24 August 2010

Hope Springs Eternal


Hope is an energy which needs to be held in every heart, because without hope the heavier vibrations of negativity find easy passage.


Hope is a lightening conductor of vibrancy, which if properly motivated will keep you afloat through the many changes of the ups and downs through this earthly existence.


Hope springs eternal within a happy breast, because there it is recognised as the future yardstick to which you have attached your colours to the mast and the greater your hope and sincerity, the greater the likelihood of achievement becomes.


In order to understand the relationship between a soul and their Father, we must all recognise that even if we set aside our thoughts of what he stands for in our lives and the targets which he gives us to accomplish, he never for an instant leaves us on our own.


The great Law Book of the Universe is well thumbed by all those who are privy to it and there are so very many unseen hands and minds, who spend their time ensuring that these Laws are fully obeyed and parity remains unsullied.


We are all held aloft in the hope and understanding that we will achieve mighty things and that we will not fall short of our stated objectives of the blueprint, which we agreed before setting off to accomplish it.


You do not remember any of this, because with the knowledge of what we came to do we would be prepared and not act in innocence according to our receptivity of life up to that point of discovery.


We are all in the same state of consciousness, but in different stages of achievement and so we are held back from knowing what we do not strictly need to know until we ask in the quietness of our minds and find fulfilment and answers there.


As we travel our road of life, we must always put aside any thoughts of earthly comforts and allow us to be supplied with what we deserve and need according to our requirements and our destination.


Nobody is abandoned, even when they turn away and leave the main concourse of life to pursue pleasures of another kind.  They will be minded according to their needs and aspirations, always assuming the right intensions and the unharming of other souls.


Too many souls in recent years are following a material road to self satisfaction and self grandeur at the expense of others for whom they care little or nothing.  If they cannot be turned, they will have to reconsider their options in a more purposeful way.


We all have to atone for our mistakes, but the pressure of adjustment depends on the reason that we erred.  To take pleasure in the enacting of harming others or to be uncaring for their pain brings its own retribution.


We can align ourselves to the lightness of our vibrations through love and hope to uplift us and to keep us from the darker flights of fancy, but always we have to set our own standards to be judged by, so that fairness and truth will carry us beyond the darkness of ignorance.


Before we become too bogged down with the weighty pleasures of life, we must ask ourselves what may be the consequences of our actions and at what time is the calling to account of what we think and do.


Remember that in the true light of our Father's love there is no cover of darkness that can hide us and we will be naked to his gaze when we try to protest our ignorance in the light of day and his radiant being of truth and clarity of purpose.


Be ready to examine all you do and why before you do it and carry before you the Eternal Hope that even as you struggle, you struggle not alone, but with the guidance from within that springs eternally from above for all, who walk the path of truth and love.  Amen.


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