31 August 2010

If You are on the Move

If you are on the move, then consider your options very carefully.  There are so many situations that you need to take into account from an earthly point of view.  There are however a great deal more that also need to be considered from a spiritual view point.

Where you are now is a place where you have left your vibrational energies according to the amount of time that you have been there.  This is not a matter of choice, but a matter of fact.

We are all energy that vibrates at a certain vibration and, according to its heaviness, so it vibrates slowly.  You can test this for yourselves as you can climb a mountain or a high hill and feel uplifted when you are at the top, but in the valley below this is not usually the case.

All matter that is used by us in our physical bodies cause vibrational energies to be given off, so that they will be attracted to whatever matter they come in contact with.  This is the science that is used in Psychometry, when a sensitive soul can experience evidence of whom or what has been close to that item.

An item of jewellery worn a lot by a single person can absorb over time sufficient vibrations to keep the source of the wearer impregnated, so that if another person wears that item they may well feel strongly a sense of wanting to wear it or a feeling of not wanting to mix their energies with that item.

Sometimes you may have heard someone say that although it was very pretty they couldn't possibly wear it.  Their energies are not in harmony with those given off by the item concerned.

It is the same with place.  Where people have dwelt in perfect harmony together in a dwelling, others experience a sense of peace and healing in the atmosphere that is given off.  In other dwellings there may be a heavier atmosphere and a feeling of not being wanted there.

Some houses are easier to sell than others and it has nothing to do with the price.  Dwellings have feelings too and it is very necessary for all who come to consider any place as a source of energy that will mix happily and discordantly with a new energy being introduced.

People have been heard to say that they never felt right in their home and this is why.  Some have no choice as it is the other partner who may be the one to pay the piper his fee, but I say to you, "Be careful of the energies in a new dwelling place before you commit yourself to years of living there."

To be at peace in your own home is of the greatest importance and it will become quite impossible for people to behave in a spiritual way if they rest, relax and sleep within an incompatible energy.

To recharge the soul at night is one thing, but to feel the negativity disrupting an otherwise good nights rest is quite another.  The soul can and does leave the body to rest, but returns always recharged but is then limited by the state of the physical body.

Your soul is your real self, not your body, so that like the house with uncomfortable vibrations, so the returning soul finds itself in discomfiture in an unhappy body.  This may be from the disturbance by negativity in the residual energies or because you have neglected your body and it is no longer up to spec.

Your body and your home are both temporary items in which you lodge and you are responsible for their state of repair and cleanliness.  Be sure that before you move you make certain that your new dwelling is cleaned and blessed to accept you and your body for a lighter and livelier existence in a spiritual way.

Remember that you are truly responsible for your thoughts and actions in this lifetime and will need to account for the reasons behind them.  It is of no use it being not your fault if you are too lazy to do the preparation required.

I send you my good thoughts for your welfare and understanding, because there is so very much that you can do for yourself to make your life easier and more secure in every way, as long as you do it in the right way with good intentions and love.  Amen.

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