21 May 2016

Make It a Better Place Because We Came

Take a look at the world around you and see where you can make a difference for the Greater Good.  We were all born into a world of disharmony and unrest with a mission to help out fellowman and do all we can to bring peace and right-living wherever we are able to.

          I left a world with a new hope and a new philosophy, which showed understanding and love for all people.  I taught that the Kingdom of Heaven was within each and every one of us and that, as we were spirit within this physical body, we were made in the image of our Creator.

          We were created with choice.  Some call that freewill and this is so.  We can recognise that there is an Infinite Intelligence above our earthly understanding that works on unconditional love and through his great wisdom the Universe is safe and secure.

          We too are safe and secure if we live by the Laws of the Universe that he set out for us to follow.  We must care for each other and feel each other’s pain when things do not go right due to the bad behaviour of those who turn their backs on the light and love of the Almighty.

          Remember the man who was robbed on the road and left to die?  Several walked passed him and refused to help, as they averted their eyes and walked by on the other side.  They failed their fellowman and shamed themselves into the bargain.

          But one man came by and stopped and bound up the wounds of this traveller and took him to the nearest inn.  There he left money to secure further attention for this poor man, who had lost everything, but was protected by God’s’ love through the generosity of heart of that man who stopped and helped him.

          Would you have done the same?  The answer is within you and only you and the Almighty truly know the answer.  When the time comes for your needs to be addressed, will you have earned enough to sustain the help that you need?  We all need to build up a manner of helping others, so that we in turn are worthy of receiving that help when we need it.

          It is only when the darkness of negativity rolls over us to claim our soul through the misuse that we have made of our opportunities that we cry out, to God or the Universe or to anybody who can hear us, for aid.

At that rock-bottom moment we are truly heard if we really mean what we say and we realise that it is nobody else’s fault except our own.  We are far too quick to blame others for our situation and we feel that we are lilywhite and that the fates have conspired against us!

          All the time that we continue to think like this and allow our own ego to run our lives, we will fail.  It is so often the arrogant who build themselves castles in the air, where they will be held for a while through their own egotist strength, but always in time they will come crashing down.

          If we are honest with ourselves and we think about our actions before we do them so that we can see the consequences to those around us, we are then able to see and also be shown the future ahead sufficiently for us to choose which way to go.

          Never should we have to admit that we never saw it coming and that we were unprepared for the repercussions to our actions.  Often by staying in situations of work or relationships we condone the actions of others.  If we believe that they are wrong and against right-living as our Heavenly Father intended, we have to stand up and say so.

It is only by reaping what we sow that we can learn to understand what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong.  This is why we were given free will.  If we are happy to help others we will have happiness ourselves.  Therein lies our rewards.

          Today, in the 21st Century, far too many souls will only act if there is something in it for them.  This is corruption and shows that they do not favour the Creator that made them as a heavenly soul to live with and share with our fellowman, but will only act for selfish reasons.

          We are not talking here about honest trade between two individuals where they may haggle over the price of their wares, but we are talking about those who will not give freely of their time to help another without having their palm greased with a materialistic reward.

          To give and receive are both worthy of reward through the generosity of the giver and the need of the receiver.  Both will feel the warmth of the actions taken and both will know that it was enough to give and it is allowing that person to give that warms the heart.

          When one turns away and walks by on the other side, there is a coldness of fulfilment.  The opportunity that was put in their path was ignored and so it will be lost.  These may be hard lessons to learn, but it is only by seizing the opportunity that one relishes the riches of achievement.  

Store not riches on this earth where moth and rust can corrupt, but place for yourself riches in Heaven, where you will be met with the future of merit when you are asked what you did with your time on this earth plane.

          Remember that naked you came into this world and naked you will leave it.  When you shed the physical body and leave it behind, you will be seen by all the merits that you have achieved and so by your fruits you will be known there to all who meet you.

          Do not return emptyhanded and be seen as a wasted lifetime on earth with lost opportunities, but be welcomed as a brother or a sister, who realised that humanity is the creation of the Almighty, who looks to us to play our part in keeping healthy and on track, so that it is a better place because we came and ‘I say Amen to that.

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