04 August 2010

After Receiving the Joy Give Thanks


There is no such thing as luck as even a coin tossed in the air can be predicted as to which side it will face upwards when it comes to rest.  Everything that happens can be described as good fortune, but always it is what you have earned.


When ten lepers came to me for healing they came with the right intentions, but were short on the power of belief.  They knew I could heal them but they doubted within themselves that I would.


I told them to go and show themselves to the priest and they would be cured.  As they travelled their belief that the power of our Father would heal them became stronger, so they were healed.


Later on one of them came back to me praising God and thanked me by offering us a meal at his house.  I asked him, "Where are the nine?"  All had been cured, but only this one came back in his joy and gave thanks.


All had earned the right to be healed, but only the one knew his duty to our Father to give thanks for the joy that he had received.  Do you know people like that who receive a precious gift and are so busy enjoying it that they do not stop to give thanks?


I say to you, "If you fail to give thanks you will hardly be expecting to receive more."


All things have to be earned and then can be enjoyed, but how long is it before you can think of how it came about that you were blessed and give thanks to the Higher Universal Energies that govern us all, who some call God'?


The Master of all things is the Force who gave you life and set you on this journey of discovery to become wise and loving to all that the Force has made and given to us all to enjoy.  When did you last give thanks to the Creator for your being and your continued existence?


From our birth into Spirit, we travel a journey through many mansions and this mansion that we are in now is but one.  Our lifetime on this earth plane is but a posting along our way as we travel through eternity to the Promised Land.


Some call the next mansion The Happy Hunting Ground, where the Great Spirit lives, but this is not strictly so.  The Great Spirit of all Existence lives everywhere, within everything and is there by the Laws of the Spirit to balance whichever mansion we are in.


There are souls who still question this, because they say that there are things that are not good that happen, which God should not allow, but when Mankind makes an error the Laws of the Spirit make him responsible for clearing it up.


If Man cuts down the trees on the hillside so that when it rains the soil is washed away and floods the valley, this is not of God's doing but Man's, so Man, as I am always telling you, must reap what he sows.


The Universe is all about balance and so when you face your future, where and when, you will be called to balance the errors by putting right the mistakes and disharmony that you caused and when this is done you will be able to move on to the next mansion and not before.


There is no hurry in the Universe of Existence as there is all the time in the Universe for you to get ready and put right those things that you have left undone, but the sooner that you start the sooner you can move on to that Happy Hunting Ground of your choice and hunt for whatever seems right to you in a perfect state of happiness, which some call Heaven.


Heaven is a state of mind and you don't have to wait until to pass on to have it.  You can create it yourselves by living in a state grace and love with all those around you and by banishing negativity from your heart and filling it with positive love and harmony for all that is.


If you work on this it will be given to you and as you ask for further enlightenment for the right intentions, so that door of knowledge will be opened to you and after that joy of receiving, stop and give thanks.  Amen.


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