01 May 2013

Today Is Just Another Day Or Is It?

Each and every day there are challenges that are brought to us.  They are many and varied and some we adopt and others we ignore.

In western civilisations, most people are able to exercise that choice, but this is not so for everybody and many face decisions that are life threatening.

Throughout much of the world, wars and fighting are paramount in the way that people spend their lives.  There are even risks attached to many civilian areas, as groups and individuals are prone to use bombs and explosives for their own ends regardless of the loss of life.

Many are now trying to exist in areas where there are scant amounts of food and water.  Others have fled their homes and are residing in refugee camps on hand-outs.

Even in the more prosperous western nations, economies are collapsing and unemployment is rising, as the effects of greed by financiers and Governments have not been in the best interests of their people.

All of this and more is giving rise to a culture where love for one’s fellow man, woman and child is being eroded to such an extent that the negative energies and immoral purposes are holding sway against decency and goodness.

Until Mankind stops and starts to look at what he is doing as part of a greater picture, he will be in even more trouble than he is in now.  The projected effects from his present course will see the human race destroyed unless all stop and take stock, but even then they will fail to know how best they can do a U-turn to avoid catastrophe.
Many years ago I told all those who would listen to me, to prepare for the Kingdom of God by helping each other and doing good deeds.  “The Kingdom of Heaven is within,” I told them.  Have you not read about this?

In order to progress in the Love of Our Father, we have to look within ourselves and to hear our conscience and to feel the pain when we do it wrong.  There is no way that anybody can do this for us.  We are solely responsible for ourselves and our way of life.

You will receive what you sow.  There is no way that this can be escaped, because you are spirit in physical body and when you leave that worn out body behind, your spirit becomes free and expands so that you are uniquely alive still and existing with others in a Spiritual World.

How you have lived on this earth plane will determine at what level your soul has developed to and with whom you are fit to associate, either in the light of love or in the darkness of your own making.

So what each and every person on this globe must decide for themselves is how they want to live hereafter and that means starting here and now.  By living and helping others to improve themselves and to show kindness and goodness to others, you will progress towards that light of human kindness in the next step of your journey.

Those who prefer to live in the Darkness of Ignorance, which is the home of negative thoughts and unseemly and unkind behaviour to ones fellow men, women and children, will feel the pain of their misdeeds and cannot move on until they have made amends.

By changing tact on this earth, they will all find it easier to be accepted further on in their next port of call, which is beyond this earth plane.  If they refuse to start now, they will be taken out as the negativity on this plane of existence is reaching a critical level and the reverse course must be undertaken.

Now is the time to change.  Listen to the goodly and honest souls if you can find them.  Some still do exist and they are working to bring some sense to a human species, which is hell bent on destroying itself.

It is no use leaving it to others to do for you.  That is the trouble.  It is always somebody elses problem, but unless you choose to do your bit, it will be too late for you and all those who you purport to love, so get off your butt and start to live for the good future by living on a love vibration and put every other emotion on the back burner until you have evaporated them away and only recognise what is worthy of you.

I say, “Amen to that” and so should you.

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