now.

          Know that I am here for you whenever you ask and I say again that if you seek with the right intentions you will find that I will be there to help you in your best interests.  Love is the key to all progression and everything created was built in that.

          Know that there are vast universes out beyond your understanding and, that from this little corner of one of them, you need to become a loving and genuine soul to pass on into the next dimension of your eternal life.

          It is up to you how long you take.  Our Heavenly Father gave us all life to be eternal and when our body wears out here on earth, we are taken into the next place with love and harmony

          According to how we have lived, so we earn a place in the next world, which will be our lily pad for a while in order to move on with our progression towards Our Father when we are ready.

          So, we must prepare and by our good deeds so we will be known and I say Amen to that.

22 July 2017

Unconditional Love is the Basis of Spiritual Law

As we start to slowly understand that God, the Higher Intelligence, not only exists, but has our very interests at heart, we should be able to glimpse into the understanding of how Spiritual Law operates.

        Throughout this vast Universe, far larger than we can ever imagine from our limited perception on this earth plane, there is a Law that applies to all actions and all reactions.  This is what we call Spiritual Law.

          Some say, “It is simply a question of you reap what you sow”, and so it is, but it is important to realise that not all things are put in your way through your own actions or mistakes.

          We do not take on this earthly life simply to obey the Law and take an easy vacation through the years that are allotted to us to complete our journey through these complicated and disturbed energies that exit on this planet.

         We all come with work to do, jobs to accomplish and to make it a better place because we came.  It is no use just trying to get by and ignore the lives of others that are near or far, because they all need our positive input for them to succeed.

We cannot believe any longer that we exist in isolation, but that all consciousness was created from the one Source and so we are all connected, which ever part of this Universe we are in.

          The mechanism of creation was through unconditional love, which is a mighty force indeed, as those who have returned from Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) have been able to tell us through their contact with it.

          Unconditional love is the strongest element throughout the galaxies that make up this far-reaching and still expanding Universe.  The Big Bang, as it is called, started an explosion of energy, not just of material matter as we tend to think of it, but engendered the Creator’s mighty unconditional love into everything and every particle that now exists.

          Those who return from OBEs tell us about the strength of it and just how mighty it actually is.  It is so great that words defy description to our limited senses and mind-power.  It is these moments when we are linked to the higher levels of life that we can, through meditation or OBEs, glimpse the power of God’s love for us.

          Many in this world have been brought up to believe that we exist in a material body with a brain and that our consciousness is somehow part of that bodily structure and not a separate living gift of creation.

          Science and technology cannot prove any different, because, as they try, they become involved and they cannot experiment without themselves getting involved with the question.  There is no way of scientifically proving that our life force, our soul or essence is indeed not part of the physical.

          This is something that many know through contact with a higher level of life and intelligence, where time after time they are in touch with others, who have trodden this path before us and wish to help us through the difficulties of this earthly existence.

          Those who need to have scientific proof will have to look elsewhere within themselves to find their own consciousness and listen for that contact when they are perceived to be ready to receive it.  When they are ready, they will receive.

          It is not something that can be had without sufficient receptibility.  Many have contact and deny it!  When a loved one passes beyond this physical body through the peace that is often given for it to happen, many will not accept that it is anything but a brain condition, as it slows down and dies.

         Why is it so hard for those people in contact with everyday examples of unconditional love given to ease our pathway, to accept the obvious notion that the Universe is built on unconditional love and not material building blocks?

          However small these blocks are, they still are affected by the energy directed by unconditional love through the creation and that creation is continuing throughout the Universe and probably beyond.

          It is not just a feeling of kindness, when something is given without anything being asked for it, but a knowing that there is a greater force at work throughout the fabric of life, all life, but especial our own.

          We all need to feel that strength of love that makes all things possible to those that are worthy of it and that is by accepting our place in the great Universal Plan of Life and Existence and not just our own isolation.

