14 August 2010

Your Future is in Your Own Hands, Don't Turn Away and Ignore it


To be in a state of heavenly grace is in your own hands and minds, because the way you are, is the way that your thought patterns develop as you go through the experiences of existence.


Your mind comes from the essence of life which our Father gave you and since that time you have reacted and learned from situations which were presented to you.  According to the way that you made profit from these opportunities, so you structured your being in terms of negative or positive thought.


Everything is about energy.  The Universe is created by energy and so it is able to move and change according to the Laws that govern it.  The Universe and all that is in it, is vibrating energy.  You and I both are vibrating energy.


According to the speed at which energy vibrates, so it becomes changed in its recognisable state.  Water may be seen as ice, or liquid, or gas.  The slower this energy vibrates the more solid it appears to be.


This also applies to negative and positive energies.  The energy of love, which is a gift given by our Father is a positive energy and vibrates in a lighter and faster mode of agitation.  Fear and depression are negative vibrations and cause darkness and unhappiness.


So when I say to you that your state of mind is according to your own choosing, I am telling you that if you lighten your hearts and fill them with love for your Creator and all he has created, which includes you and your fellowman, then you bring about a state of heavenly grace within yourself.


The Kingdom of Heaven is given to us all to achieve for ourselves.  It is a state of being which we may earn and prosper in according to the way that we live our lives.  We may choose through our freewill whether we wish to exist in a state of fear and negativity through selfishness and greed or to open our minds to the lightness of loving vibrations to those about us and be content with what we need.


To always hanker for more of the material in this lifetime, and to blind ourselves from the truth of eternal existence, will lead to a state of reckoning in the darkness by those who ignore the loving vibrations, which are the currency required to move on into the next stage of life beyond this present body.


The Father made all things simple and easy to understand, but the teachings of men who wish to have power over others in this short period of existence on this physical plane have made matters so complicated that many turn away and ignore their future.


Two things are certain my friends, we are born into body and in time we must leave it, so why is it so hard for souls to prepare themselves for the next journey that will take them into the lightness of a loving state or into the darkness of ignorance where they must learn from the beginning?


Nothing in this Universe ever stands still.  Our Father made everything so that each and every creation could progress and move on to higher and better states of existence.  We have the choice to go forwards or backwards – into the light or into the darkness.


So I say to you again, "The choice is yours.  Look for a good life in the service of others and you will be rewarded by the light and love of progression.  If you choose to hide under a blanket of ignorance, where illumination cannot be furnished, then you will have a longer and harder road to travel."


I came to light your way and to prove that life is eternal.  If you follow my words, I will welcome you into the glorious light of understanding and love.  Should you choose to ignore me and those who serve with me, then I cannot help you until you turn and ask to be shown the way.


I am sending out my thoughts to all who carry love for others in their hearts to come and be refreshed, so that they no longer are heavily ladened.  Amen.


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