23 December 2014

The Wisdom of a Spiritual Existence

 It is now that the Festival begins around the world to celebrate the Christ Mass of the Roman Catholic Church.  It does not matter when a person is born, but the fact that they came and how they lived their earthly lives.

We are all remembered in history by those who write our biography as they wish to see it and that is not always how we were or what we did.  To live in the right way and to act with love towards ones fellow human beings is the way that we should be remembered.

It is the acts of kindness and consideration of one person to another, which sustains the balance of right and wrong in a world that is steadily sliding into negative chaos.  There are acts of violence and acts of corruption and greed, which cannot be condoned as loving actions.

It would appear that in this 21st century there are no real bodies of people who are prepared to stand up for righteousness and the will of our Infinite Creator, who gave us life and who aids us to live it through his unconditional love for us.

Too many souls on this earth are sleepwalking through their lives and barely acknowledge the atrocities, which others are being exposed to.  It is all about commercial gain and the tinsel of material wealth rather than the goodness of a spiritual existence.

Too many souls are wrapped up in their own aspirations to be concerned about others and yet the world is all interdependent, so that what happens in one place affects people elsewhere.

          The speed of travel and communications makes it easy for information to be readily received and acted upon, so there is no excuse for people not knowing what is going on.  Their only reason for not acting or reacting is their own sloth and apathy where help is needed and people are suffering.

          We all need to stop and think about what we can do to help others and not expect these opportunities to arrive on our doorstep when it is convenient for us.  We so often need to go out of our way to be there when required and when needed to give the support and spiritual love and harmony that is required.

          Until more people turn towards giving that helping hand to each other, then the misery and hardship all around this world will remain and humanity will drift into oblivion.  This Festival, known as Christmas, has developed into a time of giving and receiving, but this is largely driven by the commercial interests of making money.

          Long gone is the time when family members made a present to give.  Today it is a question of how much one has spent, even beyond the capability of their own resources, as credit is so readily available.

          Do receivers of presents at this winter festival really feel blessed with what they have received?  Is it not true that so often children find the box and wrappings more interesting to play with than the expensive present often given to buy a child’s love rather than to give all the year round the real emotion that children want most – that of the time with their parents on a one to one basis.

          The people of the western world are losing the understanding of emotional and spiritual values and forget how they felt as children or young people when so often they felt abandoned.

          When families gather together in celebration of any event, it should be a time of joy and happiness with each giving openly and graciously to each other.  They can share what they have and appreciate all the hard work that has gone into making the gathering successful.  They need to give thanks and appreciate what they have received.

          If we all took a little more trouble to be even-handed with each other and put away our own egos for a time, we can all make a difference to the happiness and wellbeing of others.  Often we want too much for ourselves and don’t give enough for others.

           People are not prepared any longer to make sacrifices for their families or for the Greater Good with notably very few exceptions.  Our lives are a gift and we should use them and appreciate them as such.

          Nobody is owed a living and all gifts from a spiritual source, from the Higher Intelligence, have to be earned by our right living and good behaviour.  We all know people who appear to have everything that they want, but these are only material frippery and what they lack emotionally is according to how they use their earthly wealth.

          Remember that riches built up on this earth are of such limited value, as you came naked into the world and naked you will leave carrying only your earthly experiences and fruits of good deeds.

          We must remember and fully believe that life is eternal, as we walk a path back to our Creator to prove to him and all who know us that we are worthy of that life and that when it was time for us to live on the earthly planet, we came and made a difference by our being here.

          We must make things better for the Greater Good and then we will be blessed and the wisdom of spiritual existence will be shared with us, as we live in the right way and are ever mindful of the wants of others.

          As you enjoy the festive season, be mindful of those who have less than you do and are spending their lives without the bare necessities, which so many of us take for granted.  Remember that it is by your fruits that you are known, so let your achievements shine out for all to see.

Not to be boastful, but as an example for all to follow and so achieve the spiritual wisdom that we all need.  Amen to that.

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