21 November 2015

Why Do You Feel So Tired?

It is the stress of living in the 21st Century without the direction and unconditional love that comes from those who love you in the Spirit Realms that which religions call Heaven, but don’t understand why!

It is often said that in religious terms, it is the abode of God and the angels and where the clergy believe that they are going when they die, as they have followed the rules of their institution.

          Nobody is fit to go directly to meet God after they die as they are clearly misinformed about procedures.  The word God comes from the early understanding that everything that is good comes from the Creator of us and everything else.

          In the earliest of days when Mankind was simple, this Divine Being was portrayed as an elderly man sitting on a throne sorting the sheep from the goats, as it were, when the souls arrived after passing from this earth plane.

           Symbolically, the sheep were those who had led a good life according to the rules of the Church.  The goats were those who had lived for themselves and had simply taken what they wanted regardless of anybody else’s needs.

          In the 21st Century it is difficult to see this actuality, as without understanding the creation of ourselves, how can we understand the Higher Intelligence who made us and our soul interest in becoming at one with Him in time.

          Our physical bodies are well enough understood, as they are on loan to us for our time on this earth plane and will have a finite duration according to how well we look after them.  They are the natural product of a union between a male and a female and this is well understood.

          However, within the physical is placed the Spirit of Life, which is everlasting and created with unconditional love.  That creation is a part of the Great Creator and is, if you like, a little bit of God himself.

          That creation continues after the physical body breaks down and the brain and the organs cease to function and this is called death.  The physical decays and is recycled naturally, as matter cannot be created or destroyed – it simply is in different forms.

          Just before the body ceases to function the spirit or soul is released and goes to the place that it has deserved, according to its measuring up to Spiritual Law, which is the Divine rulebook that we all try and live by.

          No being has led a perfect life and there are always mistakes and errors of judgement that we have made in our pursuit of the joy and happiness that we thought we needed during this life without considering the effect that our behaviour had on others.

          Not everybody listens to their conscience, which is the balancing factor within ourselves that tells us the difference between right and wrong and how we are guided to do the better or greater thing for others rather than simply for ourselves.

          We all have been given by our Creator freewill to decide what we want to do and that means listening and being guided by our conscience or turning away and ignoring it, thus pursuing our own agenda in life and ignoring what our Creator stands for in there.

          This little voice of guidance is the voice of the Creator, who can be found and followed in the quietness of our own soul and is the reason why we came to this earth plane in the first place.

          Our soul came into an earthly body in order to accomplish certain criteria for the greater good of humanity and therefore we will have succeeded or failed according to our conscience, which is our Creator’s direction for us to follow.

          We will not be accepted until we have completed those tasks and, if we have failed to do them on this earth plane, we will have to do them from the Spirit Realms beyond this little globe of physical activity.

          There are very few second chances and it is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to come down and try again.  Only those who were stopped by an accident unseen may be offered another life.

          After we leave this earth, we must make good on our thoughts and deeds and work with others, who have more experience, to accomplish our deeds and put right our mistakes and errors.

          This is done using the facilities of communication that is best understood by the spirit, who has passed and the soul that is sensitive to be guided in their daily work of helping others on this plane of existence.

          There is no quick and certain route from this earthly death to the Godhead, as High Church theology expects, because it has to be earned over the eternity that our soul is made to last and then finally we can become one with God.

Then we can return the purity of what he gave us, which is now free from the contamination of our mistakes.  Here in the 21st Century, it is harder to get it right, because we are so busy and tired though pursuits that are only necessary in earthly terms.

          In these pursuits too many souls have stopped listening to their conscience and have therefore turned their back on their Creator and it will be a long and tiring journey back to Him through all eternity. 

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