26 July 2018

We Are All in Need of Healing

          It is not just the elderly and the infirm, who need to have healing, but each and every one of us has issues.  What our mind conceives is passed on to our body and it is from here that illness and disease can manifest themselves.

          Sometimes it can take many years to become noticed, but eventually it will.  Unhappiness and abusive treatment often cause the greatest problems.  Too many medics treat the symptoms.  They are unable to address the root cause and so the problem will always remain.

          Our Creator Father gave many of us great gifts, so that we are able to heal many souls of their afflictions.  These healers use energies that come through their hands and so they are often known as Hands on Healers.

          However, there are other healers who can give healing in their daily lives almost without noticing it.  Energies are given through their faces and body parts and influence the depleted energies of others who they meet.

          It is often noticed that some nurses, doctors and surgeons have a better results ratio and these are spiritual souls who have the natural gift of healing and it is used in the work that they do for the greater good.

          It is noticed that often it is the women that have better vibrational energies than men, because they give birth and need to look after the very young as they grow up.  It is often said that in order to succeed women have to be better than men!

          Such is our society based on the masculine concept that men are the leaders and get the more important jobs, but this is not necessarily the right approach, when it should be the best suited to obtain the best results regardless of sex.

          In order to keep us healthy in our body, we need to keep ourselves healthy in our minds and this is best done by keeping positive and allowing the spirit to breathe and be enlightened in the ways that the Higher Intelligence wants for us.

          We all need to have a quiet time and to listen to our guides who serve us well.  We all have a spiritual minder and they only want what is in our best interests and they work in unconditional love.  We may think we know what is best, but it is more a question of thinking of what we want!

          Society is based in the 21st century on a material world.  People are judged on what they have, like a big car and a big house.  So, people graduate together who have the same and yet it is the spiritual work for others that needs to be addressed.

          We are all here to live our lives for the greater good and it is this that will help us to understand our life review when we pass from this dimension to the next and ‘I’ say Amen to that.

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