02 March 2013

Take a Long and Good Look at Yourself

          It is of vital importance that you do, as it has never been as important as in the coming few weeks.  Should you follow the advice given out from here in many diverse ways, you will have had the opportunity to know that we have been saying for some time now that change is coming.

          Change is almost upon us and unless you act in a positive way and revue yourself and your life here on this earth plane you are going to be disappointed.  Very few people have had the right attitude to the spiritual way of life and what it means.

          It is a pathway to giving and receiving in equal measure, so that as you help others so you are helped.  The greater your resources the greater are your responsibilities.  No one is exempt and the Maker of all life and love did so in the hope and expectancy that his creations would love each other and help each other on their way, so a world of harmony and grace could exist.

          However this has not been the case and, as Mankind has persistently taken for his own aggrandisement and greed, so have the men and women in the street, the ordinarily souls, been cowered and frightened to awake and form any sort of dissatisfaction.

          The divide between the haves and the have-nots has widened to such an extent that the masses have largely become deprived of their basic human rights the world over.  This has occurred to such an extent that there is no solution in sight other than the intervention of a massive scale as Universal Laws come into effect.

          Always in the past a bad judgement has led to that soul having the opportunity to put matters right again.  However few recognise this and so they continue on their merry and loathsome way continuing to perpetrate their self-interest.

          The little people have raised hardly a stir, but have put up with whatever excuses they were told and so, like the animals in the book Animal Farm, they became used to their lot and were not bright enough to raise the voices for a better world around them.

          Universal Law says that you reap what you sow.  It happens thus but slowly.  Now the accumulation of many past times is affected by energy changes, which are to take away the fear of the downtrodden and to give them a voice to act and change.

          So I say to you, “Go and look within.”  Your true nature is within yourself and not without – that is the material world and not the spiritual.  Your conscience is within you and from there comes your guidance and love, if you will let it.

Those who cling to the material and negative world and turn their backs on the Creator and his doctrines and teachings, against all the advice of the true prophets who come individually and not through organisations which are power corrupted, will fall.

This is not pie in the sky anymore.  You will see within the coming weeks a strengthening of the frightened and a draining away of the ego that has held Mankind to ransom for so long.

          The egotistical warrior features of so many in all forms of authority will crumble and peace will break out again.  No longer can it be denied.  The people don’t want wars.  They want a simple but sustaining life of love within the family and enough to sustain their needs.  The wants of the aggressive will be calmed and the rights of all people will be considered and can be achieved.

          See that what we say here is true and if you doubt, so be it.  Even Thomas was convinced, even though it was had won.  Ask yourselves if you are really doing your best for others and, if you can do more, do not be afraid to stand up and do what is right and good.  You know it makes sense, but are you too lazy and selfish to make that positive move and bring a smile to one in need.

          What you sow you will reap, so sow good seed on fertile ground and receive a harvest worthy of the collecting.  So shall all people flourish and so shall all souls reap their just rewards.  Amen.

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