12 August 2010

Time to Think and Seek Answers

Now that there are energy changes in your life, you will start to feel uplifted and will start to question your existence and why you are here.  You have been existing long enough in an earthly way and are now coming, as so many others are, to a turning point, where you must decide your future worth.

All souls within this plane of existence are feeling a difference within their being and are no longer comfortable with the way things are.  You are no different and you will question and need to seek answers, so that you can move on.

We are all the creation of our Father, who gave us life which is eternal and the opportunity to allow ourselves to develop as individuals and create our own personality, so that we are all different to each other

We are not only different my friends, but we are unable to 'die' and so our soul continues onwards for all eternity in whatever state we chose to live.  No one can walk another's path and what we choose to do is our responsibility alone.

There is always help available, but unlike your earthly material world where you can live on credit, in the real world of our Father's creation of the Spirit, everything has to be earned before one can achieve.

There is no such thing as a life in balance when there are outstanding issues to be met and recompense has to be paid for.  All in good time will you and every soul ever made, come to this conclusion of the truth, but how far you travel away from that light and into the darkness of ignorance is for you alone to choose.

This beautiful globe of existence has become increasingly weighed down by the negativity of greed and self interest.  It is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

There have been so many who have wondered at this meaning, but I say to you that no rich man can bring with him his wealth to the Gates of Heaven after he has passed from this earthly life and therefore it is all but impossible for him to thus enter.

The rich man, who lives in a state of heavenly mind on earth, uses his wealth for good and deserving purposes and therefore stores up for himself wealth in Heaven where there is nothing that can corrupt his achievements.

These fruits of his life will be there awaiting him when he arrives in spiritual form and he will be taken to the place that he has earned for himself and no where else.  By your fruits you are known and so all can see what you have achieved in unconditional love to your fellowman.

There you will be complete and comfortable, because you will be in harmony with yourself and your surroundings and there is no where else that you can be.

So now you are coming to that point in your life when you are being asked, "Is this where you want to be?  Is this the best that you can do with your life or is there more that you want to achieve in unconditional love through the helping of others and the progression of your own soul?"

Look deep within and see yourself and what you have already managed to achieve and examine how full or how empty you are with love and kindness, so that you will have enough riches stored up for you to allow your safe passage to the light.

The alternative is to wake up in the darkness of ignorance and have to find your way, groping for understanding and enlightenment, which you previously ignored and allowed selfishness and greed in the material to be your short-term comforts.

I pray that you will look towards the light now and furnish your mind and soul with thoughts of goodness and find a light to carry you all the way to a state of heavenly grace within your own mind and soul.  Amen.

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