As the days and
nights around the world are leaving trails of damage and woe from ever
increasing hurricanes and storms, those who have responsibilities must be made
aware of the voice of the people to take measures to slow down these warnings
that are given on the approaching devastation through Global Warming.
The Higher Intelligence has empowered Mankind
to take responsibility for his own actions and to observe the reactions that
come from them. He seems too busy making
wealth for himself without caring what affects it has on the rest of us.
It is not only the
now that is being devastated by the increasing of ocean temperatures and the
pollution of these waters with plastic waste and chemical contamination, but
the future of the food resources that it contains are diminishing and future
generations will struggle to survive.
We must all take
personal responsibility, by recycling the old and not insisting on the new,
which costs more in resources than keeping the old going for longer. There is that old adage that if it isn’t
broken, why try and mend it?
We all need to be
watchful about what we waste and what we truly need to get by without our
family suffering from shortages. Too
many people these days spend money like water to try and buy love from those
around them. Love is given freely and
without conditions.
Respect and honour
have to be earned. Why should people
around this world expect what they want without lifting a finger to be
respected. We all need to have standards
and we all need to raise this bar higher to ensure that we are appreciative of
what we have.
Ignoring the plight
of others, who need a helping hand, is not something to be proud of, because we
all need help on occasion and we all need to leave this earth plane of
existence in a better state than we found it.
The Higher
Intelligence, who created us all in unconditional love, gave us this
opportunity to show our metal, so to speak, and live a life of loving our
fellow man and appreciating that we are all linked together and so we must help
where we can and not leave it to others to do what we should have done.
The Samaritan on the
road to Damascus didn’t walk by on the other side like so many others, but
stopped and helped. He bound the injured
man’s wounds and left him at the inn with funds to pay for his care until he was
able to return again.
It appears that far
too many treat the problems of this world by walking by on the other side. Let somebody else clear up the mess that is
being left. The plastic waste in the
oceans around this planet are not on our doorstep, so let others sort it out.
This is a very
short-sighted attitude, as the waste is killing many species and polluting the
waters of some two thirds of our planet that gives it balance and produces fish
and other foods that so many people depend on.
Almost everywhere we
look, we can see people simply keeping themselves to themselves and not
apparently caring, until one-day disaster comes to their front door and they
cry out and expect help.
We all need to take
responsibility and prepare for the future, by taking steps not to increase the
likelihood of global warming, but to actively play our part in not using the
things that make it worse.
Even if we are of
the mentality that says that others aren’t doing their bit, that is no reason
why we should not do ours. Every little
bit we do in recycling and buying degradable plastic or returnable glass is a
step in the right direction.
The whole of life is
based on Spiritual Law and that applies right across the board of our earthly
lives. When will we understand that what
we sow, which is what we do and think, is going to affect what we are given,
what we harvest and what we leave behind as a heritage for all those that come
after us?
We need to act
responsibly and teach our children by our example what is the right way to live
and, for all of us around this world, things will start to improve little by
little and the balance and beauty of this world can be returned once more.
If some of us would
walk that extra mile to help to conserve our fauna and flora, others would help
too. We need to unite as never before to
preserve and prosper. Wasting our
resources with wars bringing hardship and famine is no civilised way to behave.
There are millions
of damaged and displaced people to care for and torture and death have become a
way of life to many, who care not for what doesn’t affect them, but, as they
live by the sword, so they shall die by the sword.
Why are there so
many souls in torment, living in hate and fear, because of the thoughtless
actions of politicians and religious leaders alike? We need to recognise what is happening and
act accordingly to use our vote wisely and bring peace and harmony to a
fractious world.
Discord is spreading
through our lands and no countries are safe from the negativity and greed
brought to our shores by hatred and fear for revenge on the innocent, as their
families may have suffered through our neglect.
We all need to be aware that by our
thoughts and prayers we can make a difference, by asking for love to dissolve
fear and for those who are without to be looked after. Miracles do still happen, so look out for
them and help the making of them by asking sincerely for balance and harmony to
be restored across this globe of uncertainty and ‘I’ say Amen to that.
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