12 October 2013

Be Good to Each Other and you Will Receive Goodness according to Your Worth

Goodness is golden in the way of spiritual unconditional love that is given by the Father to all his children.  That is a fact of life.  What we have to do is to realise that we are human and that we are prone to make mistakes.

However, the difference in errors made by the good and the worthy from which they learn and move on, is totally different from the calculated choices that some other people make in not doing the right thing, but deliberately and without feeling take advantage of another or others for their own benefit, believing that they will get away with it.

We all make mistakes and that is part of the learning curve of humanity, but it is the intention that rules the difference here between a mistaken action or a moment of thoughtlessness and the deliberate turning away from what ones true conscience teaches in order to take a personal advantage.

The large part of today’s world is shrouded in negativity and thoughtlessness.  People tend to take what they want without thinking of the longer term effects and the consequences to others.  Many are deafened by their own greed and selfishness.

All things are seen by the Father and all actions are monitored in such a way that after a mistake is made then there is a time given for reflection before the comeuppance of Spiritual Law comes into effect.

As I am often saying and did so many times during my ministry on this earth plane, “What you sow, so shall you reap.”  There is no way of escaping this Law, which is at the very heart of all the Laws and Scriptures that have ever been given.

In order to live a good life, each and every soul needs to learn from their genuine mistakes and love their fellow man, woman and child as though they would be treated in the same way that they would wish to be treated themselves.  Then they are close indeed to God, the Father.

The spiritual world is to me a very large family, with the Father at the very pinnacle of it, as the supreme Universal Intelligence of unconditional love and wisdom.  It is he that is responsible for all things that occur within Universal Law. He is the mother and father of all Creation.

We were made in his likeness, by which I mean that within us all is a tiny part of his majesty and love, which guides us through life by giving us the difference between a right way of living and behaving and another way.

This is our conscience, our mind-set of decision making, which is our very being, our essence of life itself.  This is the gift that we have been given and this is what makes us unique and different from one another, because it is the experiences that we encounter and the decisions that we make that forms us into what and who we are.

To be guided with such wisdom is the most important fabric of our existence.  It is what forms our reality of accomplishment on this earth plane and is a perfect record of what we have achieved, but where we fail, perhaps there is still the opportunity to reshape our mind-set in the right and proper way.

After we leave this body we are still alive and well in our spiritual body, which I amply demonstrated to all who wished to understand the meaning of life itself by showing myself after three days had elapsed and also at later times.

During that time I was, like all others who came to this earth, examined by the Spirit in a loving and compassionate way, but my life and achievements and errors where laid open to my scrutiny, as you will find when you pass.

There is no hiding from the truth, so you can never ‘get away’ with your little disappointments or acts of selfishness.  Live in love and share your lives in this family that has been created, so that all may be connected and demonstrate our true feelings and gifts for all to see and for all to honour in the right way. 

There is no escape from the past, so what you have done you will reap.  If you have made mistakes then put them right on the earth plane and therefore do not bring them with you at your passing, where they will be brought to your attention and you will have to make good your harm to others by your own neglect.

As you live your life, so you will reap your reward or comeuppance.  The choice is very much up to you, but I can promise you this.  All those who try to put right what they have done wrong will be helped to do so and a genuine heart is as the prodigal son returning to the Father, where there is always unconditional love in welcoming home the child that strayed, but who came home to make amends, as you would welcome your children, would you not?

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