          If we hide away from the Source, where everything comes from, then we will be rejecting those unconditional gifts that are always on offer from On High, whenever we truly earn them.

          Miracles do happen and, as we recognise that fact and give thanks, so we are worthier to receive and to continue to live in this mind-set of godliness that is to achieve a more beneficial life for ourselves and those around us.

          See how you are gifted the goodness of a life of fulfilment when you are living it in the power of the unconditional love of the Creator and ‘I’ say Amen to that.

23 June 2017

All That Glitters is Not Gold

As we wait for things to get better, we need to reflect on what we want out of life.  It is not enough to smile and say, “I want to be rich and famous!”

          To be rich is to have the responsibilities of wealth and using it in the right way for the greater good.  A hefty bank balance only helps the bank.  If you are not prepared to let it work for the benefit of all, who are in need, it serves no purpose.

          To fund and back good projects for your fellow man does not deplete what you have, but if you use it in the right way, it allows you to accumulate more, so that you can receive more to help the needy.

          To be famous is simply a boost to your ego and rarely is this an addition for your development.  There is a culture of many people, who follow the trends of the well-known lapping up what they do and seeing them as earthly gods to lust after.

          We are responsible for our own selves or souls if you like, so that we cannot be excused as having been led astray by the behaviour of others.  All the decisions that we make or even think about are down to us and to nobody else.

          To be successful is a worthy aim, but that may not bring any physical or mercenary advancement.  To work hard for the right reasons and to put others before ourselves is indeed a successful undertaking.

          There are many souls on this earth plane who give up their time and energy so that others can benefit.  They are not usually hailed for their fame, as they work quietly and are seldom bothered by the media to laud their names over the air waves or social media.

          Too many souls are trying to make a name for themselves through this explosion of social communication.  They promote themselves in a good light to attract the attention of others, who likewise never seem to post anything unbecoming in their lives, but are ready to point the finger at others!

          Those who are doing good work tend to shun the publicity of it, because it tends to detract from the work itself.  They work not for fame and fortune, but for the knowledge that they do it well and that others gain from all their hard work.

          All that glitters is not gold and so often in today’s society things are dressed up far beyond their worth and it is called marketing!  The value of an item is so often found to be much less than the article itself.

          Much thought and care goes into the presentation or packaging and advertising of products, which can become very costly in a material world, where so much is simply a fad and will be forgotten after everyone has been seen to have one.

          This is all about value and how much you put on the worth of something.  Does it become more valuable simply because a well-known celebrity has associated with it?  Do we no longer think about getting value for money or do objects become so easily available in this materialistic society.

          We all need to take time to look at our values and to see where we are going with our lives.  Many of the simple pleasures are God-given and free, but even today water has become a costly ingredient of our lives.

          We all need to see what we need and not what we want and develop a lifestyle based on the sharing of the gifts we have.  We all come to this earth plane to learn and to conduct ourselves in the best possible way knowing that we come with a purpose.

          Every soul comes with a meaning and it is not to simply go off to have a good time and squander our gifts on our own pleasures.  I told of a young man, who one day went to his father and begged to have his inheritance now, so that he could enjoy it while he was still young.

          He took it and spent it on his pleasure and while he had money his life was full of friends.  When his cupboard became bare and the money was all gone, he was suddenly alone and without means of support.

          As he searched for enough food to support himself, he started to reflect on what he had done and he returned home to his father asking his forgiveness, but his father saw him coming and rejoiced to see his lost son returning.

          We too have a Father who takes care of all our needs and even when we get things wrong and misuse his gifts to us, if we can truly learn from our mistakes, He will welcome us back into His Light and His Love.

           We all make mistakes and create errors, but we should learn from them or do we simply make them over and over again.  As we grow older, many of us begin to see and feel the true unconditional love that is returned to us.

          We need to have a giving nature in balance with the giving and receiving of help and emotions.  It does no good to give away all that you have to the takers of this world and be left with nothing.

