22 October 2015

Love Thine Enemy, Pray for Him

          You all must feel that you are at the circus, when all the cages have been left open and the unfed animals are roaming free.  Throughout the Middle East there is a circus of politics, which defy the rational mind.

           Leaders from East and West are imprinting their wills on the people that live there and these people are fuelled by hate and the results are death, war and destruction.  There can be no peace in these lands until the hatred that is fanned from many sources becomes quietened and the love that I taught is allowed to come in.

          I taught that one should love thine enemy and few understand this.  We are all made equal in the Creation and it is only from the teachings of individual men and women that the hatred is learned.

          These feelings are not inbred and are learned through the words of those who come in many disguises, but all have hidden agendas.  Most owe their living to these irrational thoughts and are saying what they are, while paying obedience to their masters above them.

          Man has an ego that runs on power and those at the top of the national tree, who become frightened of losing their powerful status and high paid jobs are the worst in fanning the flames of hatred.

It means that they are losing control when they have to resort to fanciful and untrue reasons for continuing the fight against what they perceive as their enemies.  They become so when they have something that the other wants!

This is often riches in one form or another.  It can be the very land that the other occupies or mineral wealth under the surface.  Whatever it is, it is not right for the strong to try to overcome the weak and to use the heavy hammer when they try to resist.

I say to all who perceive that they have enemies to send out their love to them and to ask the Higher Intelligence to give them love, healing and enlightenment.  In his wisdom, He will know how this can best be addressed and, as you love your neighbour as yourself, so will the situation be healed and peace can ensue.

There are no winners in wartime, as all the assets of a nation are lost or damaged.  The very people who live there find that they lose their lives, their livelihoods and their families and worst of all their children are killed maimed or mentally disturbed for the rest of their lives.

Normality is replaced by a constant hell on earth, as wicked weapons are deployed without any moral consideration and understanding the consequences of what they are doing.  This has to be stopped and if humanity cannot stop it themselves, then our Heavenly Father will use his power to intervene.

          Until the prayers and loving thoughts are sent out to the Heavens for intervention through love and healing to be sent to the troubled areas, there will be no respite.  Send love to those who persecute you and know that there is a Higher Power, who loves all his created children.

          Let the voice of all peoples be raised to allow their Creator’s love to be added to their own and to ask that the mind-sets of those who ignite war and hatred are re-enlightened with the accepted truth or if they will not turn then ask for divine energy to take them out of the equation.

We are all created in unconditional love and it is our birth right to live a life of usefulness and peace.  Nobody actually likes aggression against themselves and it is only the bullyboys who allow it against others, when they feel that they are safe and sound.

We are all individual spirits within this body of physical construction to use for a number of years and to then move on from it, as our spirit, our inner being, is taken back to the Realms from which it came.

When we arrive at the appointed place that we have earned for ourselves by our actions and thoughts here on this earth plane, we shall be confronted by questions as to what we did and what we achieved by being here and did we make a difference for the Greater Good.

We will have to make amends for what we have got wrong and the pain that we caused to others.  Where we have done good things and helped our fellow man, woman and children, we shall be able to work together with others to continue our good deeds and to learn how best to give guidance to those who struggle.

As those who perceive the problems that people struggle with and we are able to give of ourselves for them, so the higher vibrations start to dispel the negativity, which is causing misery and harm to millions of people in this cauldron of fear and hatred in the very lands that I walked all those years ago.

I said then and I say it again now, “Love your enemy and pray for him.  Ask for the Higher Intelligence, our Creating Father if you like, to come with his wisdom and help Mankind to rethink his mind-set and allow peace and love to be the watchwords of humanity in practice and reality.”

This can be done if we all appeal to our Creator and act in love and put hatred away forever.  Whatever you call him, it doesn’t matter. He is all One and is receptive to your calling Him with love and humility to clear up the awful mess that Mankind is proving unable to stop.

I say Amen to that.

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