Look to your futures and do not allow yourselves to be ignorant of the consequences of your actions. If you live by the sword, so shall you die by the sword.
Far too many people are using their might to bully and overpower others, so that they can have their way at the expense of those who are not strong enough to stand up for themselves. This is no way for a society to be conducted.
All souls are created equal in the eyes of the Father and all start even and only begin to differ by their experiences, which form the essence of your being, so that we become our own selves.
We are in control of our own development, as we have choices which are all our own. We cannot do much about what is put into our pathway except to act in truth and honesty in all things.
The only way to grow spiritually in the Presence of the Lord is to take on board the words that are said and to live through his justice and peace, so that each soul does become enlightened in the true way of living in love and harmony and that is by treating everybody as equals.
Too many souls have become obsessed by what they materially have or want and these things, after ones own necessities of life such as food, water and shelter are of little importance, when compared to the needs that are within each and every one of us.
To be at peace within ourselves we do not need the constant battle of modern day living when each day we are stressed to do more and provide more. Work for what you need and be content with the little extras which come your way.
To be enlightened is to understand the way that others feel by their coming in contact with us. Are they really pleased to share our energies which we give off or do they stand further away and avoid our company?
Each and every soul has a right to be respected for who and what they are. This is called tolerance, but this is no licence to behave badly and expect to get away with it. When people take from others because they want it, without counting the cost to the other, they deceive themselves in their thinking.
Only things given in love and received with gratitude are worthy of the action, because love can never honestly be taken, but only given. My friends take time out to look at yourselves and your motivation and understand where you are leading yourself.
Listen to my words and read them, so that this understanding will bring you closer to your Father and allow you a greater say in where you are to go after leaving this plane of existence. Live for today, but remember to count the cost tomorrow.
When you have realised that what you do today may change the whole course of your future existence, I say to you, "Do what you do knowing why you do it, so that there is no misunderstanding when you face the effects that your life has caused others to feel, because of what you deliberately did and all will see it in time."
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