          It is always worth reflecting on what you give and who takes it, so that you can see that what you do is worthwhile and by giving in the right way to the needy souls, who will respect you and your gifts, so you will receive more from the Source, the Creator and Giver of Life.

          There is much to value in the gifts earned in His service and He will give you what you need and not what simply glitters and flatters to deceive and I say Amen to that.

20 May 2017

Look Beyond the Surface and See What is Within

          We all look back on the past and are able to see mistakes that we made and where Spiritual Law decreed that we reaped what we had sown.  It also gives us the rewards when we act favourably and we are granted a piece of sunshine in our lives for what we achieved.

          It is clear that when we are selfish and put ourselves first, we do not gain any advantage in the longer term.  These short-term gains reflect our needs to be uplifted for that moment in time, but overall we fall by the grace of God for failing Him and ourselves.

          It seems as if there is a parallel between the material and the spiritual and it is a question of can we keep the two in balance?  Material happiness is only skin deep as it were, but spiritual happiness goes deep down into our very soul.

          The joys of this world are largely within us all and rather like the seeing of a smile on a person’s face where the mouth smiles, but the truth is in the eyes, which some call the window of the soul.

          It is in the eyes that you can see if that person is simply paying lip service to you or is genuinely giving love through the eyes, from where there is warmth and affection in that greeting.

            We are all very special in our creation and we need to realise that we are made who and what we are by how we think and listen to our own conscience before we act.  It is all within us and nobody else can direct us from the outside.

          Religious instruction is all about what is without, as they cannot get within except for themselves alone.  It is by our own deeds that we are seen and recognised, not by what others have done for us or directed us on our path.

          We have to learn to take responsibility for ourselves and to be sure that it is really us who decide our future and the build-up of spiritual knowledge and peace of mind within ourselves.

          When we are asked in the next dimension what we have done with our time on this earth plane, we are unable to hide our failings and only our good deeds will be clearly shown.

          Remember that I said, “By your fruits you are known.”  In your spiritual body, that is yours after you are released from the earthly physical body, your aura is transparent and shows your achievements for all to see.

          If you have not made progress within Spiritual Law for those around you who needed your help, then you will not have accrued the fruits of a good life lived with unconditional love.

          We all chose to come down to this earth plane to fulfil tasks that were needed and so, within ourselves, our conscience was programmed to guide us and to never allow us to fail in knowing what is right and what is wrong.

          This is the balancing tool that we all need to keep us on the straight and narrow road of justice and right living.  If we listen and act on what we feel deep within ourselves, what some call that gut feeling, we shall not disappoint on our return to the next level of consciousness.

          There are those however who turn away and do not listen to their own conscience and it therefore fails to instruct them.  They presume that they can behave badly and get away with it, but, as the Higher Intelligence sees all, it is only a question of time before they reap what they have sown.

          As our Creator is the Light and giver of unconditional love through His great wisdom, so those who walk towards that Light will become closer to Him and will grow in time in the purity of that love and appreciate that we came to help each other.

          Those who are selfish and egotistic will not recognise the importance of His Light and love and will turn away and walk in the darkness of ignorance.  Here they will live for themselves, as they will not earn the love and respect of the givers in this world.

          What they sow they will reap.  From their very views on life and how to live it they will become obsessed by the need to take from others for themselves alone and will always be seeking advantage to boost their egos and material assets.

          Spiritual Law does not provide for them, because they are giving nothing back to help the needy and the humble.  It is here that the Father Creator does provide for those in need that call out and ask for His help and provisions.

          We were all given freewill and therefore if we do not ask we will not be provided for.  We need to recognise that help is always there for us if we ask in the right way and recognise the Source that we are addressing in our thoughts and prayers.

          Remember that I told you about the humble Sparrow, who neither sows nor reaps, but is provided for from On High and so we are provided for if we ask with love in our hearts and minds.

          It is from within that we are who we really are and we will know ourselves and will honour the soul that we are trying to make pure and righteous in the living of our life that will bear fruits for all to know us.

