23 December 2015

Can You Really Do Anything Less?

          Always be ready to recognise a soul in distress.  There are plenty to choose from at this time of year and, it doesn’t matter where you cast your eyes, there is always someone who is unhappy.

          This is the fault of a material world that is built on an ‘I want, I must have’ culture.

          It is all about marketing.  It matters not if you can afford the apple of your eye as long as you can obtain credit and have it now and pay for it later.  Where has the ability to earn your rewards gone?

          Our Father in Heaven, as the prayer goes, is not as generous as the credit card companies, who pedal your salvation at extremely high interest rates.  You are always allowed to say, “No!”

          Our Father has an old fashioned view of Mankind and the individual souls that make it up.  He says that you can have what gifts you desire, when you have learnt to appreciate their value and know how to use them for the Greater Good and not just your own individual enjoyment.

          Please be aware that he is right!   Even with the best scrutiny, there are mistakes and a man or woman with a God-given gift, of shall we say healing, starts to believe that they are doing the healing and the ego grows beyond its reason.

          It is by the individual misbehaviour against the Higher Intellect that the ego of man or woman gets out of balance and then the giver of all good things has to take away the gift and that soul has to start to learn anew about being worthy to receive in perfect love, what was on offer to them, which they abused.

          In the material world, the gift can be bought on credit without any questions asked as to the worthiness of the receiver.  As long as they have the credit they can buy what they want and do with it as they may.

          At this time of year in many families there is a glut of expensive presents given to ungrateful children, who soon tire of them and what something else!  It is all a game to so many, as to what their friends receive and their worth rather than what they can use for the Greater Good.

          The manufacturers make vast profits in this way and the High Street is full of special offers and the online companies make you feel that you cannot not buy their wares, because of the seductive language and polished presentation.

          While half the world has far too much, the other half has far too little.  There is a compromise here to be learned and it is by following one’s conscience that balances the rights and wrongs that were engrained there when we came to earth and were born into a material world.

          The Scales of Justice are a familiar sight to so many, but too often they fail to understand their true meaning.  The many who do wrong, are always trying to escape their punishment by pleading innocence and that they did not do anything wrong!

          However they plead, they usual don’t understand that the Scales are balanced in favour of right living and right actions.  Our Creator made us to come here in balance and so He gave us freewill to make our own decisions and a conscience to show us the right and proper way to live in harmony with our fellow man, woman and child. 

          There are only two ways to live on this earth plane of existence and that is to walk our pathway towards our Creator and to grow in his light of unconditional love or to turn away and walk into the darkness of ignorance, so that we can accumulate all that we desire before we are enveloped in the blackness of our own ego and are deaf to our conscience.

          At this time of festivity and choices, I say to you, “Turn around and leave that darkness behind you and walk into the light of unconditional love and receive the gifts of that spiritual nature to help you give your love and time to those who need it most.”

          We were given life and love to come to this earth plane and make it a better place because we came.  We came to share and live in peace and not to hurt others through our own thoughtlessness.

          If we can take responsibilities for our actions, then we will have learned a goodly lesson to build on, so that we are the ones who give without thought of returns, but know that what we do is helping another, who cannot help themselves.

          See the joy on their faces and let their smiles be your own rewards, as you feel within yourself the satisfaction of giving and earning that warmth, which only comes from giving unconditional love.

          There are so many souls who need to understand that they are not alone.  Many feel lost and abandoned.  Many have been abused.  Others made mistakes all on their own and went down a path of little understanding and need a helping hand from one who understands, because once they went down that path themselves.

          We all have experiences and we all have a need to love and be loved, so that sharing is a harmonious act of exchanging what we have to aid another in need.  Try and carry a burden or two this festive season and put your own needs behind you, as you walk towards the light and love of your Creator, who loves you unconditionally.

          Can you really find it in your heart to do anything less?

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