23 June 2017

All That Glitters is Not Gold

As we wait for things to get better, we need to reflect on what we want out of life.  It is not enough to smile and say, “I want to be rich and famous!”

          To be rich is to have the responsibilities of wealth and using it in the right way for the greater good.  A hefty bank balance only helps the bank.  If you are not prepared to let it work for the benefit of all, who are in need, it serves no purpose.

          To fund and back good projects for your fellow man does not deplete what you have, but if you use it in the right way, it allows you to accumulate more, so that you can receive more to help the needy.

          To be famous is simply a boost to your ego and rarely is this an addition for your development.  There is a culture of many people, who follow the trends of the well-known lapping up what they do and seeing them as earthly gods to lust after.

          We are responsible for our own selves or souls if you like, so that we cannot be excused as having been led astray by the behaviour of others.  All the decisions that we make or even think about are down to us and to nobody else.

          To be successful is a worthy aim, but that may not bring any physical or mercenary advancement.  To work hard for the right reasons and to put others before ourselves is indeed a successful undertaking.

          There are many souls on this earth plane who give up their time and energy so that others can benefit.  They are not usually hailed for their fame, as they work quietly and are seldom bothered by the media to laud their names over the air waves or social media.

          Too many souls are trying to make a name for themselves through this explosion of social communication.  They promote themselves in a good light to attract the attention of others, who likewise never seem to post anything unbecoming in their lives, but are ready to point the finger at others!

          Those who are doing good work tend to shun the publicity of it, because it tends to detract from the work itself.  They work not for fame and fortune, but for the knowledge that they do it well and that others gain from all their hard work.

          All that glitters is not gold and so often in today’s society things are dressed up far beyond their worth and it is called marketing!  The value of an item is so often found to be much less than the article itself.

          Much thought and care goes into the presentation or packaging and advertising of products, which can become very costly in a material world, where so much is simply a fad and will be forgotten after everyone has been seen to have one.

          This is all about value and how much you put on the worth of something.  Does it become more valuable simply because a well-known celebrity has associated with it?  Do we no longer think about getting value for money or do objects become so easily available in this materialistic society.

          We all need to take time to look at our values and to see where we are going with our lives.  Many of the simple pleasures are God-given and free, but even today water has become a costly ingredient of our lives.

          We all need to see what we need and not what we want and develop a lifestyle based on the sharing of the gifts we have.  We all come to this earth plane to learn and to conduct ourselves in the best possible way knowing that we come with a purpose.

          Every soul comes with a meaning and it is not to simply go off to have a good time and squander our gifts on our own pleasures.  I told of a young man, who one day went to his father and begged to have his inheritance now, so that he could enjoy it while he was still young.

          He took it and spent it on his pleasure and while he had money his life was full of friends.  When his cupboard became bare and the money was all gone, he was suddenly alone and without means of support.

          As he searched for enough food to support himself, he started to reflect on what he had done and he returned home to his father asking his forgiveness, but his father saw him coming and rejoiced to see his lost son returning.

          We too have a Father who takes care of all our needs and even when we get things wrong and misuse his gifts to us, if we can truly learn from our mistakes, He will welcome us back into His Light and His Love.

           We all make mistakes and create errors, but we should learn from them or do we simply make them over and over again.  As we grow older, many of us begin to see and feel the true unconditional love that is returned to us.

          We need to have a giving nature in balance with the giving and receiving of help and emotions.  It does no good to give away all that you have to the takers of this world and be left with nothing.

          It is always worth reflecting on what you give and who takes it, so that you can see that what you do is worthwhile and by giving in the right way to the needy souls, who will respect you and your gifts, so you will receive more from the Source, the Creator and Giver of Life.

          There is much to value in the gifts earned in His service and He will give you what you need and not what simply glitters and flatters to deceive and I say Amen to that.

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