          This is not just when we pass, but every minute of every day, so that when we smile it can be seen through our eyes that we live in love for the Greater Good and I say Amen to that.

22 April 2017

Quo Vadis - Where Do You Think You Are Going?

          Looking out at the road ahead in our lives it is difficult to be sure of our way.  There are no signposts and there is no satnav to direct us.  The fundamental direction is according to our needs and desires to progress towards the will of our Creator and to live by Spiritual Law.

          We were all given freewill to decide our own futures and to make those choices according to our conscience if we are prepared to listen.  Many turn their backs on the direction it proposes, so that they can try and get away with misdemeanours.

          They have ego which tries to tempt them into believing that they can get away with it and not get caught.  If they judge their actions to only be of account in the physical world then they may for a time get away from punishment.

          However those of us who know that we were created by a Higher Intelligence and came down to have a life on this earth plane, know that we came with a purpose and that our lives are recorded within our sub consciousness and everything we do is intact for showing us the way we took along this road.

          This is not a spy in the soul, but a teaching aid, where we will be able to monitor our progress in a future state of being and address our mistakes and errors for our own progression.

          It is important that we understand that we are not just an individual creation that lives on this planet Earth for the duration of our body and, like an old car, is sent to the scrap heap when it has outlived its usefulness.

          This physical body is a biological creation made by our parents for our stay on this earth plane.  It must be understood that our very being, our soul or mind-set, is the gift given by our Creator to be put into that developing body when in the womb and so we are born into a life on Earth.

          We are given many gifts and understandings that are earned by our living in the Light of Creation and have positive energies that propel us through the love and harmony that we create around us with spiritual energies of His unconditional love.

          We must sort out for ourselves through our journey in this life the values of direction and loving guidance within ourselves, from the external lies and misrepresentation that the more ignorant people use to create power over others or wealth for themselves alone.

          The creation of wealth is not wrong, but it is how it is spent for the Greater Good that carries the joy of the spirit.  Self-aggrandisement and ostentation are not a need of the Higher Intelligence, who already has everything and control over His children through Spiritual Law, which is equal and even-handed for all souls.

          Taking time to understand the spiritual and separate it from the material is an important part of our learning process.  We are dependent on creating enough to feed ourselves, have fresh water and shelter, for our health and education and to be good citizens to others around us who may be in need.

Nothing is forever and everything is in a state of constant change, so it is important that we help each other where we can and are worthy of receiving help when we are in need ourselves.

Parables abound from the teaching of good men, as well as my own, to show the principles of how best for us to live and share goodness and righteousness around wherever we go and whatever we do.

See that you are driven from the inside, where your conscience is a ready helper and can be supplemented by passed spirits, who in love share their experiences to guide and help us through our daily toils.

Nobody expects a worthwhile life to be easy and we will make mistakes and get confused, so it is as well that we take time out to be in the silence and develop that communication and understand that we are never alone, only sometimes lost and uncaring.

If we are too busy to explore and see a way through the mists of uncertainty, then we will find that we are brought back to think again.  We may make ourselves ill or incapacitated for a while or we may lose what we thought we had and have to try again.

If we try to live in unconditional love with others, making bonds with our family at home and at work, we will always have the strength to succeed.  We exist for what is right in our Creator’s wisdom and that includes standing up for ourselves and seeing justice for all being kept in balance and strength.

We need to realise that we are in charge of our lives and that nobody can live it for us.  Ultimately we have to take responsibility for our own progression and actions and reactions with others around us.

We are not alone and can never be so, as we all are linked in many different ways with each other and with those who have already passed into the Spirit World, who spend their time in service to humanity and give individual coaching and direction to those who have special needs.

          We all have special needs, as we are so often spiritually unaware and do not always listen to know the right way, but it is there for us to follow and we must strive to stay on the chosen path and fulfil our destinies for the Greater Good and for our Creator who loves us always with unconditional love and I say Amen to that.